Zaproponuj artykuł

Zbieramy materiały z całego świata i udostępniamy je studentom, nauczycielom i zainteresowanym osobom. Naszą wizją jest stworzenie unikalnego hubu dla materiałów edukacyjnych, który połączy ich producentów i użytkowników na całym świecie. Aby ta wizja mogła się spełnić, potrzebujemy Twojej pomocy!
Jakiego typu materiałów szukamy?
Jeśli znajdziesz materiały lub kursy, które powinny zostać dodane do Exploring Economics, możesz przekazać je za pośrednictwem naszego serwisu "Zgłoś treść". Zaproponowane przez Ciebie materiały mogą być powiązane z Twoim nazwiskiem na stronie internetowej, gdy materiał zostanie opublikowany. Ostateczna akceptacja i (wzajemna) weryfikacja materiału jest dokonywana przez nasze grupy redakcyjne.
Mile widziane są propozycje materiałów dla...
- Publicly available videos/ video-lectures and lecture series, e.g. from Youtube or a university streaming platform
- Publicly available academic blog articles and essays
- Open-source (-access) animations, learning games, multimedia dossiers and teaching material
- Massive open online courses (MOOCs), e.g. from coursera or edX
- Open-access e-books and books that are available in public libraries. We collect book suggestions & reviews in our new pluralist economics e-library section!
- Openly accessible working papers that describe a theory, topic, or controversy in a comprehensible way, are introductory in nature, and can therefore be used as learning materials (see, e.g., this working paper)
- Book reviews that give a clear idea of what the book is about, give an assessment of its strengths/weaknesses, has a word count between 500 and 2000 words
We currently do not accept...
- Term papers, theses, (for-sale) journal articles and newspaper articles
- Any content that is not freely available on the internet. We only connect (or embed) publicly available material (via URL-link) to our platform.
- Material that has no long term e-learning content (e.g. news articles)
- Material that fails to meet the quality standards (see below)
- Typical working papers that do not have an introductory character and rather deal with current research and specialized scientific discourses and therefore cannot be used as learning material
Which criteria must new content fulfil?
Does the material provide economic knowledge? Certainly, the material can approach an economic issue or school of thought from a political, sociological, psychological, technical, etc. point of view - nevertheless, the core aspect of the material has to be a theory, method or topic that is related to (existing or possible) economic phenomena, problems, practices, structures, and systems.
A multi-media dossier about the causes and consequences of climate change, for instance, may not directly be relevant. An essay or info-video about the role of the global economy in producing climate change or the chances and limits of “Green Capitalism” to limit climate change, however, could be relevant for Exploring Economics.
Is the material produced in an adequately professional way and does it meet certain scientific standards? In the case of academic blog articles or video-lectures, the argumentation should be clear and comprehensible and follow a scientific rather than an opinion-led character, though the differentiation between both can be difficult of course since value-free science cannot exist. Nevertheless, (political) statements should be backed by arguments and empirical remarks.
Please be cautious with certain institutes that are politically biased or promote a specific agenda; make the respective background of the material transparent in the comment section of the online material suggestion form. Take into account not only scientific but also technical quality criteria. Does the audio-podcast or the video, for instance, have good audio quality? Is the text well-written and structured and error-free? Are graphics correctly labelled and are the data sources indicated?
We want to overcome the Global North-bias of Exploring Economics. This means that perspectives and topics that focus on the Global South or countries/issues in the Global South are of special interest.
Where can I find new content?
Get familiar with the website
We want to increase the quality and quantity of material that is provided and linked by Exploring Economics in the “discover” and "study" sections. But most importantly we want to increase the diversity of learning material provided.
So, if you need inspiration, have a look at the sections Discover and Study find out which topics and materials are already integrated on Exploring Economics. You can filter by perspectives, topics or use the search option to focus on your area of interest. Check for example if your favourite author is already linked. Browse through different categories and take a look at the different materials in order to get familiar with the type of content we are looking for.
Don’t know where to start? For online material look regularly on e.g.:
- The typical searching engines, like google, bing, yahoo, etc.
- Academic searching engines, see an overview here
- Online portals on different topics, e.g.,,
- Different YouTube channels, e.g. Plurale Ökonomik, Rethinking Economics, INET, etc.
- Check out our list of platforms for more sources
- Follow the debates on Facebook, Twitter, Mendeley, etc. There are often specific groups (e.g. on political economy) that you can join. There is always interesting material linked.
- You can visit websites and subscribe to newsletters of academic associations, publishers, educational institutions, foundations, and check if there is material linked in the newsletters that would fit Exploring Economics.
- You can create google alerts for the topics and perspectives that you are looking for.
For online courses (MOOC) you can look on:
- Coursera:
- edX:
- Iversity:
- Iai Academy:
- Complexity Explorer:
- UN:
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