Writing Workshop on Gender and the Economy
Perspectives of Feminist Economics
March, 3-5 2017, Berlin and online
During the workshop, we reflected and discussed topics on gender and the economy and wrote essays which will be published in May and June on the online platform Exploring Economics.
Global care chains, refugee crisis, and deskilling of workers by Dita Dobranja
The Gender strategy of the IMF: The way to go towards gender equality or a mere instrumentalisation of feminism? by Lisa Weinhold and Carolin Brodtmann
The effect of austerity on unpaid work and gender relations in Europe by Lotte Maaßen
The impact of Austerity on Gender in Tertiary Education: A Theoretical Analysis by Zeynep M. Nettekoven and Izaskun Zuazu
Who cares? Towards a convergence of feminist economics and degrowth in the (re)valuation of unpaid care work by Jannis Eicker and Katharina Keil
Representing everyone – An Analysis of the Representation of Migrant Women by official Labour Organizations in Germany by Tess Herrmann
How can childcare policy affect intra-household power dynamics? by Francesca Sanders and Nina Schubert
Enough! The Sufficiency Approach and the limits of Economic Growth by Fernanda Nacif
We worked in small groups on the following four topics:
- Gender and Austerity. The Financial Crisis and its Impact in Europe
- Gender and Migration. The Division of Labour and Gender Roles in the Caring Economy
- Gender in the Household. Decisions on Money, Time, and Care
- Gender, Care & the Limits of Economic Growth. A Convergence of Feminist and Ecological Economics
Topics of feminist economics and questions on gender, the division of labour and reproductive work are hardly dealt with in economic teaching and research. The aim of the workshop is to draw attention to the importance of gender relations in economics. To this aim, we will analyse how economic processes influence people of different genders and gender relations and how gender relations, as well as social roles, shape economic processes and economic possibilities. We will address those questions using examples from current research in feminist economics.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us via email: info@exploring-economics.org
Organised by:
Exploring Economics is an open-source online learning platform by the (German) Network for Pluralism in Economics that provides students of economics and other disciplines the opportunity to explore and study perspectives, topics, and methods of pluralist economics.
Supported by efas:
efas (economy feminism and science) is an interdisciplinary network of feminists in economics and business administration and scientists from related disciplines and professional areas. Its aim is the promotion of gender-related research and teaching in economic sciences and the support of young female scholars in economics and adjacent sciences.