The Austrian Tradition in Economics

Pete Boettke
YouTube, 2015
Poziom: początkujący
Nurt ekonomii: Ekonomia austriacka
Temat: mikroekonomia, philosophy of economics
Formularz: podcast
Czas trwania: 58:02

Peter Boettke, Professor of Economics and Philosophy at George Mason University, talks about the history and the main methodological and epistemological tenets of the Austrian school. He argues that good economics is the mainline tradition of "squaring rational choice with the invisible hand theorem through institutional analysis".


Comment from our editors:

The talk is useful for getting a better perspective on the differences between libertarian movement and Austrian economics. Boettke is polemicizing with the standard libertarian 'mythology' and points out that it has to be about doing good economics and not about politics.

Go to: The Austrian Tradition in Economics


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