Economics After Neoliberalism

Suresh Naidu, Dani Rodrik, Gabriel Zucman
Boston Review, 2019
Poziom: początkujący
Nurt ekonomii: Inne
Temat: mikroekonomia, philosophy of economics
Formularz: Dossier

This Forum in the Boston Review deals with the role of economics in modern policymaking and represents a wide set of perspectives on the topic. The opening text by Suresh Naidu, Dani Rodrik and Gabriel Zucman aims to answer a range of common criticism against the modern, neoclassic science of economics and its influence in public discussions. The different comments they received criticise their proposition from positions on the right and left, in- and outside of the accepted field of economics, are strongly politically biased or neutrally attacking methodological weaknesses. The authors of the opening categorize the responses into those who call for stronger normative influence in economics, those who ask for greater methodological and institutional pluralism and one group which defends neoliberalism in its achievements for the global poor.

In summary, these articles brings together the essence of discussions in fiscal, social, political, labor and market economy, critizises it's shortcomings and advocates for multiple perspectives in the analysis of a sustainable and socially more equal economy. An easy and essential read. 

Comment from our editors:

This set of texts comprises a large variety of perspectives on an important discussion around the science of economics and its externalities. The representation of contradictory opinions of scholars and contributions from politically biased commentators in a single collection illuminates the already existing diversity of perspectives in and on economics beyond the mainstream. The discussion breaks political and methodological bubbles and should be read as a collection of articles - do not stop after the first.


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