9 results

In this short talk „On Economics“ Ha-Joon Chang, author of the book „Economics: The User's Guide“, gives a critical wrap-up on the economic discipline – on what is perceived as economics, what are dominant paradigms, the role of numbers and economics in public life. He further elaborates on the importance of heterodox schools of thought.
Level: débutant
Ha-Joon Chang on Economics
This video animates part of the talk “On Economics” by Ha-Joon Chang in which he states that economics is not a science for experts but for everyone. Chang further argues why it is important to take into account different perspectives on economics – he identifies at least nine school of thoughts which all have their strengths and weaknesses and presents examples on free trade and well-being. Chang further elaborates on the difficulties of changing the economic status quo.
Level: débutant
Economics Is For Everyone!
Il est observé depuis plusieurs années, et depuis le passage à l'euro en particulier, que la perception de l'inflation par les citoyens diffère de l'inflation mesurée par les statisticiens de l'INSEE. Cet article explique comment l'indicateur de l'inflation est construit et met en lumière les choix méthodologiques, nécessaires mais non-neutres, qui le sous-tend.
Level: avancé
Derrières les chiffres de l'inflation. Mesures et controverses.
Getting to the policy discussion table is one of the objectives pursued by feminist scholars and advocates. However, some participants in this process have remarked that “you cannot get to the policy discussion table until you have proven that you can crunch the numbers.”
Level: débutant
Statistics for Feminists
This course describes Bayesian statistics in which one s inferences about parameters or hypotheses are updated as evidence accumulates You will learn to use Bayes rule to transform prior probabilities into posterior probabilities and be introduced to the underlying theory and perspective of the Bayesian paradigm The course will apply …
Level: débutant
Bayesian Statistics
There are three things one can do on this website - 1. Learn 2. Help Teach 3. Sign up for the MOOC.
Level: débutant
Econometrics Academy
Forecasting is required in many situations. Stocking an inventory may require forecasts of demand months in advance.
Level: avancé
Forecasting: principles and practice
This course introduces the main topics in Econometrics by using R statistical software. The relation of themes is comprehensive and includes the basic notions such as linear regression, multiple regression, causal inference, regression discontinuity and instrumental variable. In total, the course covers thirteen chapters that are common in any undergraduate econometrics course.
Level: avancé
Introduction to Econometrics with R
This statistics and data analysis course will introduce you to the essential notions of probability and statistics We will cover techniques in modern data analysis estimation regression and econometrics prediction experimental design randomized control trials and A B testing machine learning and data visualization We will illustrate these concepts with …
Level: avancé
Data Analysis for Social Scientists

Nous soutenir

Ce projet est le fruit du travail des membres du réseau international pour le pluralisme en économie, dans la sphère germanophone (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) et dans la sphère francophone (Rethinking Economics Switzerland / Rethinking Economics Belgium / PEPS-Économie France). Nous sommes fortement attachés à notre indépendance et à notre diversité et vos dons permettent de le rester ! 
