492 results

Economist and 2020 Balzan Prize winner for Environmental Challenges: Responses from the Social Sciences and Humanities, Joan Martínez Alier, speaks on the importance of ecological economics and its timeliness around the 2007/2008 global financial crisis. He speaks on the importance of building the field of ecological economics “from the ground up” through praxis.
Level: débutant
Ecological Economics
Esther Duflo discusses the fact that in social policy one cannot check the big questions, i.e. whether development assistance as an aggregate is helpful, because there is no counterfactual. She then suggests to focus on smaller questions such as what prevents or incentiveses people from immunizing their kids or whether mosquito bednets should be distributed for free. These questions can be answered by using randomized control trials as in the medical sciences. Thus, she argues, by bringing the experimental method to social policy analysis better decisions as to where allocate funds can be made.
Level: débutant
Social experiments to fight poverty
Dans cette conférence André Orléan fondateur de l école hétérodoxe de l économie des conventions donne les enjeux d un tournant expérimental des sciences économiques L essor de l économie comportementale des RCT randomized controlled trials et de l analyse économétrique à partir d expériences naturelles histoire économique développement montre …
Level: avancé
Le tournant expérimental en économie
Caring activities are one central element of feminist economists' analysis – also since in particular unremunerated work is a blind spot in mainstream economics and most other economic paradigms. Those focus on the market sphere: activities are considered as productive and as real labour if they are remunerated and market-intermediated. Goods and services are considered as labour if they create a value which can be traded on the market. Feminist Economics remarks that this perspective creates certain dichotomies and consequent devaluations: unproductive – productive; private – public; unpaid – remunerated OR paid less – well paid; female – male; soft work – hard work; caring – rationality.
Level: débutant
Reproductive Labour and Care
Dans cet entretien mené pour la revue Regards Croisés sur l'Économie, Christine Delphy donne des clés pour analyser le travail gratuit des femmes, rendu invisible dans la sphère économique. Le rôle des politiques publiques dans la perpétuation de cette organisation économique est également mis en lumière, ainsi que la difficulté pour les sciences économiques à capturer cette dimension genrée du travail.
Level: débutant
L'économie féministe - Entretien avec Christine Delphy
Since Daniel Kahneman won the Nobel Memorial Price in Economic Sciences in 2002, a new branch of economics gained academic and popular interest. That is, the so-called area of behavioural economics. However, some scholars claim that this new area of economics is not changing much of the mainstream paradigm. Why?
Level: avancé
Is Behavioural Economics the New Mainstream?
This essay draws on several analyses on the gender impact of the recession and of austerity policies, in which authors acknowledge a threat to women’s labour market integration and a potential backlash to traditional gender labour structures. We contribute to that literature by asking whether recession and austerity convey a gender effect on educational attainment. Our aim in this essay is to portray the likely effects of austerity measures on gender equality with a focus on women’s participation in tertiary education and to hypothesize the implications of these scenarios for labour market effects, to be tested in future empirical research.
Level: débutant
The impact of Austerity on Gender in Tertiary Education: A Theoretical Analysis
The text presents a short perspective of International Political Economy, which "have often sought to complement discussions of governance with a healthy dose of critique", on resistance against e.g. economic inequality or economic and political power.
Level: débutant
This article reviews insights of existing literature on global care chains. A specific focus is laid on the impact that the refugee crisis has on global care chains and in turn how the crisis impacts the de-skilling of the women in the migrant workforce.
Level: débutant
Global care chains, refugee crisis, and deskilling of workers
Thomas Boraud, neurobiologiste, directeur de recherche au CNRS et à l’Institut des maladies neurodégénératives, CNRS-Université de Bordeaux nous expose l'antinomie entre l’Homme comme un animal doué de raisonnement rationnel et sa psychologie au quotidien. Il introduit sa présentation par des arguments provenant de la biologie et de la théorie de l'évolution pour expliquer en quel sens le concept d'homo œconomicus est dépassé et doit être revu au jour d'aujourd'hui. Il expose les fondements du processus de prise de décision (biais cognitif, capacité cognitive limitée...) pour décrire la part d’aléatoire qui est présente dans ces processus. On y apprend que notre appréhension du réel est largement modelée par nos comportements, eux-mêmes contraints par les circonstances de notre environnement.
Level: avancé
Le cerveau entre raison et émotion - Saison 2016-2017 - Conférences en ligne - Ressources - Cité des sciences et de l'industrie
In this blog article Steve Keen elaborates on flawed climate change modelling and mainstream economics forecasts. In specific, he stresses the climate change forecasts of the DICE model (“Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy”) by Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences winner William Nordhaus.
Level: avancé
The Cost of Climate Change
There are three things one can do in this website - 1. Learn 2. Help Teach 3. Sign up MOOC. This is a semester-long graduate course in Econometrics. This course is intended for graduate students in economics-related fields and more generally in social sciences. The course includes an overview of the models and theory and applications using Stata, R, or SAS programs. This econometrics class covers about 15 of the most commonly used econometric models in economics, such as linear regression, panel data models, probit and logit models, limited dependent variable models, count data models, time series models, and many more.
Level: débutant
Econometrics Academy - Common Econometric Models & Statistical Software
Multimedia dossier on unpaid labor (featuring the UK statistics office unpaid work calculator), migrant care labor and feminist political economy more generally.
Level: débutant
Housework – I-PEEL.org
In this essay the author elaborates on the EU's perspective on the fast growing sector of the platform economy.
Level: débutant
Sharing is Caring? On the EU- Narrative on Platform Economy
Here we look at the effect of the 2008 Climate Change Act passed in Parliament in the United Kingdom as an effort to curb emissions in all sectors. The Act aside from setting goals to become a low-carbon economy sets up an independent committee on Climate Change to ensure the implementation of policies to comply with the ultimate goal of 80% reduction in total emissions in 2050. I make use of the Synthetic Control Method (SCM) to create a comparative case study in which the creation of a synthetic UK serves as a counterfactual where the treatment never occurred (Cunningham, 2018).
Level: débutant
Synthetic Control Method for Estimating the Effect of the Climate Change Act of 2008 in Britain
Xerfi Canal a reçu Denis Colombi, sociologue, enseignant en sciences économiques et sociales, auteur du blog « une heure de peine » sur l’actualité de la sociologie, dans le cadre de son livre "Où va l’argent des pauvres". Une interview menée par Adrien de Tricornot.
Level: débutant
Où va l'argent des pauvres ?
The Nobel laureate Amartya Sen´s text analyzes three main figures in social sciences and the relation between them: the Italian economist Piero Sraffa, the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, and the Italian politician and philosopher Antonio Gramsci.
Level: avancé
Sraffa, Wittgenstein, and Gramsci
Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapely won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for their work on market design back in 2012, but it is a field that is still underrepresented in economics education. All markets have rules, and how these rules are set influence how the market functions.
Level: débutant
The economics of legalising cannabis
How countries achieve long-term GDP growth is up there with the most important topics in economics. As Nobel Laureate Robert Lucas put it “the consequences for human welfare involved in questions like these are simply staggering: once one starts to think about them, it is hard to think about anything else.” Ricardo Hausmann et al take a refreshing approach to this question in their Atlas of Economic Complexity. They argue a country’s growth depends on the complexity of its economy: it must have a diverse economy which produces a wide variety of products, including ones that cannot be produced much elsewhere. The Atlas goes into detail on exactly what complexity means, how it fits the data, and what this implies for development. Below I will offer a summary of their arguments, including some cool data visualisations.
Level: débutant
GDP Growth: It’s Complicated
An essay of the writing workshop on Nigeria’s Readiness for and the Effect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Level: avancé
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Economic Impact and Possible Disruptions
The general idea of a Job Guarantee (JG) is that the government offers employment to everybody ready, willing and able to work for a living wage in the last instance as an Employer of Last Resort. The concept tackles societal needs that are not satisfied by market forces and the systemic characteristic of unemployment in capitalist societies. Being a central part of the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), attention for the JG concept rose in recent years.
Level: débutant
The Job Guarantee
Très à la mode, l'économie comportementale s'impose peu à peu comme le futur des sciences économiques. Jean-Michel Servet propose dans ce livre, maintenant en accès livre, une mise en perspective critique de cette approche.
Level: avancé
L'Economie comportementale en question [ACCES LIBRE]
Economics for Emancipation (E4E) is a seven-module introductory curriculum with interactive and participatory workshops. It offers a deep critical dive into the current political economic system, exploration of alternative economic systems, and dynamic tools to dream and build the economy that centers care, relationship, and liberation.
Level: débutant
Economics for Emancipation
What possibilities exist for a fairer world Can one person truly make a difference In this social sciences course we sample the possibilities and limits of social change in an interconnected inequitable global landscape This course features in depth examinations of the rise of garment work for Bangladeshi women a …
Level: débutant
Global Social Change
Trade disputes are usually understood as conflicts between countries with competing national interests, but as Matthew C. Klein and Michael Pettis show in this book, they are often the unexpected result of domestic political choices to serve the interests of the rich at the expense of workers and ordinary retirees.
Level: avancé
Trade Wars Are Class Wars
A review of: [1] Intermediate Microeconomics, H.R. Varian [2] Mikrooekonomie, R.S. Pindyck, D.L. Rubinfeld [3] Grundzuege der mikrooekonomischen Theorie, J. Schumann, U. Meyer, W. Stroebele
Level: débutant
The Dichotomy, Inconsistency, and Peculiar Outmodedness of the "Mainstream" Textbook
Representing everyone An Analysis of the Representation of Migrant Women by official Labour Organizations in Germany Author Tess Herrmann Review Deborah Sielert This is an essay of the writing workshop Gender and the Economy Perspektives of Feminist Economics published on 17 May 2017 updated on 16 August 2017 Why we …
Level: débutant
Representing everyone – Migrant Women's Representation by Labour Organizations in Germany
The Learning Economy and the Economics of Hope' brings together the most important contributions by an expert on policies, management and economics of innovation and knowledge. It offers original insights in processes of innovation and learning and it draws implications for economic theory and public policy. It introduces the reader to important concepts such as innovation systems and the learning economy.
Level: avancé
The Learning Economy and the Economics of Hope
Economics After the Crisis is an introductory economics textbook, covering key topics in micro and macro economics. However, this book differs from other introductory economics textbooks in the perspective it takes, and it incorporates issues that are presently underserved by existing textbooks on the market. This book offers an introduction to economics that takes into account criticisms of the orthodox approach, and which acknowledges the role that this largely Western approach has played in the current global financial and economic crisis.
Level: avancé
Economics After the Crisis
Due to the economic crisis of 2008/2009, households faced drastic decreases in their incomes, the availability of jobs. Additionally, the structure of the labour market changed, while austerity measures and public spending cuts left households with less support and safeguards provided by the state. How have these developments affected the burden of unpaid labour and what influence did this have on gender relations?
Level: débutant
The effect of austerity on unpaid work and gender relations in Europe
This article explores if power dynamics in the household can be changed, and if so, how. In this context the focus is laid on government childcare policy and its various channels of possible influence.
Level: débutant
How can childcare policy affect intra-household power dynamics?
In this essay, the author takes a critical perspective on the pursuit of growth as the solution for providing for environmental sustainability and economic stability in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Drawing from the framework of dependency theory and presenting brief insights into European core-periphery relations the author then argues for the implementation of an alternative strategy to development that is built around the concept of self-reliance.
Level: avancé
Dependency in Central and Eastern Europe - Self-reliance and the need to move beyond economic growth

Nous soutenir

Ce projet est le fruit du travail des membres du réseau international pour le pluralisme en économie, dans la sphère germanophone (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) et dans la sphère francophone (Rethinking Economics Switzerland / Rethinking Economics Belgium / PEPS-Économie France). Nous sommes fortement attachés à notre indépendance et à notre diversité et vos dons permettent de le rester ! 
