99 results

This invaluable volume brings together seminal articles with a significant behavioural content on various areas in macroeconomics. 2012 Level: avancé Behavioural Macroeconomics Ian Martin McDonald Edward Elgar The U.S. economy today is confronted with the prospect of extended stagnation. This book explores why. Thomas I. Palley argues that the Great Recession and destruction of shared prosperity is due to flawed economic policy over the past thirty years. 2012 Level: avancé From Financial Crisis to Stagnation Thomas I. Palley Cambridge University Press Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, there has been an unprecedented move towards 'rethinking economics' due to the damages generated by the global financial crisis that burst in 2007-2008. Almost a decade after this crisis, policy is still unable to provide all citizens greater wellbeing or at least an encouraging economic future. 2017 Level: avancé A Modern Guide to Rethinking Economics Louis-Philippe Rochon, Sergio Rossi Edward Elgar Publishing Penser l'économie dans un monde fini, voilà le défi que s'est posé Herman Daly dans ce livre, "Economie stationnaire". 2018 Level: avancé Economie stationnaire Herman Edward Daly Les Petits Matins Transition from central planning to a market economy, involving large-scale institutional change and reforms at all levels, is often described as the greatest social science experiment in modern times. 2013 Level: avancé Handbook of the Economics and Political Economy of Transition Paul Hare, Gerard Turley Routledge Thirty-years of economic transformation has turned China into one of the major players in the global capitalist economy. However, its economic growth has generated rising problems in inequality, alienation, and sustainability with the agrarian crises of the 1990s giving rise to real social outcry to the extent that they became the object of central government policy reformulations. 2015 Level: avancé Social Economy in China and the World Ngai Pun, Ben Hok-bun Ku, Hairong Yan, Anita Koo Taylor & Francis Ltd This book analyzes the transition of chocolate from an exotic curiosity to an Atlantic commodity. It shows how local, inter-regional, and Atlantic markets interacted with one another and with imperial political economies. It explains how these interactions, intertwined with the resilience of local artisanal production, promoted the partial democratization of chocolate consumption as well as economic growth. 2020 Level: avancé Empire, Political Economy, and the Diffusion of Chocolate in the Atlantic World Irene Fattacciu Routledge This fresh and unique textbook provides students and general readers with an introduction to economics from a new and much needed perspective, characterised by its uniquely pluralist, sustainable, progressive and global approach. Unlike traditional textbooks, Introducing a New Economics contains the key concepts of pluralism, sustainability and justice. It provides students with the central questions covered by economics including resources, work, employment, poverty, inequality, power, capital, markets, money, debt and value. 2015 Level: débutant Introducing a New Economics Jack Reardon, Maria Alejandra Caporale Madi, and Molly Scott Cato Pluto Press One of the most authoritative authors on the intellectual heritage of John Maynard Keynes, Robert Skidelsky draws a sketch of the great man's economic thinking both accessible and insightful. 2010 Level: débutant Keynes: A Very Short Introduction Robert Skidelsky Oxford University Press With a focus on Chile, Pinochet’s Economic Accomplices: An Unequal Country byForce uses theoretical arguments and empirical studies to argue that focusing onthe behavior of economic actors of the dictatorship is crucial to achieve basic objectivesin terms of justice, memory, reparation, and non-repetition measures. 2021 Level: avancé Pinochet's Economic Accomplices Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky; Karinna Fernández Neira; Sebastián Smart Rowman & Littlefield This book highlights the political economy of wealth and income inequality in Latin America. The author segments his analysis to separately evaluate the economic, social, and political costs of inequality building on country case studies. It draws well-contextualized lessons from the Latin American experience that is important to consider for other regional contexts, especially for social policies of nations within the 'Middle Income Trap'. 2020 Level: débutant The Costs of Inequality in Latin America Diego Sánchez-Ancochea Bloomsbury Academic Dans La théorie du Donut, Kate Raworth revisite les principaux outils et principes économiques en mettant le facteur humain et la préoccupation environnementale au cœur de sa réflexion. 2021 Level: débutant La théorie du donut Kate Raworth J'ai lu Adam Smith and Karl Marx recognized that the best way to understand the economy is to study the most advanced practice of production. Today that practice is no longer conventional manufacturing: it is the radically innovative vanguard known as the knowledge economy. 2019 Level: débutant The Knowledge Economy Roberto Mangabeira Unger Verso Books In this book, the author, Intan Suwandi, engages with the question of imperialism through the specific channel of Global Value Chains. 2019 Level: débutant Value Chains Intan Suwandi NYU Press Cet ouvrage est un manuel d'économie spécialement adapté à l'entrainement et aux révisions des candidats aux grands concours administratifs, en particulier le concours de l'ENA, qui doivent se préparer à cette épreuve d'économie (qui prend la forme le plus souvent d'une dissertation). Les politiques menées au niveau national, européen et international sont décrites de manière pratique et leur efficacité évaluée à l'aune des études empiriques auxquelles elles ont donné lieu. Les dernières recommandations d'institutions nationales, comme la Banque de France, le Conseil d'analyse économique, la DG Trésor, et européennes ou internationales, comme la Commission européenne et le FMI, sont présentées avec le souci de mettre en avant la diversité des options de politique économique identifiées dans le champ de la recherche. 2021 Level: avancé Politiques économiques Jean-Baptiste Barfety, Jean Dalbard, Théo Iberrakene, Alexandre Ouizille LGDJ un savoir-faire de Lextenso Within the heterodox field one of the most active topics is related to the theory of economic growth and distribution This is a textbook for advance undergraduate and graduate students Throughout its 18 chapters Classical Neoclassical and post Keynesian models are developed Each chapter contains study problems and suggested readings … 2019 Level: expert Growth and Distribution Duncan K. Foley, Thomas R. Michl, Daniele Tavani Harvard University Press Lean Logic is the late David Fleming’s masterpiece, the product of more than thirty years’ work and a testament to the creative brilliance of one of Britain’s most important intellectuals. A dictionary unlike any other, it leads readers through Fleming’s stimulating exploration of fields as diverse as culture, history, science, art, logic, ethics, myth, economics, and anthropology, being made up of four hundred and four engaging essay-entries covering topics such as Boredom, Community, Debt, Growth, Harmless Lunatics, Land, Lean Thinking, Nanotechnology, Play, Religion, Spirit, Trust, and Utopia. The threads running through every entry are Fleming’s deft and original analysis of how our present market-based economy is destroying the very foundations—ecological, economic, and cultural— on which it depends, and his core focus: a compelling, grounded vision for a cohesive society that might weather the consequences 2020 Level: débutant Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It the late Dr. David Fleming LeanLogic.online Surviving the Future is a story drawn from the fertile ground of the late David Fleming's extraordinary 'Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It'. That hardback consists of four hundred and four interlinked dictionary entries, inviting readers to choose their own path through its radical vision. Recognizing that Lean Logic's sheer size and unusual structure can be daunting, Fleming's long-time collaborator Shaun Chamberlin has selected and edited one of these potential narratives to create Surviving the Future. The content, rare insights, and uniquely enjoyable writing style remain Fleming's, but are presented here at a more accessible paperback-length and in conventional read-it-front-to-back format 2016 Level: débutant Surviving the Future David Fleming Chelsea Green Publishing Anwar Shaikh seeks in his lectures for alternative explanations for empirically observed macro and microeconomic patterns of economic fluctuations, price volatility, and economic development. Level: avancé Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crisis Anwar Shaikh The New School Source image New Economic Thinking Youtube channel Some years ago in the aftermath of the great financial crisis GFC of the first decade of the twentieth century Paul Krugman famously remarked that most macroeconomics of the last thirty years was spectacularly useless at best and positively harmful at worst It … Level: avancé Monetary Macroeconomics Fredrick Zhou; John Smithin INET En moins de 30 minutes, Faskil et Michael Vincent décryptent les concepts de base de la monnaie et du monde de la finance, pour vous aider à mieux en comprendre les enjeux. On y aborde les trois fonctions de la monnaie ainsi que son histoire. 2022 Level: débutant L'éconocast: la monnaie Michael Vincent, Faskil Geekzone.fr Crises are a key part of the history of the global economy. This lesson by Economy Studies introduces students to the crisis management theories of John Maynard Keyens by presenting them in the historical context of the Great Depression, the Post-War increase in the state in managing the economy, and the Energy Crisis of the 1970s. 2022 Level: débutant How to get away with a crisis? - Economy Studies   Economy Studies Les auteurs analysent les grands problèmes contemporains, tels que l'immigration, le libre-échange, la croissance, les inégalités et le changement climatique, afin de déconstruire les fausses évidences et les conclusions trop rapides, discutant les affirmations de la pensée économique comme les arguments des discours populistes. Ils proposent des alternatives pour bâtir un monde plus juste. 2020 Level: avancé Economie utile pour des temps difficiles Abhijit V. Berjee et Esther Duflo Éditions du Seuil In China's Gilded Age, Yuen Yuen Ang maintains that all corruption is harmful, but not all types of corruption hurt growth. Ang unbundles corruption into four varieties: petty theft, grand theft, speed money, and access money. 2020 Level: débutant China's Gilded Age Yuen Yuen Ang Cambridge University Press This is a revolutionary and powerfully argued feminist analysis of modern economics, revealing how woman's housework, caring of the young, sick and the old is automatically excluded from value in economic theory. An example of this pervasive and powerful process is the United Nations System of National Accounts which is used for wars and determining the balance of payments and loan requirements. 1990 Level: avancé If Women Counted Marilyn Waring HarperSanFrancisco The Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics surveys the achievements of the most visible scholars in this area. The contributions to the Companion give both a brief survey on the various fields of neo-Schumpeterian economics as well as insights into recent research at the scientific frontiers. 2007 Level: avancé Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics Horst Hanusch, Andreas Pyka Edward Elgar As the world's energy system faces a period of unprecedented change, a global struggle over who controls the sector--and for what purposes--is intensifying. The question of "green capitalism" is now unavoidable, for capitalist planners and anti-capitalist struggles alike. 2010 Level: avancé Sparking a Worldwide Energy Revolution Kolya Abramsky AK Press Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century is the most widely discussed work of economics in recent history, selling millions of copies in dozens of languages. But are its analyses of inequality and economic growth on target? Where should researchers go from here in exploring the ideas Piketty pushed to the forefront of global conversation? A cast of economists and other social scientists tackle these questions in dialogue with Piketty, in what is sure to be a much-debated book in its own right. 2019 Level: avancé After Piketty Marshall Steinbaum, J. Bradford DeLong, Heather Boushey Harvard University Press This brief but comprehensive account of the Post Keynesian approach to economic theory and policy is ideal for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in economics, public policy and other social sciences. Clear, non-technical and with a strong policy focus, it will also appeal to all of those who are dissatisfied with mainstream economics and wish to explore the alternatives. 2015 Level: avancé Advanced Introduction to Post Keynesian Economics John Edward King Edward Elgar Publishing The book is a collection of 51 texts by different scholars and activists, who each adds a dimension/perspective to the topics of degrowth and societal transformation. A societal transformation towards a degrowth society is dependent on a lot of ideas coming together and creating change from various starting points within a society. Therefore, the authors are quite diverse and their contributions vary from being philosophical, natural science based, economic, sociological and so forth. Some are specfiically focused on a concept and others are a more broad critique of e.g., capitalism or growth. 2015 Level: avancé Degrowth Giacomo D'Alisa, Federico Demaria, Giorgos Kallis Routledge Ce livre part du constat que faire du nouveau de la facon ancienne ne fonctionne plus Il est donc urgent de repenser le modèle des entreprises en prenant compte la valeur immatérielle des entreprises Michel de Kemmeter auteur nous propose une grille de lecture pour évaluer la valeur immatérielle des … 2014 Level: débutant Le nouveau jeu économique MICHEL DE KEMMETER Otherways scrl – UHDR UniverseCity Le début de notre XXIe siècle se caractérise par trois crises angoissantes pour qui les regarde bien en face: la crise des inégalités, les crises écologiques et la crise démocratique. Si nous entendons y remédier, il nous faut en prendre la mesure. La passion de la croissance nous en empêche. 2019 Level: débutant Sortir de la croissance Eloi Laurent Éditions les liens qui libèrent

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Ce projet est le fruit du travail des membres du réseau international pour le pluralisme en économie, dans la sphère germanophone (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) et dans la sphère francophone (Rethinking Economics Switzerland / Rethinking Economics Belgium / PEPS-Économie France). Nous sommes fortement attachés à notre indépendance et à notre diversité et vos dons permettent de le rester ! 
