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In this book, Roncaglia offers a critical analysis of history of economic thought. As the author illustrates, economic thought starts long before Adam Smith and challenges the existence of a range of 'economic truths'. In his own words: In order to understand the variety of approaches within economic debate, it is necessary to reconstruct the different views that have been proposed, developed and criticised over time about the way economic systems function.
This is an excellent introduction to critical analysis of history of economic thought, and gives the reader an holistic understanding of both the economic thought from the biggest economic thinker, as well highlighting their limitations and criticism. He writes in a clear and easy way that makes the book just as understandable for beginners as trained economists. History of economic thought helps us to understand the ideas behind the economic theories that we learn in standard economic classes, as well as a range of other ideas that are not included in a standard economic course. History of economic thought can also help students to understand the origins and underlying factors of economic ideas and policies that have shaped society as we know it. The Wealth of Ideas treats the economy in a dynamic fashion, confronted with complex, ever-changing realities.