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In this course, Anwar Shaikh seeks for alternative explanations for empirically observed macro and microeconomic patterns of economic fluctuations, price volatility, and economic development. In contrast to many other economic theorists, he rejects micro-foundations based on the idea of utility maximization and economic equilibria, and develops a theory of "real competition". In his lectures, he elaborates a demarcation line emphasizing his objective to develop a theoretical framework treating imperfections, not as a deviation from an idealistic setting of economic equilibrium but rather considering imperfections as a core ingredient of theory.
This is an alternative approach to economic theories and how they can explain real-world economics phenomena. Very relevant for aspiring economists; especially those in undergrad and graduate schools. I believe Anwar's work, with the right coverage, can be a breakthrough. Simply, his approach makes sense.
30 lectures; the length of each lecture is approximately 1:35:00 (-+)
You can find another version of this course on the website of the Institute for New Economics Thinking here.