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Photo by neil godding on Unsplash
Planet Money's episodes are between 20 to 30 minutes long. The aim is to enable everyone to grasp economic concepts by focusing on real-world scenarios.
Episode 969: The Island No One Owns is focusing on land ownership on the Caribbean island of Barbuda.
Episode 995: Buybacks And Bailouts explains what buybacks are and raises the question of the legitimacy of government bailouts in a crisis.
The Indicator's episode are all less than 10 minutes long. The aim is to put "make sense of what's happening today" in a quick and easy to grasp manner.
Episode: Disease In A Globalized World is looking at how globalization can help address pandemics like Covid-19 more effectively.
Planet Money is part of the independent, non-profit media organization NPR. Planet Money offers two podcasts (Planet Money Podcast and The Indicator Podcast). Their aim is to "find creative, entertaining ways to make sense of the big, complicated forces that move our economy."
We include the episodes that we found useful for economic learning purposes below. Most of them combine economic concepts with real-world scenarios and stories in a great way:
Planet Money offers two podcasts trying to make economics more accessible and fun. The Planet Money Podcast focuses on explaining the economy. The Indicator Podcast tries to shed light on current economic topics including work and business.