Gender and Microeconomics

Hanan Nazier and Racha Ramadan
Cairo University - Faculty of Economics and Political Science
Niveau: avancé
Perspective: Économie féministe
Sujet: Travail & soins, Microéconomie & marchés, Race & Gender
Format: Description du cours/syllabus

This syllabus was originally taught at the Cairo University
Instructor: Hanan Nazier  and Racha Ramadan 


This course is intended to present some of the main ideas underlying the micro aspects of gender economics. The courses will tackle issues as fertility, marriage, women labor force participation, wage gap, gender inequality, violence against women and women empowerment within her household and within the society where she lives. Economic outcomes differ substantially by gender. The course will apply economic theory to explain choices faced and selected by women concerning marriage, fertility and labor market outcomes. After providing an overview of the gender differences in various aspects of welfare and economic life, the course will then use Economic theory and empirical evidence to examine the causes and consequences of gender differences in earnings, labor force participation, occupational choice, and the division of labor within the household alongside government policies targeting those decisions. Empirical research will be presented that describes the changing demographic profile of families, poverty and the labor force. Students in this course will gain experience evaluating how economic theory and practice fits into the larger social sciences goal of describing human behavior by focusing on women and the family.

Course Outline:

I Woman and the Family

  1. Introduction
  2. Marriage and Fertility
  3. Women Empowerment
  4. Violence against women

II Gender and the Labor market

  1. Key Patterns and Trends in Gender Differences in the labor market
  2. Labor Force Participation
  3. Gender segregation in the workplace
  4. Gender wage gap: Trends and explanations


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Comment from our editors:

This syllabus is part of the Syllabi collection on International Association for Feminist Economics. This course is suitable for graduate students.

Nous soutenir

Ce projet est le fruit du travail des membres du réseau international pour le pluralisme en économie, dans la sphère germanophone (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) et dans la sphère francophone (Rethinking Economics Switzerland / Rethinking Economics Belgium / PEPS-Économie France). Nous sommes fortement attachés à notre indépendance et à notre diversité et vos dons permettent de le rester ! 
