Degrowth – Ecological Economics – Post-development: Brothers or acquaintances?

Brototi Roy, Joshua Farley and Giorgos Kallis
Economics for Rebels - European Society for Ecological Economics, 2024
Niveau: débutant
Perspectives: Économie écologique, épistémologies du sud
Sujet: (Dé-)croissance, Relations Nord-Sud & développement, Réflexion sur l'économie
Format: podcast
Durée: 00:54:16

"This live recording of the 3rd Season’s final episode is a plenary roundtable discussion at the 10th International Degrowth and 15th European Society for Ecological Economics Conference in Pontevedra with ecological economists Brototi Roy, Joshua Farley and Giorgos Kallis. The discussion revolves around how degrowth, ecological economics and post-development relate to each other, how they evolved and co-evolved and what distinguishes the three concepts and research fields."

Comment from our editors:

Heterodox economics is divided into numerous subfields, which can sometimes be diffult to distinguish. Hence, this debate provides a useful overview of the differences and similarities among ecological economics, degrowth, and post-development. In the discussion, Brototi Roy, Joshua Farley, and Giorgos Kallis explore whether it would be useful for the three fields to merge. While the researchers acknowledged significant similarities among the three fields, they ultimately agreed that merging them would not be the best approach. Instead, they emphasized the value of maintaining separate disciplines, as this allows the three fields to keep challenging each other and fulfilling different functions.

Go to: Degrowth – Ecological Economics – Post-development: Brothers or acquaintances?

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