
Level: débutant
Dans cette vidéo, Éric Monnet, lauréat du Prix du meilleur jeune économiste 2022, se penche sur le rôle des institutions financières durant les périodes de crises économiques.
Level: débutant
Cet ouvrage est une réponse collective d'économistes membres de l'AFEP (L'association française d'économie politique) mais aussi des "Economistes atterrés" au pamphlet écrit par Pierre Cahuc et André Zylberberg (deux économistes français orthodoxes et spécialisés dans les questions d'économie du travail) : "Le négationnisme économique et comment s'en débarrasser ?", 2016.
Level: débutant
Constatant la complexité de ses vidéos récentes, le youtubeur Heu?reka décide de faire un recapitulatif du "fonctionnement de l'économie, le PIB, les marchés financiers, les traders, les différentes banques, l'Etat, la création monétaire et la dette."
Level: débutant
En moins de 30 minutes, Faskil et Michael Vincent décryptent les concepts de base de la monnaie et du monde de la finance, pour vous aider à mieux en comprendre les enjeux. On y aborde les trois fonctions de la monnaie ainsi que son histoire.
Level: débutant
Lire les trois gros livres du Capital vous fait peur? C'est normal, mais pas de panique. On discute avec Cédric Durand, économiste marxiste, de quelques notions à partir de la pensée de Marx.
Level: débutant
Le début de notre XXIe siècle se caractérise par trois crises angoissantes pour qui les regarde bien en face: la crise des inégalités, les crises écologiques et la crise démocratique. Si nous entendons y remédier, il nous faut en prendre la mesure. La passion de la croissance nous en empêche.
Level: débutant
Ce texte présente les principales thèses avancées par la MMT, dans le but de dépasser une vision simpliste, naïve et faussement critique de la MMT, qui la présente comme une « théorie de la planche à billets ».
Level: avancé
The Nawi Knowledge Portal is an open access repository that features for multi themed research outputs and knowledge products. They aim to amplify the work of African women working to demystify the space of macroeconomic policy from a Pan African feminist to the widest possible audience.
Level: avancé
Les auteurs analysent les grands problèmes contemporains, tels que l'immigration, le libre-échange, la croissance, les inégalités et le changement climatique, afin de déconstruire les fausses évidences et les conclusions trop rapides, discutant les affirmations de la pensée économique comme les arguments des discours populistes. Ils proposent des alternatives pour bâtir un monde plus juste.
Level: débutant
This article outlines the fundamental challenges of democratically planned economies and categorises proposed models into six groups, each of which approaches planning and coordination at different levels of authority and between myriad economic units in a particular way, taking into account efficiency as well as democratic principles and environmental and social sustainability. Through a classification system based on decision-making authority and mediation mechanisms, the article provides a framework for understanding and comparing these models. By examining their different approaches, it offers insights into the complexities and potential paths of democratically planned economies in the 21st century.
Level: débutant
Our public services are in dire need of investment. But in the middle of a debate over competing spending plans, isn’t it also time to ask what we want our public services to actually do for us? That’s the view of group of economists and campaigners who are pushing for something called ‘Universal Basic Services’ – a radical expansion of high-quality public services for all to areas like transport, childcare and social care.
Level: avancé
In Colonial Debts Rocío Zambrana develops the concept of neoliberal coloniality in light of Puerto Rico's debt crisis. Drawing on decolonial thought and praxis, Zambrana shows how debt functions as an apparatus of predation that transforms how neoliberalism operates.
Level: débutant
Eco-modernisation’s promise that technological fixes will provide us with the efficiency we need to decouple environmental burdens from economic growth suggests that business-as-usual can continue. Today’s guest Timothée Parrique is the best to explain why this is not happening and why relying solely on technological solutions is like betting on green zero in roulette.
Level: débutant
This open access book presents an alternative to capitalism and state socialism through the modelling of a post-market and post-state utopia based on an upscaling of the commons, feminist political economy and democratic and council-based planning approaches.
Level: débutant
So, what does racism have to do with our 21st century economic system? How can we understand institutions who uphold racism while claiming to value diversity and inclusion? And what does it mean to truly be anti-racist?
Level: débutant
Economics for Emancipation (E4E) is a seven-module introductory curriculum with interactive and participatory workshops. It offers a deep critical dive into the current political economic system, exploration of alternative economic systems, and dynamic tools to dream and build the economy that centers care, relationship, and liberation.
Level: débutant
Dani Rodrik reflects in this book on important questions about how economics works and what might be wrong with it. He points out flaws and weakness of the discipline, but also argues that certain criticisms which have brought forward against are without merit. His central point is that there is not just one economic model, but a variety of them and it is important to apply judgment when selecting the most suitable one for a particular situation.
Level: débutant
This guide contains a collection of recommended YouTube channels and YouTube videos in the fields of economics, business and economic policy.
Level: débutant
Economics should schematically explain the key elements and main strands of this core part of social life: the actual workings of our economies. This book argues that orthodox, modern neoclassical economics does not fulfil this core task. Standard economics models do not address the real functioning of our market economies, but rather an imagined economy.
Level: débutant
The bestselling classic that examines the history of economic thought from Adam Smith to Karl Marx—“all the economic lore most general readers conceivably could want to know, served up with a flourish” (The New York Times). The Worldly Philosophers not only enables us to see more deeply into our history but helps us better understand our own times. In this seventh edition, Robert L. Heilbroner provides a new theme that connects thinkers as diverse as Adam Smith and Karl Marx.
Level: débutant
Is inflation just a number game or does it hold deeper societal implications? Join Isabella Weber (@UMass.Amherst) as she challenges traditional economic stances on inflation and delves into the social dimensions of pricing. Discover how context shapes our reactions to price hikes and why understanding this can be a game-changer.
Level: débutant
Adhering to the multiplicity of degrowth whilst also arguing that strategic prioritisation and coordination are key, Degrowth & Strategy advances the debate on strategy for social-ecological transformation. It explores what strategising means, identifies key directions for the degrowth movement, and scrutinises strategies in practice that aim to realise a degrowth society.
Level: avancé
Financialization is one of the most innovative concepts to emerge in the field of political economy during the last three decades, although there is no agreement on what exactly it is. Profiting Without Producing by Costas Lapavitsas puts forth a distinctive view defining financialization in terms of the fundamental conduct of non-financial enterprises, banks and households.
Level: débutant
The term "de-risking" can be seen as one element of a strategy aimed at discursively reframing the trade policy confrontation with China. This confrontation has mainly been driven by the US in recent years and received initially cautious, but later growing support from the EU.


Nous soutenir

Ce projet est le fruit du travail des membres du réseau international pour le pluralisme en économie, dans la sphère germanophone (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) et dans la sphère francophone (Rethinking Economics Switzerland / Rethinking Economics Belgium / PEPS-Économie France). Nous sommes fortement attachés à notre indépendance et à notre diversité et vos dons permettent de le rester ! 
