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This course will fundamentally ask whether we can, or even should use the word ‘decolonising’ in our pursuit of a better economics? 2022 Level: debutante Decolonising Economics? Michelle Meixieira Groenewald Summer Academy 2022 for Pluralist Economics In the last half century, economics has taken over from anthropology the role of drawing the powerful conceptual worldviews that organize knowledge and inform policy in both domestic and international contexts. Until now however, the colonial roots of economic theory have remained relatively unstudied. This book changes that. 2004 Level: adelantado Postcolonialism Meets Economics S. Charusheela, Eiman O. Zein-Elabdin Psychology Press El "vivir bien" y el "buen vivir" son formas de rescatar una nueva aportación del desarrollo, y se presentan justo como una alternativa al pensamiento hegemónico. Ana Esther Ceceña, en el capítulo primero, parte de cómo se organiza lo económico, Alba Carosio, en el capítulo segundo, establece el enfoque de asegurar la calidad de vida de las personas; mientras que Antonio Palazuelos pone énfasis en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo para el Buen Vivir centrándose en tres factores importantes: la economía popular y solidaria, la seguridad alimentaria y los grupos vulnerables. Silvia Berger evalúa las implicaciones de haber adoptado en el feminismo latinoamericano las líneas generales del movimiento feministas mundial. Por su parte, Jaqueline Butcher explica el tercer sector en México y su relación con el desarrollo económico y social del país. En el capítulo sexto, Rodolfo García Zamora y Monsterrat García muestran cómo las organizaciones de migrantes mexicanos han financiado obras de infraestructura básica en sus comunidades de origen. El libro finaliza con el capítulo siete, a cargo de Ana María Aragonés y Uberto Salgado, quienes se centran en un análisis comparativo del impacto que tienen la migración de trabajadores altamente calificados y las remesas sobre el desarrollo de seis países. 2014 Level: adelantado Del “vivir bien” al “buen vivir Alicia Girón (Coord.), Ana Esther Ceceña, Alba Carosio, Antonio Palazuelos, Silvia Berger, Jacqueline Butcher, Rodolfo García Zamora y Montserrat García Guerrero, Ana María Aragonés y Uberto Salgado UNAM This book is an original, systematic, and radical attempt at decolonizing critical theory. Drawing on linguistic concepts from 16 languages from Asia, Africa, the Arab world, and South America, the essays in the volume explore the entailments of words while discussing their conceptual implications for the humanities and the social sciences everywhere. 2022 Level: debutante Changing Theory Dilip M. Menon Routledge In this post, Rethinking Economics sets out what it means to decolonise economics education and how we can do that. The article first breaks decolonising down into a "mind-set" and a "process", then applies this process to economics education. It finishes with a reading list and some suggested actions to get you started decolonising economics today. 2019 Level: debutante Let's Decolonise Economics Education! Ali Al-Jamri Rethinking Economics In this podcast, Laura Basu speaks with a range of expert academics and public speakers – such as Jayati Ghosh, Yanis Varoufakis, Walden Bello, and Ashish Kothari about how the rules of the global economy are fostering the inequality and underdevelopment we see today. 2020 Level: debutante Decolonising the Global Economy Laura Basu, Jayati Ghosh, Yanis Varoufakis, Walden Bello and Ashish Kothar openDemocracy The premise of this workshop is that we, as knowledge producers - especially within westernized universities (Grosfoguel, 2013), are significantly implicated in neoliberal imaginaries that are often in service of hierarchical, binary, competitive and linear narratives of growth as civilizational progress. 2021 Level: debutante Decolonizing Economics Dr. Epifania Amoo-Adare Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics Recent events such as the Black Lives Matter protests the the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis US and the toppling of the statue of Edward Colston in Bristol UK have exposed existing racism colonialism and sexism in our society and in Economics While calls to improve diversity in Economics … 2021 Level: debutante Decolonising Economics in Practice Dr. Danielle Guizzo, Dr. Devika Dutt, Dr. Surbhi Kesar, Dr. Amir Lebdioui Exploring Economics


Este proyecto es presentado por la Network for Pluralist Economics (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) y socios internacionales.  Está comprometida con la diversidad y la independencia y depende de las donaciones de personas como tú. Donaciones regulares o puntuales serán muy apreciadas!

