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7 results

In this short talk „On Economics“ Ha-Joon Chang, author of the book „Economics: The User's Guide“, gives a critical wrap-up on the economic discipline – on what is perceived as economics, what are dominant paradigms, the role of numbers and economics in public life. He further elaborates on the importance of heterodox schools of thought. 2014 Level: debutante Ha-Joon Chang on Economics Ha-Joon Chang The RSA This video animates part of the talk “On Economics” by Ha-Joon Chang in which he states that economics is not a science for experts but for everyone. Chang further argues why it is important to take into account different perspectives on economics – he identifies at least nine school of thoughts which all have their strengths and weaknesses and presents examples on free trade and well-being. Chang further elaborates on the difficulties of changing the economic status quo. 2016 Level: debutante Economics Is For Everyone! Ha-Joon Chang The RSA What data is used in the economic models of the IPCC? How problematic is it, that tipping points are often ignored? A very interesting presentation by Steve Keen during the OECD Conference "Averting Systemic Collapse". 2019 Level: debutante Averting Systemic Collapse Steve Keen ZOE. Institute for future-fit economies Prof. Yanis Varoufakis talks in this introductory lecture about the future of our economy and the current state of economics with special regard to pluralism in economics. 2020 Level: debutante Introduction to Pluralism in Economics - From an Economics-without-Capitalism to Markets-without-Capitalism Yanis Varouvakis Universität Tübingen, Rethinking Economics Understanding the financial crisis from four very different economic theories: Social Economics, Institutional Economics, Post Keynesian economics. Level: debutante Economics from a pluralist perspective Prof. Dr. Irene van Staveren, Prof. Dr. Rob van Tulder, Maria Dafnomili (PhD researcher) Erasmus University Rotterdam 'This Cambridge professor delights in paradox. And myth-busting . . . he does this with charm and a desire to see how things work in the real world' Guardian, 'In Praise of Ha-Joon Chang' In this revelatory book, Ha-Joon Chang destroys the biggest myths of our times and shows us the truth about how the world really works, including- there's no such thing as a free market. 2011 Level: adelantado 23 Things They Don't Tell You about Capitalism Ha-Joon Chang Penguin Environmental cost-benefit analysis was developed by economists in the belief that monetary valuation of the environmental repercussions of economic activity is essential if the "environment " stands any chance of being included in government and business decisions. 2006 Level: adelantado Alternatives for Environmental Valuation Michael Getzner, Clive Spash, Sigrid Stagl Routledge


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