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42 results

The first book to bring together the key writings and speeches of civil rights activist Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander--the first Black American economist In 1921, Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander became the first Black American to gain a Ph.D. degree in economics. Unable to find employment as an economist because of discrimination, Alexander became a lawyer so that she could press for equal rights for African Americans. 2021 Level: adelantado Democracy, Race, and Justice Sadie T. M. Alexander Yale University Press Why are some nations more prosperous than others? Why Nations Fail sets out to answer this question, with a compelling and elegantly argued new theory: that it is not down to climate, geography or culture, but because of institutions. 2012 Level: adelantado Why Nations Fail Daron Acemoglu, James A. Robinson Crown The chapter by the Centre for Economy Studies introduces interdisciplinary economic subdisciplines and their importance for economics education. 2021 Level: debutante Interdisciplinary Economics Sam de Muijnck and Joris Tieleman Economy Studies In Scene on Radio Season 7, Capitalism, host and producer John Biewen and co-host Ellen McGirt outline the history of capitalism, from its emergence in Europe 500 years ago up to the present. And they explore alternatives, from reforms of capitalism as we know it to more radical transformations. 2024 Level: debutante Scene on Radio - Capitalism John Biewen and Ellen McGirt Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University Economics is extremely sick. It is so locked in its past that nearly all of its introductory textbooks are modelled on one that appeared in 1948. The discipline cannot continue in its autistic state much longer. 2007 Level: adelantado Real World Economics Edward Fullbrook Anthem Press Modern Monetary Theory and Practice: An Introductory Text is an introductory textbook for university-level macroeconomics students. It is based on the principles of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). 2016 Level: adelantado Modern Monetary Theory and Practice: an Introductory Text William Mitchell, L. Randall Wray, Martin Watts Centre of Full Employment and Equity Contributors attempt to reconcile two major strands of thinking in economic methodology: the rhetoric of economics as advocated by Deirdre McCloskey, and the sociological approach. 1997 Level: adelantado Pluralism in Economics Andrea Salanti, Ernesto Screpanti Edward Elgar David Graeber introduces different concepts such as money and debt. He takes a historical and anthropological way of explaining the origin. This breaks with the mainstream explanation, which is used in many Economics textbooks, saying that a barter economy was before money arose. 2014 Level: adelantado Debt David Graeber Melville House Economic theory must distinguish between publicly owned and privately owned property if it is to account for the effect of institutions on the behavior of individuals. Careful study of the theories of Marxists and the real-world experience in the Soviet economy offer important lessons and insight for economic modeling and the ongoing development of theory. In this course, Marxist/Leninist theory and Soviet reality will be studied with an open mind, and with the goal of taking lessons from the case study. To what extent was the Soviet economy an accurate expression of Marxist theory? If Marxism were tried somewhere else would the results be the same? 2014 Level: adelantado Economic History of the Soviet Union Guinevere Liberty Nell University of Warwick International Economics, 15e continues to combine rigorous economic analysis with attention to the issues of economic policy that are alive and important today in this field. 2011 Level: adelantado International Economics Pugel, Thomas A. McGraw Hill Book Co


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