To Help Ukraine, Cancel Its Foreign Debt

Alexander Kravchuk, David Broder
Commons: Journal for Social Criticism, 2022
Grado: debutante
Perspectivas: Economía política Marxista, Otros
Topic: Crisis, Globalización y relaciones económicas internacionales, Dinero y deuda, Relaciones Norte-Sur y desarrollo
Format: Artículo/capítulo académico

"Alexander Kravchuk is an economist and editor at Commons: Journal for Social Criticims, who has previously written about IMF conditions on loans to Ukraine. Jacobin’s David Broder asked him about the country’s economic situation and why debt cancellation is important if Ukrainians are to be able to shape their future." (quote from the interview)

Comment from our editors:

The interview provides a concise overview over the reasons for debt cancellation in the context of the general situation of the Ukrainian economy.

Go to: To Help Ukraine, Cancel Its Foreign Debt

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