Necesitamos más que nunca una economía crítica. Con Exploring Economics, reforzamos los enfoques económicos alternativos y contrarrestamos la economía dominante con una comprensión crítica y pluralista de la educación económica. También ofrecemos análisis de fondo sobre los debates económicos actuales para fortalecer un discurso económico crítico.
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Throughout 2022 it has become increasingly difficult for people around the world to meet their basic needs – even those who live in relative affluence in the Global North. This 30-minute classroom exercise takes this common recent experience as a starting point for an exploration of the different economic mechanisms and organisations that can be used to provide for people’s basic needs.
The central aim of this session is to give students the understanding that there are many resource coordination and allocation mechanisms operating in the economy. This requires the presentation of different mechanisms, but it is not important for students to be able to perfectly reproduce the details of each.
This teaching material was designed by Economy Studies and is part of the "This Month in the Economy Exercises" series.