Jacobin Radio: economic policies for the corona crisis

ames K. Galbraith and Aaron Benanav
Jacobin Radio, 2020
Grado: debutante
Perspectivas: Otros, Economía poskeynesiana
Topic: Crisis, Crítica del capitalismo, Trabajo y cuidado, Microeconomía y mercados, Dinero y deuda, Movimientos sociales y cambio
Format: Podcast
Duración: 56:21
Enlace: https://blubrry.com/jacobin/58228982/jacobin-radio-james-k-galbraith-and-aaron-benanav/

In this episode of Jacobin radio, James K. Galbraith elaborates on the economic policies for the corona crisis, and Aaron Benanav on the crisis of unemployment. James K Galbraith also discusses why the economy as currently organized has been unable to deal with the challenges of the pandemic.

Comment from our editors:

Interesting podcats episode, that stresses the systemic perspective in exploring why the market economy is not capable of dealing with the corona crisis.

Go to: Jacobin Radio: economic policies for the corona crisis

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