Clips on Climate: Neoclassical Economics

Henrika Meyer
Rethinking Economics, 2020
Grado: debutante
Perspective: Economía neoclásica
Topic: Recursos, medioambiente y clima
Format: Video explicativo
Duración: 00:06:11

Neoclassical Economics imposed itself over the past decades as the core of mainstream economics, largely influencing academia and policy making. One may therefore want to know more about the foundations of this school of thoughts and explore the tools and instrumental policies it promotes when addressing the fight against climate crisis.

We invite you to explore the tools and instrumental policies promoted by the discipline's mainstream paradigm: neoclassical economics, to address the fight against the climate crisis.

Go to: Clips on Climate: Neoclassical Economics


Este proyecto es presentado por la Network for Pluralist Economics (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) y socios internacionales.  Está comprometida con la diversidad y la independencia y depende de las donaciones de personas como tú. Donaciones regulares o puntuales serán muy apreciadas!

