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Antoine Masquelin

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Antoine contribuyó al siguiente contenido

Este artículo explora los antecedentes, componentes y sentidos, de los circuitos económicos solidarios (CES) entendidos como propuesta dentro del proyecto de construcción de una economía social y solidaria (ESS). Asimismo, comprendidos sus aspectos más característicos, busca identificar y analizar algunos desafíos para su fortalecimiento y ampliación. Para esto analiza diversos trabajos referidos tanto a la ESS como a los CES.
Level: adelantado
Los circuitos económicos solidarios como noción referencial
This report presents the results of the “Financial Mechanisms for Innovative Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems” project, designed to foster a better understanding of the different ways in which financial resources can be made available and accessed to support the growth of social and solidarity economy (SSE) organizations and their ecosystems. The project is supported by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social and Solidarity Economy of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Level: adelantado
Financial Mechanisms for Innovative Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems
Platforms, responsibility and Collaborative Economy? Without reform, Europe risks falling behind in this new area of economic activity. Scheduled: 01.05.2021
Level: adelantado
Europe’s Collaborative Economy
This study aims to provide insights on how the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) is contributing to the future of work.
Level: debutante
The Contribution of the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Finance to the Future of Work
La crise de la Covid a accéléré la transition numérique de notre société. Envie d'en savoir plus sur les atouts, les risques et les enjeux de la révolution numérique? Ce recueil est fait pour vous.
Level: adelantado
Numérique, action publique et démocratie
All leaders are constrained by geography. Their choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. People and ideas are important; but if you don't know geography, you'll never have the full picture.
Level: debutante
Prisoners of Geography
How to make your first step into New Economy? Shifting Economy or an invitation to all decision makers to imagine a new economic model. Scheduled: 16.03.2021
Level: debutante
Shifting Economy
Quelles solutions systémiques pour entrer dans la nouvelle économie? Comment prendre en compte les valeurs matérielles et immatérielles des entreprises?
Level: debutante
Le nouveau jeu économique
Which are the role and impact of the EU and regional organizations in Latin America on crisis management?
Level: adelantado
Financial Crisis Management and Democracy


Este proyecto es presentado por la Network for Pluralist Economics (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) y socios internacionales.  Está comprometida con la diversidad y la independencia y depende de las donaciones de personas como tú. Donaciones regulares o puntuales serán muy apreciadas!

