Writing Workshop "The Economics of the New Reality – Looking at the World Under the Pandemic from Pluralist Lenses"

Cover Photo by m on Unsplash

"The Economics of the New Reality – Looking at the World Under the Pandemic from Pluralist Lenses

An online writing workshop on exploring and challenging of the world economy in the post-covid reality, hosted by RE Sciences Po on 27th/28th March 2021


Event Announcement

Rethinking Economics Sciences Po is glad to announce applications to participate in our working workshop are open!
The workshop will tackle the following subject: "The Economics of the New Reality – looking at the world under the pandemic from pluralist lenses" on the 27th and 28th of March. The workshop will be held online.
If you don’t know us already, Rethinking Economics is an international network of academics, students, and professionals, aiming to build a diverse movement of people who challenge, interrogate and renew the practice, teaching and application of Economics.

Eligibility criteria:
1. Participants have to be a Masters student.
2. Participants should be able to attend the two-day workshop.
3. Participants are expected to be committed to produce a final output on their chosen topic after the workshop.
Please note that any student enrolled in a Master's degree is eligible to participate in the workshop!
Why you should participate? - You will get to:
1. Develop a critical view regarding the current world economy.
2. Build a network with new students and academics interested by the same subjects as you.
3. Have your output published on the Rethinking Economics website!
You will find more information about the workshop directly on the form.
If you are interested in exploring and challenging of the world economy in the post-covid reality, please fill out our application form: (Applications are closed!)

Workshop Outline


Organized by: RE Sciences Po (re_sciencespo_paris@rethinkingeconomics.org)

Proudly supported by: Rethinking Economics and Exploring Economics


This project is brought to you by the Network for Pluralist Economics (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.).  It is committed to diversity and independence and is dependent on donations from people like you. Regular or one-off donations would be greatly appreciated.

