Economics need to change - now more than ever! With Exploring Economics, we strengthen alternative economic approaches and counter mainstream economics with a critical and pluralistic vision of economic education. We also provide background analyses on current economic debates to strengthen a critical economic discourse.
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"What a pleasure it is to me to welcome this important and timely collection of essays. Social Reproduction Theory is probably the first book to draw on the past decade's resurgent interest in developing a coherent Marxist-feminist understanding of everyday life under capitalism." - Lise Vogel in her foreword for Social Reproduction Theory (2017).
Social Reproduction Theory is a book of collected essays by important scholars researching and philosophising around capitalism, its ramifications on life, on the capability to live a life, on the contradictions downsizing these capabilities and the consequences of all of that. The 10 essays span from introductory texts around the definition, means and ends of Social Reproduction Theory as an approach to analyse capitalism, including the discussion of not skipping relevant other forms of oppression to what Social Reproduction Theory can learn and incorporate from Intersectionality Theory and many more.
This book, edited by Tithi Bhattacharya is, as Lise Vogel comments in her foreword, very timely. Published in 2017 it comes just in time to throw yet another lense on the inherently unstable system of capitalism relying on un(der)paid labour, mostly carried out by womxn, migrants, PoC, disabled people, ... and which problems the neglect and further exacerbation of distress in the capability to socially reproduce under modern day capitalism could pose for us as a society but also for the economic system itself. It is a great work spanning over a great variety of content, perspective and ramifications and serves as introductionary but also as advancing collection for understanding the interlinkage of economic dynamics and every day life.