Economics need to change - now more than ever! With Exploring Economics, we strengthen alternative economic approaches and counter mainstream economics with a critical and pluralistic vision of economic education. We also provide background analyses on current economic debates to strengthen a critical economic discourse.
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This workshop was originally taught at the Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics 2021
Instructor: Anna Weber
Course form | Credit | Duration | Language |
Workshop (online) | 5 ECTS | 1 week block course | English |
After completing the module, participants should have knowledge and understanding about the theory of Critical Political Economy and its basic methods. They should be able to apply central concepts to analyse critical questions regarding the embeddedness of economic relations within broader social, political and ecological relations.
Central concepts of Critical Political Economy based on Karl Marx will be introduced, like the commodity form, structural exploitation and capital as a social relation and as value in movement. There will be general discussions about the intertwining of capitalist exploitation with other power relations, like gender inequality or racism, and the so-called jobs versus environment dilemma.
The workshop will include a mixture of new content as lecture, discussion of lecture and prepared reading. Additionally, interaction within small groups as well as within general discussions will take place. Studens will develop presentations for the workshop as well as a final presentation for the whole summer academy.
This Module can either be accomplished in a compulsory or elective module, depending on the degree programme. In every degree programme it might be suited for elective or transdisciplinary modules. In degree programmes in economics or with parts in economics, it might be suited for advanced courses, too.
The workshop is open to everyone who is curious about Marxist Political Economy, and the social, political, and historical embeddedness of economics. Students will have to read and reflect the provided literature, participate within small working groups and the general discussions, and prepare presentations.
contact times | self-study | exam preparation | marking |
30 h | 30 h | 90 h | yes |
Presentation: no marking; Essay: up to 15 points for the form (including cover sheet, clarity of structure, citization, comments and footnotes, length and presentation, spelling and wording) and up to 35 points for content (development of problem, overview of structure, work on the problem, argumentation (logical, stringent, precise), critical reflection of the literature, coherence in argumentation, summary of problems
and results, orginality (development of own point of view, critical opinion, placement in research context)
The module is carried out by the Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V. Responsible staff:
Janina Urban, M.Sc. and Anita Lehner, M.A.
Anna Weber, PhD-Candidate (University of Kassel), currently employed as scientific researcher for a member of the German Parliament
Exploring Economics collects course descriptions, syllabi and slides so that lecturers can share ressources and innovate their teaching.