Feminist Economics

Micaela Fernández Erlauer, Lucía Espiñeira and Justina Lee
Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics, 2021
Level: beginner
Perspective: Feminist Economics
Topic: Labour & Care, Race & Gender
Format: Syllabus

This workshop was originally taught at the Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics 2021
Instructor: Micaela Fernández Erlauer, Lucía Espiñeira and Justina Lee

Module description

Course form Credit Duration Language
Workshop (online) 5 ECTS 1 week block course English

Qualification goals / Outcome:

After completing the module, participants should be able to understand the economic consequences of gender inequality. They should be able to explain the contradictions between capital and care, analyze the labor market with a gender perspective and develop the ability to describe phenomena such as public policies taking into account "gender" as a category of analysis.

Course content:

The basic notions of gender, sex, and feminism will be presented to introduce Feminist Economics as a political and academic project. There will be an overview of the unpaid care work concept, the labor market theory, and the social organization of care. The course aims to address contemporary discussions around Global North-South relations, economic development and feminist fiscal policies. It shows also debates related to environment and pandemics.

Teaching methods:

Workshop - Mixture of new content as lecture, discussion of lecture and prepared reading. Interaction an working tasks during the session. Students develop will develop a final presentation for the whole Summer Academy. After the period of sessions, they will also have to write a Final Essay of 2500 words.

Kind of module:

This module can either be accomplished in a compulsory or elective module, depending on the degree programme. In every degree programme it might be suited for elective or transdisciplinary modules. In degree programmes in economics or with parts in economics, it might be suited for advanced courses, too.

Requirements for participation:

  • Undergraduate Students
  • B2 English Level

Requirements for granting credit points

contact times self-study exam preparation marking
30 h 30 h 90 h yes

Assessment pattern

Presentation (passed/failed, no marking)
Final Essay of 2500 words (with marking)

Module coordinator

The module is carried out by the Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V. Responsible staff:
Janina Urban, M.Sc.  and Anita Lehner, M.A.

Module teaching staff

Micaela Fernández Erlauer, Economist (University of Buenos Aires); Lucía Espiñeira, Economist (University of Buenos Aires); Justina Lee, Economist (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht). The three lecturers work at the Argentinian NGO Civil Association Economia Feminista

Reading List

To read beforehand

Session 1


  • Oakley, Ann (1972) “From Sex, Gender and Society” Introduction. From https://www.annoakley.co.uk/fromsgas.pdf
  •  Wu, C., (2013). “Gender as a Category of Analysis: Reconciling Feminist Theory with Feminist Methodology”. Graduate Journal of Social Science, September 2013, Vol. 10, Issue 3.

Session 2


  • Nelson, J. (1995) “Feminism and Economics”. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1995, Vol. 9, Number 2.


  • Agarwal, B.(2004) “Feminist Economics as a Challenge to Mainstream Economics?”. IAFFE Newsletter, Volume 14 Number 3

Session 3



  • Pérez Orozco, A. (2003) “From markets to the sustainability of life” Presented at Gender and Power in the New Europe, the 5th European Feminist Research Conference, Lund University, Sweden.

Session 4


  • Razavi, S. 2007. "The Political and Social Economy of Care in a Development Context. Conceptual Issues, Research Questions and Policy Options", United Nations Research Institute for Social Development


  • Kelly, C. (2017) "Care and violence through the lens of personal support workers", International Journal of Care and Caring,1(1): 97–113.
  • "Progress of the world's women 2019-2020. Families in a changing world.", United Nations Women (2019): chapter 5
  • Federici, S. (2012) "Revolution Point Zero. Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle." Oakland, CA: PM Press

Session 5



  • Duffy, M. and Armenia, A. (2021) “Paid Care Work around the Globe. A comparative analysis of 47 countries and territories.” United Nations Women.

Session 6



  • Damir-Geilsdorf, S. and Sabra, M. (2018) “Disrupted families: The Gendered Impacts of Family Reunifi ation Policies on Syrian Refugees in Germany” United Nations Women.
  • "Progress of the world's women 2019-2020. Families in a changing world.", United Nations Women (2019): chapter 7
  • Decent work for migrant domestic workers: moving the agenda forward. ILO. Retrieved from
    https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/labour-migration/publications/WCMS_535596/lang--en/index.htm, 10/07/2021

Session 7



Session 8


  • Arruzza, C., Bhattacharya, T. and Fraser, N. (2019) “Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto”. Herder Editorial: Barcelona.


Session 9


Session 10


  • Périvier, Helene (2018) “Recession, austerity and gender: A comparison of eight European labour markets” International Labour Review, Vol. 157 (2018), No. 1


  • Perugini, Žarković Rakić, Vladisavljević (2018) “Austerity and gender inequalities in Europe in times of crisis” Cambridge Journal of Economics 2019, 43, 733–768. doi:10.1093/cje/bey044

Session 11


  • Hewitt & Mukhopadhyay (2002) “Promoting Gender Equality through Public Expenditure” in Gender Budgets make cents: understanding gender responsive budgeting. The Commonwealth Secretariat, London, UK.

Session 12


  • Rathgeber, Eva (1991) “WID, WAD, GAD: Trends in research and in practice” International Development Research Centre.

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