Pluralist Economics Teaching Fellowship

Application process was extended until 31th March, 23:59 CET


Pluralist Economics Teaching Fellowship 

You are frustrated with mainstream economic teaching and want to do it better? The Pluralist Economics Teaching Fellowship could give you some inspiration on how to create pluralist/heterodox economics courses or adopt your current teaching material. The online course shall provide you with some concrete examples and tools on how to diversify your economics teaching, create a space to exchange among fellow teachers, and give you the opportunity to facilitate the workshop you created for the Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics (find here the link from last year's Summer Academy). 

Program Overview

The Teaching Fellowship is organised around six lectures with input from different lecturers on examples, techniques and principles for pluralist teaching. Additionally, there will be multiple meetings on the side to give you the space to create your own pluralist economics course and thereby put your learnings into practice. You can choose whether you prefer working in a group on a shared topic or individually on your own teaching material. 

Who can Participate?

The program is generally oriented towards people who are teaching economics or economic topics  - may it be in schools or universities. Nevertheless, you don't need to have lots of teaching experiences already as long as you are motivated to get involved in teaching activities in the future. Ideally, you should already be aware of the lack of pluralism in content and approaches in economics. However, it is also fine if you are interested in a particular economics-related topic that might be disregarded by mainstream economic theory. 

Technical Info

The Pluralist Economics Teaching Fellowship starts in April and lasts until the end of July. Ideally, by the end of July, you finished designing your own workshop so you are ready to facilitate it at the Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics 2022 in August.

All meetings will take place via Zoom at 2 pm Central European Time.

Workshop Schedule

Month Date Event Facilitator
April 06.4. Introduction (3h) Exploring Economics
  14.4. Frist Lecture: Teaching Pluralist Economics, what does it mean? Decolonising and Diversifying (3h) Surbhi Kesar
  22.04. Working Groups Meeting (1,5h) Exploring Economics
May 05.05. Toolkit Creating Study Material (3h) Economy Studies
    Working Groups Meeting (1,5h) Independent work
June 06.06. Toolkit Creating Study Material 2 (3h) Economy Studies
    Working Groups Meeting (1,5h) Independent work
  28.06. Pedagogy and Soft Skills (3h) Danielle Guizzo
July 07.07. Last Technical Info EE and Summer AK
  18.07. Presentations and Feedback (3h) Economy Studies, EE
  30.07. Final Deadline Emergency Meeting, Backup  
August Second week of August Summer Academy  
September 01.09. Locking back and locking ahead Exploring Economics

If you are interested in participating apply by filling out the application form and attaching your CV (no longer than 2 pages). The application deadline was extended to 31th March 2022, 23:59 pm CET.

For any further questions please contact Luca Kokol (


Application Form






This project is brought to you by the Network for Pluralist Economics (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.).  It is committed to diversity and independence and is dependent on donations from people like you. Regular or one-off donations would be greatly appreciated.

