Behavioural Macroeconomics

Behavioural Macroeconomics
Ian Martin McDonald
Edward Elgar, 2012
Level: mittel
Perspective: Behavioral Economics
Topic: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics & Markets
page count: 503 pages
ISBN: 9781781002582


This invaluable volume brings together seminal articles with a significant behavioural content on various areas in macroeconomics. The topics covered include a historical perspective on psychology and economics, social norms and macroeconomics, the nature of unemployment, unemployment and inflation, consumption and saving, the causes of the global financial crisis, economic growth and happiness and income distribution and the underclass. The collection also covers a broad range of the theories and methods used in behavioural economics. The comprehensive volume, with an original introduction by the editor, will be an essential compendium for researchers and students interested in behavioural economics.


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