58 Ergebnisse

Was ist Globalisierung und was sind deren Folgen? Der Kurzfilm erläutert, was unter Globalisierung in den Feldern Wirtschaft, Politik und Kultur zu verstehen ist. Zudem wird die Frage nach Gewinnern und Verlierern der Globalisierung aufgeworfen - eine kurze Einführung in Globalisierung und Globalisierungskritik. 2010 Level: leicht WissensWerte: Globalisierung   WissensWerte: Paul Collier describes the four important topics that he thinks would help the "bottom billion" in the long-run: aid, trade, security and governments. In this short video, Collier explains why he considers government support important. 2013 Level: leicht The "bottom billion" Paul Collier TED Talks Wallerstein erklärt seine Sicht auf das mögliche Ende des Kapitalismus, wie wir ihn kennen. Dabei geht er auch auf die zukünftige Stellung der USA in den Internationalen Beziehungen ein. Mittels der Darstellung seiner Weltsystem-Theorie erfahren wir, warum wir alle kleine Schmetterlinge sind. 2015 Level: leicht Die globale Systemkrise und der Kampf um eine postkapitalistische Welt Immanuel Wallerstein KontextTV In the second video of the series Investigating International Finance, an alternative view on capital controls is given contrasting with the paradigm of classical trade theory suggesting that the removal of trade and capital barriers is associated with higher market efficiency. After explaining the conceptual mechanisms underlying capital controls, examples are introduced where countries actually apply capital controls and how these controls have been associated with a lesser exposure to international financial crises spillovers. 2012 Level: leicht Capital controls - Investigating International Finance, Episode 2   New Economics Foundation Stiglitz answers the question why globalization and world trade has not delivered on its promise of increased well being as much as classical economists thought, by pointing to the power asymmetries: firstly, between industrialized nations and developing nations and secondly, between special corporate interest and social interests. In his analysis, developed countries and MNCs were able to extract the benefits, while shifting the costs (i.e. pollution) to states and communities with lesser power. Amongst many other historical examples the pharmaceutical and the mining industry are discussed to some length. 2013 Level: leicht Stiglitz on globalization, why globalization fails? The trade agreements Joseph Stiglitz - Ha Joon Chang exposes the main ideas of his book Bad Samaritans, namely that historically states have developed and industrialized by making policy interventions related to industry protection, tariffs and subsidies and not by opening their markets to free trade. Chang elaborates on the examples of Japan, the US, Singapore and Germany amongst others to show that an interventionist path to development has been the regularity and not an anomaly. In the end of the lecture, he argues that they idea of a level playing field should be replaced by a trade order that accounts for differences in power and economic capacities of different countries. The last 20 minutes are questions and answers. 2008 Level: leicht Ha-Joon Chang - Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism Ha Joon-Chang New America Foundation Hohepriester der Freihandelssekte Internationaler Handel und Globalisierung in Standardlehrbüchern der Volkswirtschaftslehre Achim Truger Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Krugman P R … 2016 Level: leicht Hohepriester der Freihandelssekte - Internationaler Handel und Globalisierung in Standardlehrbüchern der Volkswirtschaftslehre Achim Truger Wirtschaft neu denken: Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie This multimedia dossier explores the production chain of smartphones. In particular due to the violation of workers' rights and low payments, the author Benjamin Selwyn calls those production structures global poverty chains. In this context, he points to the importance of workers' struggles. 2016 Level: leicht Production Chain of Smartphones Benjamin Selwyn I-PEEL In 18th century Europe figures such as Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Friedrich List and Jean Baptiste Colbert developed theories regarding international trade, which either embraced free trade seeing it as a positive sum game or recommended more cautious and strategic approaches to trade seeing it as a potential danger and a rivalry and often as a zero-sum game. What about today? 2016 Level: leicht Free trade in economic theories Exploring Economics Exploring Economics A multimedia dossier outlining the relevance and the history of the shipping container for global trade and supply chains. 2017 Level: leicht Container – I-PEEL.org Charmaine Chua I-PEEL This infographic gives a summary of the 2018 Trade Wars. This simple, compiled overview is suitable for those without a strong political or economic background. The infographic explains briefly basic concepts related to trade and provides a short timeline of events. It furthermore checks Trump administration's arguments to launch the the trade war against facts and estimates of how the 2018 trade war can affect the global and North-American economy. 2018 Level: leicht 2018 Trade Wars Infographic Trade Machines Trade Machines Donald Trump won in 2016 largely because enough voters in three states, all in the Rustbelt, which had voted for Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012, switched their electoral votes from Democratic to Republican. 2019 Level: leicht The Rise of Trumpism John Komlos Duke University’s John Hope Franklin Center In this blog article, Dirk Brockmann illustrates how strong heterogeneities, cluster-like structures and high variability in node connectivities can naturally emerge in growing networks. 2019 Level: schwer Complexity Explorables Dirk Brockmann https://www.complexity-explorables.org Brauchen wir angesichts der sich zuspitzenden Klimaproblematik neue ökonomische Denkweisen – jenseits der ‚unsichtbaren Hand des Marktes’ und des ‚rationalen’ Agenten – und wie sollten diese aussehen? 2020 Level: leicht Neues ökonomisches Denken für eine klimaverträgliche Handelsordnung und Wirtschaft Thomas Köller Economists for Future A central question in development economics literature is, “Why do countries stay poor?” The key disagreements are whether the lack of economic growth stems from institutions or from geography (Nunn 2009). From an institutional perspective, hostile tariff regimes and commodity price dependencies form a barrier to a sectoral shift that would otherwise lead to economic development in developing countries (Blink and Dorton 2011) (Stiglitz 2006).[i] 2020 Level: leicht Trade Barriers to Development explored through various lenses Johannes M. Halkenhaeusser Pluralist Economics Fellowship Understanding international trade is central to economics and is currently a hot political issue. It’s an area where popular perceptions of mainstream economics are low, since they have historically missed some important downsides of trade agreements, especially the hollowing out of former manufacturing hubs in the Western world. et economists have for long time had a theory of trade with an impressive amount of scientific clout behind it: the gravity trade model. 2020 Level: leicht A Theory of Enormous Gravity Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics How countries achieve long-term GDP growth is up there with the most important topics in economics. As Nobel Laureate Robert Lucas put it “the consequences for human welfare involved in questions like these are simply staggering: once one starts to think about them, it is hard to think about anything else.” Ricardo Hausmann et al take a refreshing approach to this question in their Atlas of Economic Complexity. They argue a country’s growth depends on the complexity of its economy: it must have a diverse economy which produces a wide variety of products, including ones that cannot be produced much elsewhere. The Atlas goes into detail on exactly what complexity means, how it fits the data, and what this implies for development. Below I will offer a summary of their arguments, including some cool data visualisations. 2020 Level: leicht GDP Growth: It’s Complicated Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics In this podcast, Laura Basu speaks with a range of expert academics and public speakers – such as Jayati Ghosh, Yanis Varoufakis, Walden Bello, and Ashish Kothari about how the rules of the global economy are fostering the inequality and underdevelopment we see today. 2020 Level: leicht Decolonising the Global Economy Laura Basu, Jayati Ghosh, Yanis Varoufakis, Walden Bello and Ashish Kothar openDemocracy These notes aim to clarify some basic features and implications of gross capital flows In the context of the 2007 08 Global Financial Crisis and the 2010 12 Eurozone Crisis trade imbalances and capital flows received a lot of attention from academics policymakers and the media However there is still … 2020 Level: mittel Gross capital flows and the balance-of-payments: a balance sheet perspective Karsten Kohler Post Keynesian Economics Society Working Paper Series The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching implications across the African continent. This discussion brings to light the role of African think tanks, such as the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) in rethinking the continent’s development models, especially, in light of the unprecedented crisis. 2020 Level: leicht Growth with 'DEPTH' should guide economic transformation in Africa   Institute for New Economic Thinking Adam Smith mag der Urvater ökonomischen Denkens sein. Aber ist er nicht längst veraltet, seine Ideen überholt? Wie aktuell seine Grundgedanken noch immer sind und wie oft sie in der modernen wirtschaftspolitischen Debatte zu finden sind, zeigt dieser Podcast. 2020 Level: leicht Adam Smith und die freie Marktwirtschaft Markus Dichmann, Matthias von Hellfeld, Markus Dichmann, Matthias von Hellfeld u.a. Eine Stunde History von Deutschlandfunk Nova A detailed introduction into dependency theory that rethinks its relevance to modern development challenges. 2020 Level: leicht Dependency Theory and Uneven Development Ingrid Kvangraven Crash Course Economics Balance of payments stability is of paramount importance for developing countries, both to secure the value of their domestic currencies as well as reliable foreign currency inflows. But how is that stability ensured and how important is the growth of exports for stability? 2020 Level: leicht Thirlwalls Law Introduction Jezri Krinsky blobMetropolis In this webinar for the Princeton Bendheim Center for Finance, Nobel Prize winner William Nordhaus explains the main problems regarding the economics of a low-carbon energy transition. 2020 Level: leicht Climate Compacts to Combat Free Riding in International Climate Agreements William Nordhaus Princeton Bendheim Center for Finance Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2019 Level: schwer Monetary sovereignty is a spectrum: modern monetary theory and developing countries Bruno Bonizzi, Annina Kaltenbrunner, Jo Michell Post-Autistic Economics Network Als Produktivität bezeichnet man das Verhältnis zwischen der Ausbringungsmenge (Output) und dem dafür benötigten Einsatz an Produktionsfaktoren (Input). 2021 Level: leicht Produktivitätsverhältnis   Wiwiwiki Relativer Güterpreis ist der Preis für eine Ware bzw. ein Produkt im Verhältnis zu einem anderen. 2021 Level: leicht Relativer Güterpreis   Wiwiwiki Public lectures on some Traditional Economic Solutions to poverty in Nigeria, specifically the Igbo Apprentice System, Yoruba Ajo Thrift Savings, and Hausa Integral Communalism. 2021 Level: schwer Traditional Wealth Creation Schemes in Nigeria Dr Sam Amadi, Dr Oyewale Ayodele, Barr Sam Hart Rethinking Economics The Uploaders (RETU) Mainstream economic narratives notably the concept of comparative advantage trade theory which assumes the equal balance of power between parties are deployed to support the merits of Global Value Chains that the global integration via trade creates mutual gains for both developed and developing countries This narrative is advanced in … 2021 Level: leicht World Development under Monopoly Capitalism Benjamin Selwyn Developing Economics Jihen Chandoul, a member of the Post-Colonialisms Today Working Group, discusses the impact of import-dependency on African food supply chains since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 Level: leicht Recovering Post-Independence Food Sovereignty for the COVID-19 Crisis Jihen Chandoul Post-Colonialisms Today: postcolonialisms.regionsrefocus.org Post-Colonialisms Today researchers Kareem Megahed and Omar Ghannam discuss the importance of industrial policy during the pandemic to improve domestic capacity for manufacturing essential goods. 2020 Level: leicht Egypt's Past Industrialization Project: Lessons for the COVID-19 Crisis Kareem Megahed and Omar Ghannam Post-Colonialisms Today: postcolonialisms.regionsrefocus.org Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei, member of the Post-Colonialisms Today Working Group, provides insight on the history of primary commodity export dependence in Africa, and relates it to the difficulties African governments are facing finding necessary resources to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 Level: leicht Tracing Primary Commodity Export Dependence Tetteh Hormeku- Ajei Post-Colonialisms Today: postcolonialisms.regionsrefocus.org


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