17 Ergebnisse

Sebastian Thieme geht der Frage nach, ob die Wirtschaftswissenschaften misanthropische Elemente und Wirkungen hat. Thiemes Vortrag befasst sich mit menschenfeindlichen Abwertungen, die in einem ökonomischen Kontext stehen (z.B. die Wertung von Arbeitslosigkeit als unproduktiv) und deren sozialpolitischen Auswirkungen. Er diskutiert dabei die Rolle von Konzepten wie Effizienz, Nützlichkeit, Wettbewerb, Konkurrenz und Selektion. 2012 Level: leicht Misanthropie und Ökonomik Sebastian Thieme: rewotv The author identifies three principal economic phenomena, which are explained: long run productivity growth as the central driver of increasing economic activity, short-term and long-term debt cycles. The latter two are explained to some detailed with reference to money creation, central banking and long term crisis tendencies. With regards to the long run debt cycle, which leads into deleveraging and recession, some policy measures which can smoothen the crisis are discussed. 2013 Level: leicht How The Economic Machine Works Ray Dalio Bridgewater Associates In diesem Vortrag äußert Heiner Flassbeck Kritik an der (deutschen) Wirtschaftspolitik nach der Finanzkrise. Dabei dekonstruiert er gängige Narrative in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften sowie in der Politik über die Europäische Währungsunion. Der Vortrag befasst sich unter anderem mit der Theorie der cost-push Inflation und Schuldendynamiken. 2015 Level: leicht Vortrag zur Eurokrise Heiner Flassbeck Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik Özlem Onaran analyses the current problems of secular stagnation from a global perspective. At the core of global economic problems is insufficient demand caused by falling wage shares, because most individual countries, and the world as a whole are “wage-led”. Hence a strategy for global growth is to aim at increasing wages and thus the wage share, and the abandonment of policies focusing purely on national competitiveness. Financialization has broken the link between corporate profitability and investment. Reregulation of finance and higher public investment is required in order to crowd in private investment, in this way, reversing the declining trend of potential output growth. 2015 Level: mittel Current Problems of Secular Stagnation from a Global Perspective Özlem Onaran IMK Mark Blyth criticises the political inability to solve the persistent economic crisis in Europe against the background of a deflationary environment. Ideological blockades and impotent institutions are the mutually reinforcing causes of European stagnation. The deeper roots lie in the structural change of the economic system since the 1980s, when neoliberalism emerged as hegemonic ideology. This ideology prepared the ground for austerity and resulting deflationary pressures and a strategy of all seeking to export their way out of trouble. Worryingly this is breeding populist and nationalist resentments in Europe. 2015 Level: leicht Policies to avert stagnation: The Crisis and the Future(s) of the Euro Mark Blyth IMK In the inspiring interview on Economics of Care, Nancy Foblre takes a closer look to the consequences of the marketization of caring activities on those activities and on the societal organization of care. Folbre elaborates on how to value care and how this shifts the perspectives on living standards. She points to the fact, that caring activities are undervalued both in the market sphere and within the family and thereby questions the division between those spheres. Lastly, Folbre answers the question how to reteach Economics when accounting for caring activities. 2016 Level: leicht The Economics of Care Nancy Folbre INET Ricardo Hausmann says the new industrial policy is an information revelation process about the state of possibilities, the nature of the obstacles and figuring out whether you can sort out the obstacles so that these new activities can take over. 2018 Level: leicht Industrial Policy: Love it or Hate it? Ricardo Hausmann Center for International Development at Harvard University Have you ever thought about the role of civil society and the evolution of economy in one breath? This one hour long interview of Daron Acemoğlu (MIT) and Martin Wolf (Financial Times) by Rethinking Economy NL gives you much inspiration for it. 2021 Level: leicht Socioeconomics of Disruptive Tech Daron Acemoğlu & Martin Wolf Rethinking Economics NL Als Produktivität bezeichnet man das Verhältnis zwischen der Ausbringungsmenge (Output) und dem dafür benötigten Einsatz an Produktionsfaktoren (Input). 2021 Level: leicht Produktivitätsverhältnis   Wiwiwiki Relativer Güterpreis ist der Preis für eine Ware bzw. ein Produkt im Verhältnis zu einem anderen. 2021 Level: leicht Relativer Güterpreis   Wiwiwiki Inklusion ist ein Konzept, das unser Wirtschaftssystem existenziell in Frage stellt. Bei konsequenter Anwendung würden wir uns von der Vormachtstellung der Erwerbsarbeit verabschieden. Ein Beitrag von Clara Porak. 2021 Level: leicht Inklusion ist eine radikale Idee Clara Porak Economist for Future Readers of economic and political theory as well as students of economic planning will appreciate this classic, now available for the first time in English. Written eighty years ago, when Sorel became disillusioned with the official socialism of the German and French Marxist parties, this new translation presents Sorel's analysis of the rise and fall of the two great modern ideologies: socialism and liberal capitalism. 2017 Level: mittel Social Foundations of Contemporary Economics Georges Sorel Routledge In this new book Smith returns to Solow s classic productivity paradox which essentially states that we can see automation everywhere like the spheres of leisure sociality and politics but not in the productivity statistics He examines why labor saving automation in the service age in the Global North has … 2020 Level: mittel Smart Machines and Service Work Jason E. Smith Reaktion Books Über kollektive Arbeitszeitverkürzung wird derzeit kontrovers diskutiert – wir haben einen Wegweiser zusammengestellt, der einen Überblick über das Thema geben soll. 2024 Level: leicht Wegweiser Arbeitszeitverkürzung Hannah Kiefer Exploring Economics Im Wachstumsprozess weitet sich der wirtschaftliche Kreislauf zu einer Spirale aus, die im Aufstieg einem exponentiellen Pfad folgt. Um den Antrieb und die Möglichkeit zur Verfolgung dieses Wachstumspfads zu erklären, muss die Dynamik des Geldes, der Energie und der menschlichen Imagination deutlicher herausgestellt werden als es in der konventionellen ökonomischen Theorie der Fall ist. 2013 Level: mittel Die Wachstumsspirale Hans Christoph Binswanger Metropolis Verlag The world of economics is changing. Years of turmoil in the global economy mean that nothing will ever be quite the same again. This is the starting point and theme of this radically revised Economist books classic. 2015 Level: mittel The Economist: Economics 4th edition Richard Davies Profile Books In the debate about a sustainable and livable future, the critique of work is an essential perspective. In this contribution, Maja Hoffmann explores the tension between the environmentally harmful effects of work on the one hand and the systematic compulsion of work on the other. 2024 Level: leicht How can post-work (critiques of work) enrich the climate debate? Maja Hoffmann Economists for Future


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