26 Ergebnisse

Based on a critique on econometric and DSGE models (in particular in the context of the financial crisis), Doyne Farmer presents his current research programme that aims at building an agent-based model of the financial and economic crisis. It models heterogeneous agents and from there simulates the economy, firstly for the housing market. The interview gives a short insight in the research programme. 2011 Level: leicht Macroeconomics From the Bottom Up Doyne Farmer INET Steve Keen discusses DSGE modeling and microfoundations by asking the question if it is ideologically possible to derive macroeconomics from microeconomics. 2013 Level: mittel Discussing DSGE Steve Keen ProfSteveKeen Keen first compares neoclassical approaches to modelling with heterodox ones. Then he discusses in length the required assumptions and the inconsistencies of the aggregate demand and supply model, which is extrapolated from a micro perspective. At the end some dynamic models with feedback mechanisms are shown. 2016 Level: mittel The Mainstream Obsession with Microfoundations and why it is an intellectual dead-end Steve Keen ProfSteveKeen Fortgeschrittene Makroökonomie Lehrbücher mit Tunnelblick Über die Enge der DSGE Modellwelt Sebastian Dullien Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Walsh C E … 2016 Level: leicht Fortgeschrittene Makroökonomie - Lehrbücher mit Tunnelblick: Über die Enge der DSGE-Modellwelt Sebastian Dullien Wirtschaft neu denken: Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie This is an introductory lecture to Stock Flow Consistent SFC modelling Antoine Godin presents this family of macroeconomic models which is based on a rigorous accounting framework and guarantees a correct and comprehensive integration of all the flows and the stocks of an economy SFC models focus especially on interactions … 2015 Level: mittel Post Keynesian Stock-Flow consistent Modelling Antoine Godin IMK The lectures were given by Steve Keen at the Exploring Economics Summer Academy 2017 in the workshop on Post Keynesian Economics The first lectures start with the role of money in a monetary economy and explain the macroeconomic significance of admitting the reality that banks create money The lectures continue … 2017 Level: schwer Exploring Economics 2017 Lectures Steve Keen ProfSteveKeen Antoine Godin gives a bright, illustrated, introduction to agent-based, stock-flow-consistent modeling, with a clear focus on the agent-based aspect. 2016 Level: mittel Introduction to Agent-Based Stock-Flow Consistent Modelling Antoine Godin IMK In this blog article Steve Keen elaborates on flawed climate change modelling and mainstream economics forecasts. In specific, he stresses the climate change forecasts of the DICE model (“Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy”) by Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences winner William Nordhaus. 2019 Level: mittel The Cost of Climate Change Steve Keen Evonomics What data is used in the economic models of the IPCC? How problematic is it, that tipping points are often ignored? A very interesting presentation by Steve Keen during the OECD Conference "Averting Systemic Collapse". 2019 Level: leicht Averting Systemic Collapse Steve Keen ZOE. Institute for future-fit economies Manuel Schulz hat sich im Rahmen der Schreibwerkstatt "Varieties of Mainstream Economics?" kritisch mit dem normativen Selbstverständnis der Verhaltensökonomik auseinandergesetzt. Level: leicht Humanisierung der Ökonomie oder Ökonomisierung der Humanität? Zur normativen Verortung der Verhaltensökonomik Manuel Schulz Exploring Economics As part of the 2019/2020 Exploring Economics Experience, one of our supporters Prof. Steve Keen gave a presentation to our editorial team. Read more 2020 Level: schwer The foundations of monetary macroeconomics - Steve Keen | Exploring Economics Global Lecture Steve Keen Exploring Economics A stock-flow-fund ecological macroeconomic model 2020 Level: schwer DEFINE - A stock-flow-fund ecological macroeconomic model Yannis Dafermos, Giorgos Galanis & Maria Nikolaidi DEFINE This article considers the strengths of agent-based modelling and the ways that it can be used to help central banks understand the economy. These models provide a complement to more traditional economic modelling which has been criticised in the wake of the Great Recession. 2016 Level: mittel Agent-based models: understanding the economy from the bottom up Arthur Turrell Bank of England Is our system capable of energy transition and climate protection? How plural is economic policy in practice and who makes the big decisions? What kind of change do we want? 2021 Level: leicht Energy and Climate Economics - Where do we come from and where do we have to go? Claudia Kemfert YouTube (MÖVE) Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash Networks are ubiquitous in our modern society The World Wide Web that links us to and enables information flows with the rest of the world is the most visible example It is however only one of many networks within which we are situated Our … Level: leicht Networks Daron Acemoglu; Asu Ozdaglar Massachusetts Institute of Technology The models of portfolio selection and asset price dynamics in this volume seek to explain the market dynamics of asset prices. Presenting a range of analytical, empirical, and numerical techniques as well as several different modeling approaches, the authors depict the state of debate on the market selection hypothesis. 2009 Level: mittel Handbook of Financial Markets Thorsten Hens, Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppé North Holland Das interaktive Online-Lehrbuch stellt grundlegende makroökonomische Konzepte auf Bachelor-Niveau dar. In den interaktiven Abbildungen können Parameter und Variablen einzelner Modellelemente verändert werden und in einer Reihe interaktiver Szenarien übernehmen die Nutzer*innen die Kontrolle über verschiedene wirtschaftspolitischen Instrumente. 2020 Level: mittel Einführung in die Makroökonomik: plural und interaktiv Franz Prante, Alessandro Bramucci, Eckhard Hein und Achim Truger Institute for International Political Economy Berlin der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht VWL-Standardmodelle gehen davon aus, dass Individuen gegebene und stabile Präferenzen haben, nach denen sie ihren Nutzen maximieren. Doch was passiert, wenn sich diese Präferenzen aus anderen Gründen ändern – und wäre es verwerflich, sie gezielt durch Politikmaßnahmen zu beeinflussen? Ein Beitrag von Linus Mattauch und Anna Wiese. 2022 Level: leicht Die Notwendigkeit zum Wertewandel fordert auch die VWL heraus Linus Mattauch und Anna Wiese Economists for Future Popularized by movies such as A Beautiful Mind game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational and irrational agents Over four weeks of lectures this advanced course considers how to design interactions between agents in order to achieve good social outcomes Three main topics are covered social … Level: mittel Game Theory II: Advanced Applications Matthew O. Jackson; Kevin Leyton-Brown; Yoav Shoham Stanford University, The University of British Columbia Think Academy Think Academy Level: mittel Complexity Economics Think Academy Think Academy Das Modell des homo oeconomicus erklärt in der Mainstream-Ökonomik das Verhalten des Individuums nach der Logik der Situation. Auch wenn Vertreter*innen des Konzepts betonen, dass es sich um eine wissenschaftliche Abstraktion handelt, fungiert der homo oeconomicus auf der gesellschaftlichen Makroebene jedoch als repräsentativer Akteur und stellt somit eine Reduktion des Menschen dar. Ein Essay von Elena Goschin. Level: leicht Gegen die Logik der Situation Elena Goschin Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik Die meisten Sozialwissenschaften beschäftigen sich mit der Ideengeschichte ihres Faches im Grundstudium. Anders in der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Aber ist nicht der Kontext eines Modells oder einer Theorie, bzw. die jeweilige Entstehungsgeschichte entscheidend, um es in der Tiefe zu verstehen? Ein Essay von Luisa Jentsch. Level: leicht Vom Nutzen der Historie für die Wirtschaftswissenschaften Luisa Jentsch Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik This is a hands on four chapter course to learn how to better understand and act when faced with complex situations By the end of the course students will be able to take a story from the news describe what makes the situation complex and identify opportunities for effective action … Level: leicht Thinking Complexity Cameron Guthrie Toulouse Business School The book is offered, in the first instance, to students who are beginners in economics, but some parts of it may be of wider interest. The three topics, Economic Doctrines, Analysis and Modern Problems, might be the subject of concurrent courses or they may be studied consecutively. 1973 Level: leicht An Introduction to Modern Economics Robinson, Joan; Eatwell, John Maidenhead McGraw-Hill An introductory course on Game Theory Level: leicht Game Theory Matthew O. Jackson; Kevin Leyton-Brown; Yoav Shoham Stanford University, The University of British Columbia Think Academy Think Academy Level: leicht Emergence Theory Think Academy Think Academy


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