Lessons for Today from Egypt’s Post-Independence Industrialization
Historical Alternatives to Mass Production: Politics, Markets and Technology in Nineteenth-Century Industrialization
Fachkräfte anwerben, Grenzen abschotten? Der Zusammenhang von Migration, Grenzregimen und Kapitalismus
Economic Introduction to the Ecological Crisis - Economy Studies
How can post-work (critiques of work) enrich the climate debate?
State, Law and the Economy
Social Foundations of Contemporary Economics
Information Technology and Socialist Construction
A People's Green New Deal
The Gender strategy of the IMF: The way to go towards gender equality or a mere instrumentalisation of feminism?
How to Manage the Economic Fallout of the Coronavirus
The Unexpected Reckoning: Coronavirus and Capitalism
Inequality in the Post-pandemic Era
Inflation in economic theory
Post-pandemic future of work - How does digitization impact labour?
Towards a practice of fare-free sustainability
Behavioural vs Complexity Economics: Approaches to Development
Overview of proposals to combat the economic consequences of the Corona crisis
Die Europäische Zentralbank in der Krisenpolitik – Maßnahmen, Wirkungen, Schattenseiten
It’s Demand All the Way Down
Verkehrte Welt in Sachen Fiskalpolitik? Offener Mainstream und dogmatische „Heterodoxie“ in Standardlehrbüchern der Volkswirtschaftslehre