442 Ergebnisse

Level: leicht
The historical situation of low interest rates after the Fed's response to the 2001 crisis alongside with huge foreign money inflow to the US are presented as the historical context in which subprime lending and financial instruments like CDOs and CDS evolved. Then those instruments as well as the concept of leverage are explained briefly.
Level: mittel
Sheila Dow discusses the concept of radical uncertainty and the failure of neoclassical economics to integrate it into its analysis. As to the implications for financial regulation that arise from the presence of radical uncertainty she argues for institutional overhaul, where the banks see themselves as a licensed partner of the central bank and where rules, values, and conventions would be subject to a cultural shift. Also, Sheila Dow advocates for a renewed focus on retail banking.
Level: leicht
Economic sociology is an entire subfield and one could write an series on it, so I’m going to stick to probably the most prominent economic sociologist and the founder of ‘new economic sociology’, Mark Granovetter.
Level: leicht
As the Covid-19 fueled economic downturn begins to intensify this winter, an extended study of the Italian cooperative sector’s historical resilience in times of crisis can serve as a learning experience for other countries seeking to create policies that foster more stable economies, with job security, care for marginalized communities and adequate counter-cyclical policies. Particularly, the Italian cooperative sector’s contributions to three aspects should be noted in closing. Firstly, the innovative phenomenon of cooperative enterprises has contributed to social inclusion of immigrant communities, the activation of youth, the unemployed and people with disabilities, a true compensation for both a market and state failure. Secondly, they have contributed to a reduction in income and wealth inequalities at a time when the issue of inequality is of global significance. Thirdly, the Italian cooperative movement has helped local communities revitalize in the face of demographic shifts and rendered them more resilient to the ravages of globalization. Each of these in their own right is a remarkable achievement.
Level: leicht
Ha Joon Chang exposes the main ideas of his book Bad Samaritans, namely that historically states have developed and industrialized by making policy interventions related to industry protection, tariffs and subsidies and not by opening their markets to free trade. Chang elaborates on the examples of Japan, the US, Singapore and Germany amongst others to show that an interventionist path to development has been the regularity and not an anomaly. In the end of the lecture, he argues that they idea of a level playing field should be replaced by a trade order that accounts for differences in power and economic capacities of different countries. The last 20 minutes are questions and answers.
Level: leicht
Nach einem kurzen wissenschaftstheoretischem Einstieg zur prä-analystischen Vision der Ökologischen Ökonomik, präsentiert Bernd Siebenhüner die Kernideen der Theorieschule. Dabei grenzt er diese von der Umwelt- & Ressourcenökonomik ab und erläutert auch Unterschiede zur Neoklassik. Während dieser Einführung in die Ökologische Ökonomik erläutert Siebenhüner Begriffe wie planetare Grenzen, Nachhaltigkeit oder Thermodynamik. Dabei gebt er insbesondere auf die Leitvision „Komplementarität statt Substituierbarkeit“ ein und stellt diese den in Kontext von schwacher und starker Nachhaltigkeit. Im Anschluss präsentiert Siebenhüner die Debatten um Wachstum und Ökosystemleistungen in der Ökologischen Ökonomik.
Level: leicht
Warum wurden nach der Finanzkrise weder die Finanz- und Wirtschaftsordnung noch die Wirtschaftswissenschaft angepasst oder erneuert? Warum wird an vorherrschenden Prinzipien und Theorien festgehalten? Joseph Vogl geht diesen Fragen im Vortrag „Das seltsame Überleben der Theodizee in der Ökonomie“ nach und spricht von einer Oikodizee, einer Glaubensehre in der Ökonomie, einem metaphysischem Ansatz und einer dogmatischen Substanz im ökonomischen Denken, die nicht angetastet wird. Ein besonderes Augenmerk der Vortrages liegt auf ökonomischen Prognosen in der Krise und Theorien zu Märkten.
Level: leicht
Diese Vorlesung beschäftigt sich mit grundlegenden Elementen sozialphilosophischen Denkens mit besonderem Fokus auf Schnittmenge zwischen Sozialphilosophie und politischer Ökonomie. Im Zentrum steht die Vermittlung von Kenntnissen über die zentralen Fragestellungen, die historische Genese, sowie wesentliche, prägende Beiträge der Sozialphilosophie und Politischen Ökonomie.
Level: leicht
This course introduces students to the relevance of gender relations in economics as a discipline and in economic processes and outcomes. The course covers three main components of gender in economics and the economy: (1) the gendered nature of the construction and reproduction of economic theory and thought; (2) the relevance and role of gender in economic decision-making; and (3) differences in economic outcomes based on gender. We will touch on the relevance of gender and gender relations in at least each of the following topics: economic theory; the history of economic thought; human capital accumulation; labor market discrimination; macroeconomic policy, including gender budgeting; household economics; basic econometrics; economic history; and economic crises.
Level: leicht
The Heterodox Economics Directory provides a broad variety of links to heterodox journals, books, conferences, study programs, teaching materials and blogs. Some categories are subdivided by schools of thoughts - it's a valuable source for heterodox material on the internet.
Level: leicht
The dossier first discusses the impact of colonialism on introducing foreign plants and thus disrupting ecosystems. Subsequently the case of the knotweed, a plant introduced from Japan to the UK and now considered a threat to biodiversity is explored. The complex economy built around the plant consisting of regulations, pesticides, experts, and landowners is then explored.
Level: mittel
The Lecturer Prof. Francesco Lissoni presents basic concepts of the Economics of Innovation. Firstly, he distinguishes between invention, innovation and diffusion and relates innovation to economic growth. Subsequently, he elucidates learning and network effects.
Level: leicht
The MINE website explores the interplay between nature and economy. Focusing on such fundamental concepts as time, thermodynamics, evolution, homo politicus and justice, a new outline of economic activity emerges within nature. The dominant approach of Mainstream Economics, which considers nature as a subsystem of the economy, is thus replaced by a broader and more integrated framework. The visual map and its links between concepts provides an orientation. The visitor can approach the content from their own starting point and follow their own path to discovery. Each concept starts with the historical background and moves on through theory and practice. The research behind MINE began in the 1970s at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in an interdisciplinary group spearheaded by Professor Malte Faber, including scientists from economics to mathematics, physics and philosophy. The research has contributed to the field of Ecological Economics. MINE is directed at students, scientists and decion-makers. More on http://nature-economy.de/faq/
Level: leicht
In der Lehrveranstaltung „Plurale Feministischen Ökonomie“ erhalten die Studierenden einen Einblick in die unterschiedlichen Debatten innerhalb der Feministischen Ökonomie, die von der Subsistenztheorie bis hin zur Queer Economics reichen, und lernen die wissenschaftstheoretischen, normativen und methodischen Hintergründe kennen.
Level: leicht
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist eine Einführung in die Medienökonomik, in deren Zentrum das komplexe Verhältnis von Ökonomie und Massenmedien steht, welches besonders in Zeiten eines rasanten Medienwandels noch einmal von größerer Bedeutung ist.
Level: leicht
Ziel dieses Seminars ist, eine Einführung in die wissenschaftstheoretischen und methodischen Grundlagen der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften zu bieten.
Level: leicht
Das Seminar "Einführung in die Plurale Ökonomik" bietet einen systematischen Einstieg in die ökonomische Theoriegeschichte und gibt einen Überblick über verschiedene ökonomische Theorieschulen, wie z.B. Verhaltensökonomik, Institutionelle Ökonomie, Postkeynesianismus, Ökologische Ökonomie und kritische Entwicklungsökonomie.
Level: leicht
On July 2020 ZOE-Institute published a unique platform for transformative policymaking: Sustainable Prosperity. Building on insights from new economic thinking the platform provides knowledge about ideas, arguments and procedures that support effective promotion of political change. It aims to strengthen change makers in public policy institutions, who are working on an ambitious green and just transition. As such, it provides convincing arguments and policy ideas to overcome the reliance of economic policy on GDP growth
Level: mittel
Along with addressing core conceptual issues in defining heterodox economics, we will cover in some detail five heterodox traditions in economics: Marxian Economics, Institutional Economics, Post-Keynesian Economics, Feminist Economics, and Ecologi-cal Economics. In the first class meeting, we discuss the structure and goals of the course, as well as the expectations and requirements from the students. In addition, we will discuss the concept of heterodoxy in economics, along with discussing the concepts and key issues in mainstream and neoclassical economics.
Level: mittel
Most mainstream neoclassical economists completely failed to anticipate the crisis which broke in 2007 and 2008. There is however a long tradition of economic analysis which emphasises how growth in a capitalist economy leads to an accumulation of tensions and results in periodic crises. This paper first reviews the work of Karl Marx who was one of the first writers to incorporate an analysis of periodic crisis in his analysis of capitalist accumulation. The paper then considers the approach of various subsequent Marxian writers, most of whom locate periodic cyclical crises within the framework of longer-term phases of capitalist development, the most recent of which is generally seen as having begun in the 1980s. The paper also looks at the analyses of Thorstein Veblen and Wesley Claire Mitchell, two US institutionalist economists who stressed the role of finance and its contribution to generating periodic crises, and the Italian Circuitist writers who stress the problematic challenge of ensuring that bank advances to productive enterprises can successfully be repaid.
Level: mittel
The principle of effective demand, and the claim of its validity for a monetary production economy in the short and in the long run, is the core of heterodox macroeconomics, as currently found in all the different strands of post-Keynesian economics (Fundamentalists, Kaleckians, Sraffians, Kaldorians, Institutionalists) and also in some strands of neo-Marxian economics, particularly in the monopoly capitalism and underconsumptionist school In this contribution, we will therefore outline the foundations of the principle of effective demand and its relationship with the respective notion of a capitalist or a monetary production economy in the works of Marx, Kalecki and Keynes. Then we will deal with heterodox short-run macroeconomics and it will provide a simple short-run model which is built on the principle of effective demand, as well as on distribution conflict between different social groups (or classes): rentiers, managers and workers. Finally, we will move to the long run and we will review the integration of the principle of effective demand into heterodox/post-Keynesian approaches towards distribution and growth.
Level: leicht
Ein reines Monopol (Mono - griech. monos = „allein“, „einzig“; Pol - polein = „verkaufen“) liegt immer dann vor, wenn viele Nachfrager (z.B. private Haushalte) genau nur einen einzigen Anbieter (z.B. Unternehmen) eines bestimmten Gutes bzw. einer bestimmten Leistung zur Auswahl haben, ohne Wahl auf ein Substitut (Ersetzung des Gutes bzw. der Leistung mit einer anderen).
Level: leicht
In kaum einem anderen Bereich stehen kurzfristige, private Interessen so stark im Konflikt mit langfristigen, gesellschaftlichen Interessen wie in der Autoindustrie. Wie könnte diese Diskrepanz langfristig verringert werden?
Level: mittel
This paper investigates how the concept of public purpose is used in Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). As a common denominator among political scientists, the idea of public purpose is that economic actions should aim at benefiting the majority of the society. However, the concept is to be considered as an ideal of a vague nature, which is highly dependent on societal context and, hence, subject to change over time. MMT stresses that government spending plans should be designed to pursue a certain socio-economic mandate and not to meet any particular financial outcome. The concept of public purpose is heavily used in this theoretical body of thought and often referred to in the context of policy proposals as the ideas of universal job guarantee and banking reform proposals show. MMT scholars use the concept as a pragmatic benchmark against which policies can be assessed. With regards to the definition of public propose, MMT scholars agree that it is dependent on the social-cultural context. Nevertheless, MMT scholars view universal access to material means of survival as universally applicable and in that sense as the lowest possible common denominator.
Level: leicht
Global Value Chains (GVCs) started to play an increasing and key role in the global economy from the 1990s on. The market mechanism in GVCs supports industrialisation in the Global South and under certain conditions product and process upgrading. But GVCs do not lead to the catching-up of countries in the sense of them approaching real GDP per capita levels comparable with developed countries. These arguments are supported by a critical interpretation of the traditional trade theory, the New Trade Theory and specific approaches to explain GVCs, especially different governance structures and power relationships. Several case studies support these arguments. For catching-up, countries need comprehensive horizontal and vertical industrial policy and policies for social coherence. The small number of countries which managed to catch up did this in different variations.
Level: leicht
Die Zeit ist reif für eine Rückbesinnung auf das Potenzial der Vermögensbesteuerung. Doch wie genau sollten Vermögensteuer und Erbschaftsteuer ausgestaltet werden?
Level: leicht
Nach dem vorherrschenden Verständnis ist Geld vor allem eine sehr individualistische Sache. Doch wenn wir es als öffentliche Infrastruktur verstehen, bekommen wir auch ein anderes Bild von uns Menschen und unserem Zusammenleben. Ein Beitrag von Jakob Feinig.
Level: leicht
Das Grundgesetz gibt uns Rechte von Natur aus, aber welche Rechte hat die Natur? Verleiht sie nur Rechte, hat aber selbst keine? Das kann nicht sein. Ein Essay von Diedrich Lange.
Level: mittel
Since the 1980s, the financial sector and its role have increased significantly. This development is often referred to as financialization. Authors working in the heterodox tradition have raised the question whether the changing role of finance manifests a new era in the history of capitalism. The present article first provides some general discussion on the term financialization and presents some stylized facts which highlight the rise of finance. Then, it proceeds by briefly reviewing the main arguments in the Marxian framework that proposedly lead to crisis. Next, two schools of thought in the Marxian tradition are reviewed which consider financialization as the latest stage of capitalism. They highlight the contradictions imposed by financialization that disrupt the growth process and also stress the fragilities imposed by the new growth regime. The two approaches introduced here are the Social Structure of Accumulation Theory and Monthly Review School. The subsequent part proceeds with the Post-Keynesian theory, first introducing potential destabilizing factors before discussing financialization and the finance-led growth regime. The last section provides a comparative summary. While the basic narrative in all approaches considered here is quite similar, major differences stem from the relationship between neoliberalism and financialization and, moreover, from the question of whether financialization can be considered cause or effect.
Level: mittel
Exploring Economics, an open-source e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods.
Level: leicht
Angesichts der momentan Mehrfachkrisen gerät das lange Zeit dominierende neoliberale Gesellschaftsprogramm an seine Grenzen – und mit ihm seine konstitutiven Leitbilder. Daraus erwachsen demokratiezersetzenden und autoritäre Bewegungen. Ein Beitrag von Eva Groß, Andreas Hövermann und Amelie Nickel.
Level: leicht
In this overview paper, Laura Porak reviews the history of industrial policy in the European Union before the background of a Cultural Political Economy approach.


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