273 Ergebnisse

This course will survey contemporary heterodox approaches to economic research, both from a microeconomic and a macroeconomic perspective. Topics will be treated from a general, critical, and mathematical standpoint.
Level: mittel
Heterodox Approaches to Economics
This blog post reviews "Democratizing Finance", an edited volume that analyses and provides policy proposals to ensure that the financial system serves the public good. Mquzama undertakes the task of summarising the main takeaways from each essay in the book as well as an exposition of its shortfalls. While he acknowledges the necessity of the book's reimaging capitalism and the financial system in a way that is practical within the current economic and political structures, he also highlights its failure to look beyond the United States of America.
Level: leicht
Book Review: Democratizing Finance
A review of: [1] Intermediate Microeconomics, H.R. Varian [2] Mikrooekonomie, R.S. Pindyck, D.L. Rubinfeld [3] Grundzuege der mikrooekonomischen Theorie, J. Schumann, U. Meyer, W. Stroebele
Level: leicht
The Dichotomy, Inconsistency, and Peculiar Outmodedness of the "Mainstream" Textbook
This essay suggests to bring together two aspects of economic thought which so far have developed largely separately: degrowth and feminist economics. In this strive, the concept of care work and its role in feminist economics will be introduced and the downsides of the commodification of care work will be discussed. Subsequently, contributions to the discussion on the (re)valuation of care work will be taken into account.
Level: leicht
Who cares? A convergence of feminist economics and degrowth
In this essay the author outlines the basis for embracing a post-work agenda, rooted in an emancipatory potential from the domination of waged work, which could help answer both feminist and ecological concerns with work.
Level: leicht
Towards a post-work future: a necessary agenda to reconcile feminist & ecological concerns with work
Weite Teile der vorherrschenden Ökonomik haben Bewegungen wie „Fridays for Futures“ oder „Extinction Rebellion“ kaum relevantes Wissen anzubieten. Dies liegt vor allem an einem ideologisch verengten Blick auf das, was als ökonomisch bezeichnet wird, sowie den daraus resultierenden Maßnahmen. Märkte gelten in der vorherrschenden VWL als Synonym für Ökonomie.
Level: leicht
Das Politische des Ökonomischen wiederentdecken
Planet Money and The Indicator aim to explain current economic events in an easy, fun and accessible manner.
Level: leicht
Planet Money
Markets are the focus in modern economics: when they work, when they don’t and what we can or can’t do about it. There are many ways to study markets and how we do so will inevitably affect our conclusions about them, including policy recommendations which can influence governments and other major organisations. Pluralism can be a vital corrective to enacting real policies based on only one perspective and a plethora of approaches provide alternatives to the canonical view. Although they have differing implications, these approaches share the idea that we should take a historical approach, analysing markets on a case-by-case basis; and they share a faith in the power of both individuals and collectives to overcome the problems encountered when organising economic activity.
Level: leicht
Markets, How Do They Work?
This study aims to provide insights on how the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) is contributing to the future of work.
Level: leicht
The Contribution of the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Finance to the Future of Work
Obwohl viele technische Lösungen für gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen wie den Klimawandel auf der Hand liegen, sind wir als globale Gesellschaft häufig nicht in der Lage, diese umzusetzen. Warum führt die kollektive Erfahrung eines kollabierenden Systems nicht zur kollektiven Handlung? Ein Beitrag von Katrin Käufer und Claus Otto Scharmer.
Level: leicht
Von der Ego- zur Eco-System-Ökonomie
Die Wirtschaftswissenschaft steht heute im neoklassischen Paradigma, sie kann aber viel mehr als die meisten wissen. Im Laufe der Wirtschaftsgeschichte musste sich die ökonomische Theorie immer wieder neuen Herausforderungen stellen, neue Fragestellungen beantworten, ihre Zielsetzung und Wertkataloge hinterfragen und anpassen.
Level: leicht
Wirtschaft im Umbruch. Plurale Perspektiven auf ökonomische Theorie
This course introduces students to political economy and the history of economic thought. We will cover the core ideas in various schools of economic thought, positioning them in the historical and institutional context in which they were developed. In particular, we will cover some economic ideas from the ancient world and the middle ages; the enlightenment; the emergence of and main ideas in classical political economy (Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Thomas Malthus, and others); Marx, Mill, and Keynes; European versus American economic thought through history; the rise of mathematical economics; economic theories around state-managed economies versus socialism; Austrian economics; behavioral economics; and the future of economics.
Level: leicht
Political Economy and the History of Economic Thought
Der vorliegende Sammelband unternimmt in einer Zusammenführung von didaktisch reflektierten Erfahrungsberichten erste Schritte in Richtung einer pluralen sozioökonomischen Hochschullehre In der Einleitung führen die Herausgebenden die zentralen Begründungskontexte für dieses Vorhaben zusammen die evidenzbasierte Problematisierung standardökonomischer Hochschullehre steht dabei studentischen Forderungen und konkreten Alternativen gegenüber die von ökonomischen Fachwissenschaftler innen …
Level: leicht
Wirtschaft neu lehren
In this overview paper, Laura Porak reviews the history of industrial policy in the European Union before the background of a Cultural Political Economy approach.
Level: leicht
History of Industrial Policy in the EU
This workshop offers an introduction to Degrowth and Ecological Economics. It starts by surveying the socio-ecological crisis and its pseudo-solutions, and then moves to Ecological Macroeconomics as a relatively recent field of scholarship within Ecological Economics.
Level: leicht
Ecological Economics and Degrowth
The paper gives a comprehensive overview of challenges facing energy transmission and distribution networks in the UK in the wake of the green transition and makes the case for public ownership.
Level: leicht
Grid is Good: The Case for Public Ownership of Transmission and Distribution
Müssen wir wirklich die Natur retten? Natürlich! Heute mehr als gestern – und morgen erst recht. Und dennoch transportiert die Frage ein Problem, welches Ramona Schmidt in diesem kurzen Beitrag diskutieren möchte. Denn die Frage trennt Menschen kategorial von der Natur.
Level: leicht
Die Umwelt retten: Keine Held*innentat, sondern Selbsterhaltung
Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie treffen eine außerirdische Gestalt, ein quietsch-grünes Alien, rein zufällig natürlich, auf dem allmorgendlichen Weg zur Arbeit. Es schaut Sie stirnrunzelnd an und fragt: „Was ist die Erde? Was macht euren Planeten aus?“ Was würden Sie antworten? Wären Sie ehrlich? Ein Essay von Sarah Lange.
Level: leicht
Verantwortung als mitweltorientierte Sorge
Kilian de Ridder argumentiert in diesem Text, dass die EZB in ihrer aktuellen Konstruktion eine Institution ist, die aus heute überholten Theorien heraus entstanden ist. Die EZB hat das Mandat der Preisstabilität, was bedeutet, sie zielt auf eine niedrige, aber positive Inflation von 2 Prozent ab. Das hauptsächliche Instrument, das wir ihr für die Erfüllung dieses Mandats an die Hand gegeben haben, ist der Leitzins. Dieser stellt sich als überraschend unpraktisch für dieses Ziel heraus, weil er keine spezifischen Sektoren adressieren kann, sondern nur die gesamte Wirtschaft.
Level: mittel
Neues Geld – Wie wir Geldpolitik neu denken können
The Nawi Knowledge Portal is an open access repository that features for multi themed research outputs and knowledge products. They aim to amplify the work of African women working to demystify the space of macroeconomic policy from a Pan African feminist to the widest possible audience.
Level: mittel
NAWI Collective - A Pan African Feminist Political Economy Collective
The chapter by the Centre for Economy Studies introduces interdisciplinary economic subdisciplines and their importance for economics education.
Level: leicht
Interdisciplinary Economics
Source image New Economic Thinking Youtube channel Some years ago in the aftermath of the great financial crisis GFC of the first decade of the twentieth century Paul Krugman famously remarked that most macroeconomics of the last thirty years was spectacularly useless at best and positively harmful at worst It …
Level: mittel
Monetary Macroeconomics
Complexity economics focuses on interactions and interdependencies between individuals and structures in economic systems. Those are systems of organised complexity. High importance is given to the analysis of networks.
Complexity Economics
In a capitalist system, consumers, investors, and corporations orient their activities toward a future that contains opportunities and risks. How actors assess uncertainty is a problem that economists have tried to solve through general equilibrium and rational expectations theory. Powerful as these analytical tools are, they underestimate the future's unknowability by assuming that markets, in the aggregate, correctly forecast what is to come.
Level: mittel
Imagined Futures
This book is a welcome consolidation and extension of the recent expanding debates on happiness and economics. Happiness and economics, as a new field for research, is now of pivotal interest particularly to welfare economists and psychologists. This Handbook provides an unprecedented forum for discussion of the economic issues relating to happiness.
Level: mittel
Handbook on the Economics of Happiness
Der Fokus der feministische Ökonomik liegt auf dem wechselseitigen Zusammenhang von Geschlechterverhältnissen und Ökonomie. Sie rückt insbesondere Care und die teils nicht marktvermittelte Reproduktionssphäre in das Blickfeld.
Feministische Ökonomik
Financial Evolution at the Speed of Thought A new evolutionary explanation of markets and investor behaviorHalf of all Americans have money in the stock market yet economists can t agree on whether investors and markets are rational and efficient as modern financial theory assumes or irrational and inefficient as behavioral …
Level: mittel
Adaptive Markets
Der Fokus der Komplexitätsökonomik liegt auf den Interaktionen und Wechselwirkungen zwischen Individuen und Strukturen wirtschaftlicher Systeme. Diese werden als Systeme organisierter Komplexität aufgefasst. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Analyse von Netzwerken.
Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change is an introduction to economics that explains how capitalism works, why it sometimes fails, and how it undergoes and brings about change. It discusses both the conventional economic model and the role of power in economic interactions.
Level: leicht
Understanding Capitalism
Usually, Critical Theory and Economics are, for better or worse, no longer seen to be in a continuum. This article by Lukas Meisner serves as an introduction to Critical Theory for all (heterodox) economists, who want to understand and explain what they can, otherwise, just state and describe.
Level: leicht
Critical Theory for Heterodox Economists: Questioning the Premises of Supply and Demand
In China's Gilded Age, Yuen Yuen Ang maintains that all corruption is harmful, but not all types of corruption hurt growth. Ang unbundles corruption into four varieties: petty theft, grand theft, speed money, and access money.
Level: leicht
China's Gilded Age
hether it's working for free in exchange for 'experience', enduring poor treatment in the name of being 'part of the family', or clocking serious overtime for a good cause, more and more of us are pushed to make sacrifices for the privilege of being able to do work we enjoy. Work Won't Love You Back examines how we all bought into this 'labour of love' myth: the idea that certain work is not really work, and should be done for the sake of passion rather than pay.
Level: leicht
Work Won't Love You Back


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