1585 Ergebnisse

Imperialism is not only about military force and political pressure applied by developed capitalist countries on less developed ones for economic gain It also has an everyday dimension Countless acts of production and consumption the current SUV boom being a prominent example draw on exploitation of resources and labour from …
Level: leicht
The Imperial Mode of Living
Wege in die solidarische Lebensweise Die globalen Krisen spitzen sich zu Doch wo sind Antworten und Lösungen Das I L A Kollektiv hat sich auf die Suche nach neuen Lebensstilen und Wirtschaftsformen begeben die nicht auf Kosten anderer und der Natur gehen Die zentrale Frage Wie kann ein gutes Leben …
Level: leicht
Das gute Leben für Alle
Level: mittel
Joscha Wullweber steigt in den Maschinenraum des modernen Kapitalismus hinab diskutiert die neuen Instrumente der Zentralbanken und erklärt auf welch komplexe Weise Staat und Finanzmarkt heute verschränkt sind Dabei nimmt er auch das Schattenbankensystem unter die Lupe von dem die globale Finanzkrise ausging und das dennoch immer bedeutender wird Ein …
Level: mittel
How Covid Shook the World s Economy Deftly weaving finance politics business and the global human experience into one tight narrative a tour de force account of 2020 the year that changed everything from the acclaimed author of Crashed The shocks of 2020 have been great and small disrupting the …
Level: mittel
Colonialism persists in many African countries due to the continuation of imperial monetary policy. This is the little-known account of the CFA Franc and economic imperialism.
Level: leicht
Africa's Last Colonial Currency
How do Airbnb and short-term rentals affect housing and communities? Locating the origins and success of Airbnb in the conditions wrought by the 2008 financial crisis, the authors bring together a diverse body of literature and construct case studies of cities in the US, Australia and Germany to examine the struggles of local authorities to protect their housing and neighborhoods from the increasing professionalization and commercialization of Airbnb.
Level: leicht
Airbnb, Short-term Rentals and the Future of Housing
Philosophy of Economics: A Contemporary Introduction is the first systematic textbook in the philosophy of economics introduces to the epistemological, metaphysical and ethical problems that arise in economics, and presents detailed discussions of the solutions that have been offered.
Level: mittel
Philosophy of Economics
Mr Minsky long argued markets were crisis prone His moment has arrived The Wall Street Journal In his seminal work Minsky presents his groundbreaking financial theory of investment one that is startlingly relevant today He explains why the American economy has experienced periods of debilitating inflation rising unemployment and marked …
Level: mittel
Stabilizing an Unstable Economy
This book investigates the continuing resonances of Atlantic slavery in the cultures and politics of human reproduction that characterize contemporary biocapitalism.
Level: leicht
The Afterlife of Reproductive Slavery
In this book, the authors, Cinzia Aruzza, Tithi Bhattcahrya, and Nancy Fraser, move away from the myopic view of feminism for a select few to focus on a universal idea of feminism.
Level: leicht
Feminism for the 99 Percent
Level: mittel
Vom Gelde
This edited volume presents a collection of articles that engage with various concepts from Marx’s Capital and Marxian theory in general, from a ‘Southern’ perspective. The book engages with four specific themes: “Reception of Capital in the East; Value, Commodity, Surplus Value and Capitalism; Population and Rent in Capital; and Issues Beyond Capital”.
Level: leicht
‘Capital’ in the East
In this book, Blakely tells us a story of the class nature of capitalism, in which she centers the role of the financial sector and its rapid growth.
Level: leicht
This book provides important insights into agrarian history and the economic and cultural meanings associated with land.
Level: leicht
The Cultural Economy of Land
Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People s Economy The leading thinker and most visible public advocate of modern monetary theory the freshest and most important idea about economics in decades delivers a radically different bold new understanding for how to build a just and prosperous society Stephanie …
Level: leicht
The Deficit Myth
Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary contains over one hundred essays on transformative initiatives and alternatives to the currently dominant processes of globalized development, including its structural roots in modernity, capitalism, state domination, and masculinist values.
Level: leicht
Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary
Based on a clear conceptual framework and ten flexible building blocks this handbook offers refreshing ideas and practical suggestions to stimulate student engagement and critical thinking across a wide range of courses Drawing on decades of ideas on how to improve economics education and a growing number of available alternative …
Level: leicht
Economy Studies
Well-rounded insights with essay contributions from various perspectives into what it means to decolonize higher education.
Level: mittel
Decolonising the University
The book explores the imperialist tendency inherent in global capitalism by using a rigorous political economy framework.
Level: mittel
The Wealth of (some) Nations
Within the heterodox field one of the most active topics is related to the theory of economic growth and distribution This is a textbook for advance undergraduate and graduate students Throughout its 18 chapters Classical Neoclassical and post Keynesian models are developed Each chapter contains study problems and suggested readings …
Level: schwer
Growth and Distribution
Eine Einführung Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende systematische und allgemeinverständliche Einführung in die theoretischen und praktischen Grundlagen der ökologischen Ökonomie Es stellt die entscheidenden Theorien und transdisziplinären Schwerpunkte des Faches vor und entwickelt auf dieser Basis den Grundriss für die ökonomische Theorie einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung Darüber hinaus werden die praktischen …
Level: mittel
Ökologische Ökonomie
Ökonomen wie Wirtschaftspolitiker berufen sich auf die Neutralitätstheorie des Geldes, wenn sie eine Entpolitisierung der Geldpolitik fordern.
Level: mittel
Die Neutralitätstheorie des Geldes
Die finale Krise der Weltwirtschaft Haben sie sich in der Dauerkrise des kapitalistischen Weltsystems schon häuslich eingerichtet Können sie noch den Überblick behalten über all die Schuldenberge die gerade zusammenbrechen Wie sortieren sich für sie Klima Wirtschafts Schulden Euro Öko und Flüchtlingskrise Wo fängt die eine an wo hört die …
Level: mittel
This is an important contribution both to advancing theoretical and empirical understandings of African monetary sovereignty and to putting problems and possibilities relating to African monetary sovereignty on the political agenda This is of utmost importance given that these issues have largely not received much attention in contemporary discussions of …
Level: mittel
Economic and Monetary Sovereignty in 21st Century Africa
This edited volume put together by Jimi Adesina based on the proceedings of the Social Policy in African Conference in 2017 provides an overview of social policy in varied country contexts and fields especially in light of decades of the reduction in size and hollowing out of the content of …
Level: mittel
Social Policy in the African Context
Christopher Hayes examines the causes and consequences of the uprisings, from the city’s history of racial segregation in education, housing, and employment to the ways in which the police both neglected and exploited Black neighborhoods.
Level: mittel
The Harlem Uprising
From Marketisation to Armed Conflict Since 1991 nominally independent Ukraine has been in turmoil with the Orange Revolution and the Maidan protests marking its most critical moments Now its borders are threatened and the civil unrest and armed conflict continue to destabilise the country In order to understand these dramatic …
Level: mittel
Ukraine and the Empire of Capital
This book offers the first systematic analysis of economic thought concerning war.
Level: mittel
War in Economic Theories over Time
In this ambitious and impressive new book, journalist Howard French seeks to excavate the long elided central importance of the African continent as the “linchpin of the machine of modernity.” In the story of modernity, he writes, the role of Africa is diminished, trivialized, and erased, and by filling in some gaps in this story, he retells the story of modernity.
Level: mittel
Born in Blackness
From the Dissolution of the Soviet Union to the Conflict in Ukraine The breakup of the Soviet Union led to the creation of new states and territorial conflicts of different levels of intensity Scrutinising the post Soviet period this volume offers explanations for both the frequency and the intensity of …
Level: mittel
Crises in the Post-Soviet Space
More-is-better ideals such as these have long shaped our vision of rationality. Yet humans and other animals typically rely on simple heuristics to solve adaptive problems, focusing on one or a few important cues and ignoring the rest, and shortcutting computation rather than striving for as much as possible.
Level: mittel
Ecological Rationality


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