1508 Ergebnisse

The dossier first discusses the impact of colonialism on introducing foreign plants and thus disrupting ecosystems. Subsequently the case of the knotweed, a plant introduced from Japan to the UK and now considered a threat to biodiversity is explored. The complex economy built around the plant consisting of regulations, pesticides, experts, and landowners is then explored.
Level: leicht
Knotweed – I-PEEL.org
The dossier explores the nature of care work and the gendered constructions and dichotomies that are associated with it. Drawing from feminist analysis the double burden, the undervaluation of feminised labour, the commodification of affective labour and the remittance economy are inquired into. Moreover, it is discussed how welfare regimes rely on the different organization of care work.
Level: leicht
Care – I-PEEL.org
This video animates part of the talk “On Economics” by Ha-Joon Chang in which he states that economics is not a science for experts but for everyone. Chang further argues why it is important to take into account different perspectives on economics – he identifies at least nine school of thoughts which all have their strengths and weaknesses and presents examples on free trade and well-being. Chang further elaborates on the difficulties of changing the economic status quo.
Level: leicht
Economics Is For Everyone!
The Lecturer Prof. Francesco Lissoni presents basic concepts of the Economics of Innovation. Firstly, he distinguishes between invention, innovation and diffusion and relates innovation to economic growth. Subsequently, he elucidates learning and network effects.
Level: mittel
Economics of Innovation 1/2
Peter Boettke, Professor of Economics and Philosophy at George Mason University, talks about the history and the main methodological and epistemological tenets of the Austrian school. He argues that good economics is the mainline tradition of "squaring rational choice with the invisible hand theorem through institutional analysis".
Level: leicht
The Austrian Tradition in Economics
During his life, Keynes was credited with, amongst other things, with helping to save capitalism from the Great Depression, funding the war against the Nazis and building post-war decades of growth and rising prosperity. And when the global crisis struck in 2008, it was his ideas that the world's leaders turned to help avoid another depression.
Level: leicht
Masters Of Money | John Maynard Keynes
This infographic gives a summary of the 2018 Trade Wars. This simple, compiled overview is suitable for those without a strong political or economic background. The infographic explains briefly basic concepts related to trade and provides a short timeline of events. It furthermore checks Trump administration's arguments to launch the the trade war against facts and estimates of how the 2018 trade war can affect the global and North-American economy.
Level: leicht
2018 Trade Wars Infographic
In this post, Rethinking Economics sets out what it means to decolonise economics education and how we can do that. The article first breaks decolonising down into a "mind-set" and a "process", then applies this process to economics education. It finishes with a reading list and some suggested actions to get you started decolonising economics today.
Level: leicht
Let's Decolonise Economics Education!
Happiness economics is a branch in behavioral economics, where it explores the economics factors and consequences of happy humans. What makes people happier, and what benefits do we get when people are happier? This dossier introduces you to the field of happiness economics, from a review of economic factors proposed to influence people’s happiness, to a discussion of the economic consequences of happiness, and concludes with economic policy implications of happiness economics.
Level: leicht
Happiness Economics. Does the Easterlin paradox stand?
John Christensen from the Tax Justice Network addresses the Modern Monetary Theory idea that governments don't need tax revenues if they want to spend money. Doing so, he sums up the main points made by MMT proponents and their critics, and shows how MMT can be reconciled with another progressive economic narrative: "Modern Tax Theory". While MMT made valuable contributions to the policy debate on fiscal policy, it misrepresents the importance of taxation as a political matter and as a way to generate public revenues. This is where MMT steps in.
Level: leicht
The Magic Money Tree: From Modern Monetary Theory to Modern Tax Theory
This episode of the Future Histories Podcast featuring Moira Weigel sets the development of digital capitalism and the right-ward shift in politics and society in relation to one another. It provides a masterful combination of ideology critique and polit-economic analysis grounded in comprehensive knowledge of the digital economy.
Level: mittel
Moira Weigel on Palantir, Tech-Nationalism & Aggression in the Life-World
This course provides an introduction into the basic concepts of mainstream macroeconomics, including supply and demand in a competitive market, to all the usual introductory macroeconomic topics, and also to both international trade and the Foreign Exchange Market.
Level: leicht
AP® Macroeconomics
Helps students succeed in the principles of economics course. This title offers trademark colloquial approach that focuses on modern economics, institutions, history, and modeling, and is organized around learning objectives to make it easier for students to understand the material and for instructors to build assignments within Connect Plus.
Level: leicht
In a challenge to conventional views on modern monetary and fiscal policy, this book presents a coherent analysis of how money is created, how it functions in global exchange rate regimes, and how the mystification of the nature of money has constrained governments, and prevented states from acting in the public interest.
Level: mittel
Modern Money Theory
In ihrem Text "Warum die Energiepreise hoch bleiben" diskutiert Verena Kreilinger die strukturellen Ursachen für steigende Energiepreis.
Level: leicht
Warum die Energiepreise hoch bleiben
Nancy Fraser starts out by introducing the multidmiensional cirises of the 21st century Three dimensions are especially alarming to her the ecological the financial and social aspects of the crisis Fraser then revives the ideas of Karl Polanyi which he first presented in his 1944 book The great transformation She …
Level: mittel
Can societies be commodities all the way down?
Mit dem Paris-Abkommen von 2015 hat sich die internationale Staatengemeinschaft auf bestimmte Temperaturziele verständigt. Wie diese zu erreichen sind, wird auch eine gesellschaftliche Entscheidung sein.
Level: leicht
Die verschiedenen Transformationspfade zum 1,5-Grad-Ziel
Das weitgehende Verschwinden Marx scher Ökonomie aus den Standardlehrbüchern der Volkswirtschaftslehre Johannes Jäger Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Mankiw N G …
Level: leicht
Das weitgehende Verschwinden Marx’scher Ökonomie aus den Standardlehrbüchern der Volkswirtschaftslehre
There are three things one can do on this website - 1. Learn 2. Help Teach 3. Sign up for the MOOC.
Level: leicht
Econometrics Academy
This book offers the first systematic analysis of economic thought concerning war.
Level: mittel
War in Economic Theories over Time
This article makes a necessary connection between economics as an academic discipline and recent events surrounding sexual harassment in the workplace. To get justice, targets must show measurable harm: economists can help.
Level: leicht
$MeToo: The Economic Cost of Sexual Harassment
Anwar Shaikh explores alternative economic explanations, emphasizing 'real competition' theory and the role of imperfections in economic patterns.
Level: mittel
Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crisis
Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods.
Level: mittel
Time to Ditch the NAIRU
In this article, Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei and Camden Goetz discuss the ongoing impacts of colonialism on Africa’s natural resources.
Level: leicht
A History of Resource Plunder
The bestselling classic that examines the history of economic thought from Adam Smith to Karl Marx—“all the economic lore most general readers conceivably could want to know, served up with a flourish” (The New York Times). The Worldly Philosophers not only enables us to see more deeply into our history but helps us better understand our own times. In this seventh edition, Robert L. Heilbroner provides a new theme that connects thinkers as diverse as Adam Smith and Karl Marx.
Level: leicht
The Worldly Philosophers
In this course you will learn the basics for developing economically viable climate resilient plans The course starts with a review of the scientific consensus on changes in climate patterns and projections to the future and explains the rationale for countries to develop climate resilient plans that will help them …
Level: mittel
Economics of Climate-Resilient Development
Ein philosophischer Blick auf die Grundlagen internationaler Ökonomie Jakob Kapeller Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensiertes Buch Krugman P R Obstfeld M Melitz …
Level: leicht
Ein philosophischer Blick auf die Grundlagen internationaler Ökonomie
Volkswirtschaftslehre als Indoktrination und die Nicht Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise Helge Peukert Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Mankiw N G Taylor M …
Level: leicht
Volkswirtschaftslehre als Indoktrination und die (Nicht-)Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise
Fortgeschrittene Makroökonomie Lehrbücher mit Tunnelblick Über die Enge der DSGE Modellwelt Sebastian Dullien Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Walsh C E …
Level: leicht
Fortgeschrittene Makroökonomie - Lehrbücher mit Tunnelblick: Über die Enge der DSGE-Modellwelt
"De-Risking“ ist ein geflügelter Begriff. Er kann als ein Element einer Strategie betrachtet werden, die darauf abzielt, die handelspolitische Konfrontation mit China diskursiv einzurahmen. Diese Konfrontation wurde in den letzten Jahren hauptsächlich von den USA vorangetrieben und erfuhr zunächst eine vorsichtige, später jedoch immer deutlichere Unterstützung vonseiten der EU.
Level: leicht
De-Risking, De-Coupling, De-Globalisierung?
When you notice inequality in your everyday life do you ever wonder where it comes from and what keeps it going This sociology course introduces you to core concepts of class gender and racial inequality and an approach to studying complex forms of inequality called intersectionality Featuring interviews with top …
Level: leicht
Global Inequality
The world is still feeling reverberations from the financial crisis of 2008 foreseen by neither politicians nor economists The history of capitalism has been punctuated by major crises exposing the fragility of our entire economic system How has capitalism despite these ruptures managed to each time resurface more resilient and …
Level: leicht
The Global Financial Crisis


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