Economics by its Nobel prizes
Essays on the Nature and State of Modern Economics
Handbook on the Economics of Conflict
Let's Decolonise Economics Education!
What is Feminist Economics & what does it have to do with studying the climate crisis?
Mapping Pluralist Research - An overview of research within the student movement for pluralism in economics
Carolina Alves on Heterodox Economics, Diversity in Academia, and the Global South
Diversifying Economics - an Introduction
The Economist: Economics 4th edition
Economics After Neoliberalism
Adam Smith and the Founding of Market Economics
The Birth of Humanitarian Economics
Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Vertiefungsveranstaltung Ökonomie: Post-Growth Economics
Doughnut Economics Action Lab
Ökonomie der Diskriminierung
Why Economics is not yet a Science
Post-Keynesian Economics through the Lens of History of Thought - Introductory lectures on heterodox economics
Keynesian Economics - It's All About Spending
Introduction to Marxist Economics (Part 2)
Introduction to Marxist Economics (Part 1)
Should Economists be Experts in Markets or in Human Nature?
How to promote alternative macroeconomic ideas: Are there limits to running with the (mainstream) pack?
Textbook Economics – Hintergründe, aktuelle Analysen und Alternativen
Deliberate Misunderstandings in Economics: What Pluralism Really Means
Feminist Economics Perspectives on COVID-19