1576 Ergebnisse

After completing the module, participants should be able to have general overview on the theory of commons. They can differentiate between neoclassical, new institutional and social/critical commons theory and can use these theories to assess real life common-pool resource management and commoning pratices.
Level: leicht
Future of Commons
Die Wirtschaftswissenschaft steht heute im neoklassischen Paradigma, sie kann aber viel mehr als die meisten wissen. Im Laufe der Wirtschaftsgeschichte musste sich die ökonomische Theorie immer wieder neuen Herausforderungen stellen, neue Fragestellungen beantworten, ihre Zielsetzung und Wertkataloge hinterfragen und anpassen.
Level: leicht
Wirtschaft im Umbruch. Plurale Perspektiven auf ökonomische Theorie
We live in a world that is increasingly difficult to understand. It is not just changing: it is metamorphosing. Change implies that some things change but other things remain the same capitalism changes, but some aspects of capitalism remain as they always were. Metamorphosis implies a much more radical transformation in which the old certainties of modern society are falling away and something quite new is emerging.
Level: mittel
The Metamorphosis of the World
This study offers a unique evolutionary economics perspective on energy and innovation policies in the wider context of the transition to sustainable development. The authors include: - an analysis of the environmental policy implications of evolutionary economics - a critical examination of current Dutch environmental and innovation policies and policy documents - systematic evaluation of three specific energy technologies, namely fuel cells, nuclear fusion and photovoltaic cells, within the evolutionary-economic framework.
Level: mittel
Evolutionary Economics and Environmental Policy
Since 2007, central banks of industrialized countries have counteracted financial instability, recession, and deflationary risks with unprecedented monetary policy operations. While generally regarded as successful, these measures also led to an exceptional increase in the size of central bank balance sheets. The book first introduces the subject by explaining monetary policy operations in normal times, including the key instruments (open market operations, standing facilities, reserve requirements, and the collateral framework).
Level: mittel
Monetary Policy Operations and the Financial System
A collection of the prolific economist's essays written since 1990, in sections on history of economic thought, methodology of economics, economics of education, cultural economics, and book reviews. Subjects include the work of Adam Smith, Hayek, and Keynes, the economic case for subsidies for the arts, the historiography of economics, and education and the employment contract. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Level: mittel
Not Only an Economist
This volume focuses on the importance of the history of economic thought as an intellectual discipline. It counters the arguments of some contemporary economists who describe it as studying the mistakes of the past. However, all the great economists - Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Marshall, Keynes and even Milton Friedman - have drawn on the history of economics to find an appropriate pedigree for their own theoretical innovations.
Level: mittel
The Historiography of Economics
Die Vorstellung, Ungewissheit durch Wissenschaft und Planung in Gewissheit transformieren zu können, wird zunehmend brüchig und zum Hemmnis für Innovation. Doch wie ist es möglich, Handlungsfähigkeit auch unter Bedingungen von Ungewissheit aufrechtzuerhalten oder gar weiterzuentwickeln? In diesem Buch werden neue Ansätze zur Bewältigung und Nutzung von Ungewissheit vorgestellt.
Level: mittel
Management von Ungewissheit
Part I: Basic Economic Problems Is Economics a Science? Is It Useful? (Lawrence Boland, Ian Parker) Is There Such a Thing as a Free Market? (William Watson, Robert Prasch) Part II: Consumers and Firms Is Homo Economicus an Appropriate Representation of Real-World Consumers? (Joseph Persky, Morris Altman) Is the Consumer Sovereign?
Level: mittel
Introducing Microeconomic Analysis
Diese Publikation der Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung erläutert grundlegende Zusammenhänge der Staatsfinanzierung und -verschuldung sowie der Zentralbankpolitik und räumt dabei euch mit Mythen der Mainstream-Ökonomik auf.
Level: mittel
Kredit der Macht
Tejashree Dewoolkar Sujatha Padmanabhan Ashik Krishnan Extraordinary work of ordinary people Vikalp sangam
Level: leicht
Pandemic resilience in North East India
The current international financial system has created a huge gap between the wealthy and the rest. Grounded and straightforward in his approach, Brahm calls for a turn away from economic systems dangerously steeped in ideology and stymied by politics, outlining a new global consensus based on pragmatism, common sense, and grass-roots realities.
Level: mittel
Fusion Economics
Blending past and present, this brief history of economics is the perfect book for introducing students to the field.A Brief History of Economics illustrates how the ideas of the great economists not only influenced societies but were themselves shaped by their cultural milieu. Understanding the economists' visions ? lucidly and vividly unveiled by Canterbery ?
Level: mittel
A Brief History of Economics
Manuel Castells entwirft in seinem Werk eine Soziologie des Informationszeitalters. Auf der Grundlage reichhaltigen empirischen Materials analysiert und interpretiert er die Entwicklung von der Industriegesellschaft zur Informationsgesellschaft.
Seit seinem ersten Erscheinen 1996 in den USA hat das Werk einen beispiellosen Siegeszug durch die wissenschaftlich interessierte Leserschaft genommen.
Level: mittel
Der Aufstieg der Netzwerkgesellschaft
'Impressive... provides a very good compendium of what are usually classified as "heterodox" development economics... an excellent volume.' Journal of International Development This important new collection tackles the failure of neoliberal reform to generate longterm growth and reduce poverty in many developing and transition economies.
Level: mittel
Rethinking Development Economics
Prof Dr Claudius Gräbner Radkowitsch von der Europa Universität Flensburg hat im Rahmen des Informationstreffens vor Beginn unserer am 26 10 2021 beginnenden Ringvorlesung Wirtschaft für Alle Plurale Perspektiven für eine zukunftsfähige Ökonomie einen Kurzvortrag gehalten den wir dankenswerterweise veröffentlichen dürfen Claudius Gräbner Radkowitsch Rethinking Economics Kiel
Level: leicht
Was ist Plurale Ökonomik? - Kurze Einführung
This article demonstrates Schumpeter s propagated approach to monetary analysis in macroeconomics so as to provide for a better understanding of the relation between finance and growth Peter Bofinger Lisa Geißendörfer Thomas Haas Fabian Mayer voxEU
Level: mittel
Discovering the 'true' Schumpeter: New insights on the finance and growth nexus
Das Lehrbuch "An Introduction to Ecological Economics" von Robert Costanza, John Cumberland, Herman Daly, Robert Goodland and Richard Norgaard ist ein Meilenstein im Hinblick auf eine verständliche Darstellung der Integration von Ökologie und Ökonomie zur neuen Disziplin der Ökologischen Ökonomik.
Level: mittel
Einführung in die Ökologische Ökonomik
"First published more than a decade ago, Globalizing Capital has remained an indispensable part of economic literature. This classic book emphasizes the importance of the international monetary system for understanding the international economy. The second edition, published in October 2008, has consistently appeared on syllabuses since its release
Level: mittel
Globalizing Capital
This innovative book offers targeted strategies for effectively and efficiently teaching economics at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It provides professors and other teachers of economics various techniques to engage and retain the interest of students, and challenges them to apply both knowledge and methodological tools to a range of economic problems.
Level: mittel
New Developments in Economic Education
In this famous article Michal Kalecki describes the three main reasons that push business leaders to reject the intervention of the government to ensure full employment i dislike of government interference in the problem of employment as such ii dislike of the direction of government spending public investment and subsidizsing …
Level: leicht
Political Aspects of Full Employment
From the perspective of mainstream theory the effectiveness of monetary policy in bringing down inflation depends on two very important equations the aggregate demand equation and the infamous Phillips Curve Without these it becomes more difficult or rather impossible for central banks to carry out monetary policy and obtain the …
Level: mittel
Monetary Policy and the Phillips Curve
The leading edges of economic thinking in the early 21st century are marked by a nascent pluralism - a positive valuing of difference and complexity - regarding the nature and evolution of human behaviour and economic organization. Economic Pluralism brings these pluralist sensibilities to the fore.
Level: mittel
Economic Pluralism
Der zentrale Stellenwert, den Wirtschaftswachstum in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften, aber auch in Medien, Politik und der Öffentlichkeit einnimmt, wird angesichts der massiven Überschreitung ökologischer Grenzen sowie des schwindenden Zusammenhangs von Wirtschaftswachstum und Lebensqualität zunehmend infrage gestellt.
Level: mittel
Perspektiven einer Wirtschaft ohne Wachstum
John Harvey's accessible book provides a non-technical yet rigorous introduction to various schools of thought in economics. Premised on the idea that economic thinking has been stunted by the almost complete rejection of anything outside the mainstream, the author hopes that this volume will open readers' minds and lead them in new and productive directions.
Level: mittel
Contending Perspectives in Economics
Die marxistische Ökonomie stellt eine Wirtschaftstheorie dar, die im Wesentlichen auf Karl Marx Hauptwerk „Das Kapital“ beruht. Aufbauend auf den Ansätzen der klassischen Nationalökonomie werden hierbei die kapitalistischen Produktionsweisen sowie der Grundwiderspruch zwischen Kapital und Arbeit analysiert und kritisiert (vgl. Kirchgässner 1988, S. 128). Ausgehend von der marxistischen Kapitalismuskritik werden insbesondere das Wesen der kapitalistischen Ausbeutung und der Klassenkonflikt zwischen Bourgeoisie und Proletariat behandelt (vgl. Utz 1982, S. 22-23).
Level: leicht
Marxistische Ökonomie
‘We cannot afford their peace & We cannot bear their wars’: ​​​​​​​Value, Exploitation, Profitability Crises & ‘Rectification’
Level: leicht
Political Economy based on Marx
Nicht nur die anhaltenden wirtschaftlichen Krisen verschaffen der traditionsreichen Sozioökonomie neue Aufmerksamkeit. Als integratives, meta-disziplinäres Paradigma verspricht sie ein besseres Verständnis wirtschaftlicher Phänomene und Zusammenhänge als monodisziplinäre Zugänge.
Level: mittel
Was ist und wozu Sozioökonomie?
A direct and fundamentally optimistic indictment of the short-sightedness and intellectual arrogance that has characterized much of urban planning in this century, The Death and Life of Great American Cities has, since its first publication in 1961, become the standard against which all endeavors in that field are measured.
Level: mittel
The Death and Life of Great American Cities
This book is a collection of Steve Keen's influential papers published over the last fifteen years. The topics covered include methodology, microeconomics, and the monetary approach to macroeconomics that Keen - along with many other non-mainstream economists - has been developing.
Level: mittel
Developing an Economics for the Post-crisis World
This thoroughly revised and updated second edition provides a comprehensive guide to Post Keynesian methodology, theory and policy prescriptions. The Companion reflects the challenges posed by the global financial crisis that began in 2008 and by the consolidation of the New Neoclassical Synthesis in macroeconomic theory.
Level: mittel
The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics
Immer wieder sind in den letzten Jahren die Folgen einseitiger Lobby- und Marktmacht deutlich geworden – und wie schwierig es ist, sie zu begrenzen.
Level: leicht
Warum Marktmacht den Klimaschutz unterminiert


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