918 Ergebnisse

Level: leicht
El Buen Vivir wird im westlich geprägten Diskurs der Entwicklungstheorie oft unzureichend mit The Good Living oder dem guten Leben übersetzt. Dies lässt wichtige Elemente des in südamerikanischen Indigenenbewegungen verwurzelten Prinzips vermissen
Level: leicht
Laut Bundesfinanzministerium dient die Schuldenbremse der Sicherung der langfristigen Tragfähigkeit der Haushalte von Bund und Ländern, sowie der Sicherung der finanziellen Handlungsspielräume zur Erfüllung der staatlichen Aufgaben. So ist es im Grundgesetz in Artikel 109 festgeschrieben. Artikel 115 erläutert näher, dass der Bund strukturell, also unabhängig von der konjunkturellen Lage nur Nettokredite im Rahmen von 0,35% des Bruttoinlandproduktes vornehmen darf.
Level: mittel
The podcast discusses how to deal with the rising inflation and presents a comparative perspective between the US and the EMU. Basically the speakers discuss whether we are heading to a stagflation in Europe similar to the 1970s and they compare the macroeconomic dynamics in the United States vs. the EMU.
Level: mittel
A free online course at Masters-level will enable you to understand the past, present and future role of money in society.
Level: mittel
The Microeconomics of Complex Economies uses game theory, modeling approaches, formal techniques, and computer simulations to teach useful, accessible approaches to real modern economies.
Level: mittel
Smith contends that there is no possible solution to our global ecological crisis within the framework of any conceivable capitalism. The only alternative to market-driven planetary collapse is to transition to a largely planned, mostly publicly-owned economy based on production for need, on democratic governance and rough socio-economic equality, and on contraction and convergence between the global North and South.
Level: mittel
Uncertain Futures considers how economic actors visualize the future and decide how to act in conditions of radical uncertainty. It starts from the premise that dynamic capitalist economies are characterized by relentless innovation and novelty and hence exhibit an indeterminacy that cannot be reduced to measurable risk.
Level: mittel
In this book, the author critically examines a number of socialist proposals that have been put forward since the end of the Cold War. It is shown that although these proposals have many merits, their inability effectively to incorporate the benefits of information technology into their models has limited their ability to solve the problem of socialist construction. The final section of the book proposes an entirely new model of socialist development, based on a "needs profile" that makes it possible to convert the needs of large numbers of people into data that can be used as a guide for resource allocation. This analysis makes it possible to rethink and carefully specify the conditions necessary for the abolition of capital and consequently the requirements for socialist revolution and, ultimately, communist society.
Level: leicht
One of the most authoritative authors on the intellectual heritage of John Maynard Keynes, Robert Skidelsky draws a sketch of the great man's economic thinking both accessible and insightful.
Level: mittel
Level: leicht
Adam Smith and Karl Marx recognized that the best way to understand the economy is to study the most advanced practice of production. Today that practice is no longer conventional manufacturing: it is the radically innovative vanguard known as the knowledge economy.
Level: mittel
Financial Evolution at the Speed of Thought A new evolutionary explanation of markets and investor behaviorHalf of all Americans have money in the stock market yet economists can t agree on whether investors and markets are rational and efficient as modern financial theory assumes or irrational and inefficient as behavioral …
Level: mittel
Since 2007, central banks of industrialized countries have counteracted financial instability, recession, and deflationary risks with unprecedented monetary policy operations. While generally regarded as successful, these measures also led to an exceptional increase in the size of central bank balance sheets. The book first introduces the subject by explaining monetary policy operations in normal times, including the key instruments (open market operations, standing facilities, reserve requirements, and the collateral framework).
Level: leicht
Eco-modernisation’s promise that technological fixes will provide us with the efficiency we need to decouple environmental burdens from economic growth suggests that business-as-usual can continue. Today’s guest Timothée Parrique is the best to explain why this is not happening and why relying solely on technological solutions is like betting on green zero in roulette.
Level: leicht
Our public services are in dire need of investment. But in the middle of a debate over competing spending plans, isn’t it also time to ask what we want our public services to actually do for us? That’s the view of group of economists and campaigners who are pushing for something called ‘Universal Basic Services’ – a radical expansion of high-quality public services for all to areas like transport, childcare and social care.
Level: mittel
John Maurice Clark’s article “The Changing Basis of Economic Responsibility,“ published in the Journal of Political Economy, is the topical starting point for all scholars interested in economic responsibility and responsible economic action.
Level: leicht
In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist es wiederholt zu Crashs und Stagnation auf den Finanzmärkten gekommen. Wiederkehrende Finanzkrisen sind ein Indiz dafür, dass Finanzmärkte latent instabil sind. Zentralbank und Staat (Regierung) mussten intervenieren, um die Finanzmärkte in einer Krise zu stabilisieren.
Level: leicht
Die übergeordnete Forschungsfrage des Projektsseminars lautet: „Können Low-Profit-Investitionen einen zusätzlichen Beitrag zur Umsetzung der SDG leisten?“
Level: leicht
Austerity has been at the center of political controversy following the 2008 financial crisis, invoked by politicians and academics across the political spectrum as the answer to, or cause of, our post-crash economic malaise.
Level: mittel
This brilliantly concise book is a classic introduction to Marx’s key work, Capital. In print now for over a quarter of a century, and previously translated into many languages, the new edition has been fully revised and updated, making it an ideal modern introduction to one of the most important texts in political economy.
Level: leicht
The goal of this teaching pack by Economy Studies is to make students familiar with different visions for how the economy could be organised and enable them to critically reflect on such ideas. As future economic experts, it is important that they become aware of prominent proposals for reorganising the economy and practise how to deal with them.
Level: leicht
This lecture by Economy Studies lays out the foundations and current state of the ecological crisis, its main drivers and who is responsible for this. It is crucial for students to develop a deeper understanding of the problem they are likely to encounter in their future careers, before getting into various economic policies or solutions to this pressing issue.
Level: mittel
As a response to ongoing economic, social and environmental crises, many private actors have enlarged their definition of 'value' to include environmental and social elements. Such practices, however, appear incompatible with the current epistemological structure of academic financial discourse.
Level: leicht
Based on a clear conceptual framework and ten flexible building blocks this handbook offers refreshing ideas and practical suggestions to stimulate student engagement and critical thinking across a wide range of courses Drawing on decades of ideas on how to improve economics education and a growing number of available alternative …
Level: leicht
There are three things one can do on this website - 1. Learn 2. Help Teach 3. Sign up for the MOOC.
Level: mittel
Microeconomics in Context lays out the principles of microeconomics in a manner that is thorough, up to date, and relevant to students. Like its counterpart, Macroeconomics in Context, the book is uniquely attuned to economic realities. The "in Context" books offer affordability, accessible presentation, and engaging coverage of current policy issues from economic inequality and global climate change to taxes.
Level: mittel
The third edition of Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas is a fully updated overview of the political economy and its connection with social concerns. This book investigates the main traditions of economic ideas and provides a 'big picture' overview of the analytical tools and value judgements associated with competing schools of economic thought.
Level: mittel
This course offered by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on edX provides an introduction in the major econometric tools used in standard Macroeconomics.
Level: leicht
Um Transformationsprozesse nicht nur zukunftsfähig, sondern auch geschlechtergerecht gestalten zu können, müssen die Erkenntnisse der Feministischen Ökonomie einbezogen werden. Ein Beitrag von Ulrike Knobloch.
Level: leicht
Das Ziel des Green New Deal ist es, eine „soziale und ökologische Transformation unserer Wirtschaft“ anzustoßen (Giegold und Mack 2012, S. 40). Doch inwieweit werden bei der sozialen Transformation auch feministische Anliegen mitgedacht?
Level: leicht
Der Umbau zu einer nachhaltigen, CO2-armen und solidarischen Ökonomie erfordert besonders in der Transformationsphase massive Investitionen sowohl in Institutionen und Infrastrukturen, die ein sozial gerechtes Leben für alle ermöglichen (ökologische Landwirtschaft, dezentrale erneuerbare Energien, ökologisches Wohnen, kollektive Mobilität etc.) als auch in Projekte zur Anpassung an und Entschärfung von Klimawandel und ökologischen Zerstörungen sowie finanzielle Transfers vom globalen Norden in den globalen Süden, die aus der historisch angehäuften Klimaschuld folgen.
Level: leicht
In der Auseinandersetzung um eine nachhaltige und lebenswerte Zukunft ist die Arbeitskritik eine unerlässliche Perspektive. Denn Arbeit basiert immer auf Ressourcen- und Energieverbrauch und hat somit immer direkte oder indirekte Umweltauswirkungen.


Um sich weiterhin für Pluralismus und Vielfalt in der Ökonomik einzusetzen, benötigt das Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V. Unterstützung von Leuten wie dir. Deshalb freuen wir uns sehr über eine einmalige oder dauerhafte Spende.
