820 Ergebnisse

This lecture was held in the context of the a two day conference called Which pluralism for thinking about how to achieve a more sustainable and resilient economy The practices institutions and system logics of today s economy are not suitable for appropriately addressing fundamental human needs The climate crisis …
Level: leicht
Hammers, Nails and New Constructions - Orthodoxy or Pluralism: An Institutional View
What are the debates, feminist and otherwise, surrounding the phenomena of globalization? How does a gendered lens complicate our understandings of neoliberal globalization? How are particular labor regimes integral to global restructuring, and how are these gendered? What are the implications of global restructuring for bodies, identities, relations, and movements?
Level: leicht
The Gender and Labor of Globalization
This teaching pack focuses on the practice and real-world activities of central banks. It assumes students have a grasp of basic macroeconomic concepts already, and is therefore most suitable to be used at the end of introductory macro courses, or in more advanced macro or monetary economics courses.
Level: leicht
The Practice of Central Banking
In this teaching pack, we take a look at satellite crop monitoring and how it is used for both real and financial economic activities. By looking at commodity futures, we give students a sense of what financialization can mean. In the active exercise students learn to discuss these matters and reflect upon them.
Level: leicht
Space & Agriculture
In this teaching pack, we look at the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk. In particular, we focus on what it means to take a company private and how the deal was financed.
Level: leicht
Musk buys Twitter
In this book, Carlota Perez develops her Neo-Schumpeterian concept of "techno-economic paradigms" which captures the patterns underlying the role of technological revolutions in economic development since the Industrial revolution.
Level: mittel
Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital
Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People s Economy The leading thinker and most visible public advocate of modern monetary theory the freshest and most important idea about economics in decades delivers a radically different bold new understanding for how to build a just and prosperous society Stephanie …
Level: leicht
The Deficit Myth
This is an immensely important book for any student of social theory interested in understanding the colonial roots of a lot of contemporary thinking From a post colonial perspective Gurminder Bhambra and John Holmwood unpack how the emergence of modern society in the context of European colonialism and empire impacted …
Level: mittel
Colonialism and Modern Social Theory
Volkswirtschaftslehre als Indoktrination und die Nicht Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise Helge Peukert Quelle van Treeck Till and Janina Urban Wirtschaft neu denken Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie iRights Media 2016 Das Buch kann hier bestellt werden http irights media de publikationen wirtschaft neu denken Rezensierte Bücher Mankiw N G Taylor M …
Level: leicht
Volkswirtschaftslehre als Indoktrination und die (Nicht-)Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise
Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme des Standartlehrbuches „Grundzüge der Mikroökonomie“
Level: mittel
Hal Varians „Grundzüge der Mikroökonomie“ – eine Kritik
Die ökonomische Theorie hat mit Moral wenig oder gar nichts zu tun. In den gängigen Lehrbüchern der Mikroökonomie findet sich in den Stichwortverzeichnissen kein Eintrag zu Moral oder Ethik. Die Studierenden lernen über die Wirtschaft nachzudenken, aber sie lernen dabei nicht, systematisch über ethische Fragen zu reflektieren. Nach der neoklassischen Lehre, wie sie in den Lehrbüchern präsentiert wird, weist wirtschaftliches Handeln nicht grundsätzlich moralische Aspekte auf.
Level: mittel
Ökonomie und Moral: Eine kurze Theoriegeschichte
Lineares Wirtschaften ist trotz alternativer Vorschläge fest etabliert. Dabei wäre eine effektive Umsetzung der Kreislaufwirtschaft nötig, um den Fußabdruck menschlichen Konsums deutlich zu verringern. Ein Beitrag von Patricia Urban.
Level: leicht
Grünes Licht für grünes Wachstum?
What causes a recession? Told by economic historian John S. Gordon and visualized by a dancing performance, this short film focuses on emotions that are linked to recessions and recovery: fear and confidence.
Level: leicht
Diese Webseite widmet sich der Vielfalt bestehender ökonomischer Theorien und Methoden. Orientiere Dich, vergleiche, entdecke und studiere die unterschiedlichen ökonomischen Perspektiven.
Level: leicht
Neoklassisches Paradigma in Standardlehrbüchern
A concise introduction to Marx's Labour Theory of Value, the three ratios and the falling rate of profit hypothesis.
Level: leicht
Marx's Theory of Economic Crisis
Der Umbau zu einer nachhaltigen, CO2-armen und solidarischen Ökonomie erfordert besonders in der Transformationsphase massive Investitionen sowohl in Institutionen und Infrastrukturen, die ein sozial gerechtes Leben für alle ermöglichen (ökologische Landwirtschaft, dezentrale erneuerbare Energien, ökologisches Wohnen, kollektive Mobilität etc.) als auch in Projekte zur Anpassung an und Entschärfung von Klimawandel und ökologischen Zerstörungen sowie finanzielle Transfers vom globalen Norden in den globalen Süden, die aus der historisch angehäuften Klimaschuld folgen.
Level: leicht
Revolutionäre Realpolitik jenseits des Wachstums
In this TedTalk Dan O Neil explains why GDP and infinite growth are concepts that we should leave behind and which other perspectives have been developed Degrowth post growth well being or steady state economy The goal is to rethink a new paradigm that puts society and the environment at …
Level: leicht
The Economics of Enough
In both economics textbooks and public perceptions central banks are a fact of life. On the wall of my A-level economics classroom there was the Will Rogers quote “there have been three great inventions since the beginning of time: fire, the wheel, and central banking”, summarising how many economists view the institution. There is a widespread belief that there is something different about money which calls for a central authority to manage its operation, a view shared even by staunch free marketeers such as Milton Friedman. This belief is not without justification, since money underpins every transaction in a way that apples do not, but we should always be careful not to take existing institutions for granted and central banking is no exception. In this post I will look at the idea of private or free banking, where banks compete (and cooperate) to issue their own currency.
Level: leicht
Whither Central Banks?
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of work-related gender issues and to enable students to analyze the issues using the tools of economics.
Level: leicht
Women, Men, & Work
Eine erfolgreiche Wirtschaftstransformation hängt von einer Veränderung der ökonomischen Praktiken der Akteure ab. Die „Spirale transformativen Lernens“ identifiziert, welche Fähigkeiten dafür entscheidend sind.
Level: leicht
Wie eine klimagerechte ökonomische Bildung aussehen könnte
Die Notwendigkeit von Suffizienz als komplementärer Rahmen für Effizienz- und Konsistenzstrategien wird zunehmend anerkannt – die Rolle von Unternehmen in diesem Prozess jedoch meistens ausgeblendet.
Level: leicht
Die Quadratur des Kreislaufs
Die alten kapitalistischen Zentren, aber auch die großen Schwellenländer befinden sich inmitten eines epochalen Umbruchs. Politikansätze, die das Problem der Klimaungerechtigkeit ignorieren, werden heftige Widerstände gegen die sozial-ökologische Transformation auslösen. Ein Beitrag von Klaus Dörre.
Level: leicht
Antworten auf die Zangenkrise
In dem Gespräch ging es darum, wie der Sachverständigenrat eigentlich arbeitet und wie Achim zum „Wirtschaftsweisen“ geworden ist. Außerdem haben wir uns über die Position des Sachverständigenrates zur CO²-Bepreisung und Achims Minderheitsvotum zur Schuldenbremse unterhalten.
Level: mittel
In der Wirtschaft mit Achim Truger … und der Sachverständigenrat.
Maria Nikolaidi on how Minsky’s theory has been modelled over past decades and how one can use these models in order to analyse contemporary issues such as financial fragility and financial instability caused by climate change.
Level: mittel
Minsky's theory about financial fragility and financial instability
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Economic theory is centuries out of date and that's a disaster for ...
Level: leicht
Why it's time for 'Doughnut Economics'
What is “equitable growth” and how do we measure it? A better understanding of equitable growth—and how to measure it—can improve our understanding, inform decisions and lead to better outcomes for all.
Level: leicht
Why current definitions of family income are misleading, and why this matters for measures of inequality
How does fiscal policy work and which dimensions have to be considered? In this short text, you can learn about the difficulty of juggling different dimensions and which optimal rules exist at the micro and macro level.
Level: leicht
Why is fiscal policy so difficult?
Planet Money and The Indicator aim to explain current economic events in an easy, fun and accessible manner.
Level: leicht
Planet Money
To prevent the coronavirus shock to demand precipitating a long-lasting depression, government needs to become short-term payer of last resort.
Level: leicht
Introducing the Payer of Last Resort
Banner and Pastor debunk granted assumptions of the neoclassical theory, such as self-interested human behavior, the necessity of inequality and growth, to pull the threads between the new possible foundations of our society, "prosperity, security and community".
Level: leicht
Solidarity Economics—for the Coronavirus Crisis and Beyond
In this podcast, Laura Basu focuses on how capitalist markets and nation-states perpetuate structural racism.
Level: leicht
Is capitalism racist?
Are there any limits to government spending? In times of war, particularly? And what about the aftermath of such special times when treasuries seemingly feel unshackled from any rules? And are those times really any special? That is what this paper is about.
Level: mittel
Modern Money and the War Treasury


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