123 Ergebnisse

Das Dossier stellt einen guten, anschaulichen Überblick des Wirtschaftswachstums aus "marxistischer Brille" dar. 2020 Level: mittel Wirtschaftswachstum aus marxistischer Perspektive Benjamin Rummel Exploring Economics In this interview Mariana Mazzucato talks about economic actions governments need to take facing the Corona-crisis. Using the example of Britain, she argues that governmental bailouts need to be bound to commitment to sustainability. 2020 Level: leicht Mariana Mazzucato on New Economic Approaches RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), Mariana Mazzucato, Matthew Taylor Youtube This is webinar series organized by the SOAS Open Economic Forum and the SOAS Economics Department with speakers from the same department as well as other academic figures. 2020 Level: leicht The Economics of Covid-19 | SOAS University of London SOAS Open Economics Forum, SOAS Economics Department, Various SOAS Open Economics Forum How countries achieve long-term GDP growth is up there with the most important topics in economics. As Nobel Laureate Robert Lucas put it “the consequences for human welfare involved in questions like these are simply staggering: once one starts to think about them, it is hard to think about anything else.” Ricardo Hausmann et al take a refreshing approach to this question in their Atlas of Economic Complexity. They argue a country’s growth depends on the complexity of its economy: it must have a diverse economy which produces a wide variety of products, including ones that cannot be produced much elsewhere. The Atlas goes into detail on exactly what complexity means, how it fits the data, and what this implies for development. Below I will offer a summary of their arguments, including some cool data visualisations. 2020 Level: leicht GDP Growth: It’s Complicated Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics An analysis of the modern neoliberal world, its characteristics, flaws and planetary boundaries aiming to end new economic politics and support a global redistribution of power, wealth and roles. In this online lecture, economist and Professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK. Costas Lapavitsas, explains the limitations of the neoliberal market in creating financial stability and growth in both, developing and developed countries. 2020 Level: mittel The Limits to Neoliberalism: how states respond to the crisis SOAS Open Economics Forum, SOAS Economics Department, Costas Lapavitsas SOAS University of London In this podcast, Laura Basu speaks with a range of expert academics and public speakers – such as Jayati Ghosh, Yanis Varoufakis, Walden Bello, and Ashish Kothari about how the rules of the global economy are fostering the inequality and underdevelopment we see today. 2020 Level: leicht Decolonising the Global Economy Laura Basu, Jayati Ghosh, Yanis Varoufakis, Walden Bello and Ashish Kothar openDemocracy In diesem Text aus der Reihe "Exploring Economics - Foundations" werden die Grundlagen der Internationalen Politischen Ökonomie als interdisziplinäre wissenschaftliche Strömung dargestellt. 2020 Level: mittel Internationale Politische Ökonomie Hans-Jürgen Bieling Exploring Economics Could working less make people and the planet better off? Find out in this dossier by exploring the landscape of working time reduction policies and their potential for reimagining, restructuring, and redistributing time as a political resource in the 21st century economy. 2020 Level: leicht Could Working Time Reduction Policies Save People and the Planet? Patrick Léon Gross, Laura Wedemeyer, Caroline Schenck, and Bettina Chlond Exploring Economics Das vorliegende Dossier stellt die grundverschiedenen Ansätze des "Degrowth" sowie des "Green Growth" gegenüber, wägt ihre Vor- und Nachteile ab und versucht einen Mittelweg zu finden. 2020 Level: leicht Spielarten von Postwachstum - Die Vorsorgeorientierte Postwachstumsposition - Ein Mittelweg Henriette Schubert-Zunder, Jasmin Rizk, Jonas Becker, Paula Walk, Pescheng Salih Exploring Economics Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash Dieses Dossier ist im Rahmen der Schreibwerkstatt Ecological Economics einer Kooperation zwischen der TU Berlin und Exploring Economics entstanden Weitere Informationen und Dossiers zu der Thematik findet Ihr hier Ein Zeitumkehrer in der Klimaökonomik Was die Zeitpräferenzrate mit Generationengerechtigkeit zu tun hat Autorin Sarah … 2020 Level: leicht Ein Zeitumkehrer in der Klimaökonomik - Was die Zeitpräferenzrate mit Generationengerechtigkeit zu tun hat Sarah Johannes Exploring Economics In this lecture, Branko Milanovic gives an overview of the concept of inequality as conceptualized within the classical school of thought. 2020 Level: leicht Income Inequality in Quesnay, Smith, Ricardo and Marx (Part 1: Quesnay, Smith) Branko Milanovic Youtube The principle of effective demand, and the claim of its validity for a monetary production economy in the short and in the long run, is the core of heterodox macroeconomics, as currently found in all the different strands of post-Keynesian economics (Fundamentalists, Kaleckians, Sraffians, Kaldorians, Institutionalists) and also in some strands of neo-Marxian economics, particularly in the monopoly capitalism and underconsumptionist school In this contribution, we will therefore outline the foundations of the principle of effective demand and its relationship with the respective notion of a capitalist or a monetary production economy in the works of Marx, Kalecki and Keynes. Then we will deal with heterodox short-run macroeconomics and it will provide a simple short-run model which is built on the principle of effective demand, as well as on distribution conflict between different social groups (or classes): rentiers, managers and workers. Finally, we will move to the long run and we will review the integration of the principle of effective demand into heterodox/post-Keynesian approaches towards distribution and growth. 2015 Level: mittel The principle of effective demand: Marx, Kalecki, Keynes and beyond Eckhard Hein Institute for International Political Economy Berlin Professor Joseph Aldy from Harvard Kennedy School gives us some insights about how economics can set the balance between policymakers, scientists, employers and citizens. 2020 Level: leicht Can Economics save the Environment? Joseph Aldy New Economic Thinking The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching implications across the African continent. This discussion brings to light the role of African think tanks, such as the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) in rethinking the continent’s development models, especially, in light of the unprecedented crisis. 2020 Level: leicht Growth with 'DEPTH' should guide economic transformation in Africa   Institute for New Economic Thinking The documentary features a talk of the US-American writer and economic theorist Jeremy Rifkin summarising the main points of his 2011 book "The Third Industrial Revolution." 2018 Level: leicht The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy Jeremy Rifkin VICE Der Aufsatz diskutiert die Berechtigung von wirtschaftlichem Wachstum als wichtigstes gesellschaftliches Ziel der Gegenwart, seine Genese in der Theoriegeschichte seit dem 2. Weltkrieg und welche Wirkungen von diesem Konzept auf das ökonomische Denken ausgegangen sind. Es wird argumentiert, dass es einer neuen ökonomischen Bildung bedarf, die ein Verständnis für reale Zusammenhänge und ein Wissen um konkrete Dinge fördert, die unmittelbar an Fragestellungen des Lebens orientiert sind. 2016 Level: mittel Wirtschaftswachstum und Bildungswiderstand: Von der Freiheit und Unfreiheit des ökonomischen Denkens Silja Graupe Institute für Ökonomie und Philosophie Cusanus Hochschule Dr. Katherine Trebeck explains some reasons why we should believe the future of the economy should be a wellbeing economy. 2020 Level: leicht Why the Future Economy has to be a Wellbeing Economy Katherine Trebeck TEDx Talks This Perspective argues that ergodicity — a foundational concept in equilibrium statistical physics — is wrongly assumed in much of the quantitative economics literature. By evaluating the extent to which dynamical problems can be replaced by probabilistic ones, many economics puzzles become resolvable in a natural and empirically testable fashion. Level: schwer The ergodicity problem in economics Ole Peters Nature Physics Dies ist eine Sammlung von Texten und Abbildungen zu verschiedenen ökonomischen Perspektiven. Zu Beginn der Sammlung wird jede ökonomische Perspektive einzeln vorgestellt. Im zweiten Teil werden alle Perspektiven miteinander verglichen, damit Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede erkennbar werden. Die Texte in dieser Sammlung sind bewusst einfach gehalten, da sie eine Einführung in die Thematik darstellen. Die Sammlung ist zudem auf die Darstellung einiger Perspektiven beschränkt und deckt bei Weitem nicht das gesamte Spektrum pluraler Ökonomik ab. 2020 Level: leicht Plurale Ökonomik – Eine Einführung in 8 Perspektiven Bewegungsakademie e.V. Bewegungsakademie e.V. This course introduces students to the relevance of gender relations in economics as a discipline and in economic processes and outcomes. The course covers three main components of gender in economics and the economy: (1) the gendered nature of the construction and reproduction of economic theory and thought; (2) the relevance and role of gender in economic decision-making; and (3) differences in economic outcomes based on gender. We will touch on the relevance of gender and gender relations in at least each of the following topics: economic theory; the history of economic thought; human capital accumulation; labor market discrimination; macroeconomic policy, including gender budgeting; household economics; basic econometrics; economic history; and economic crises. 2019 Level: leicht Feminist Economics Alyssa Schneebaum University of Vienna Jeden Freitag streiken weltweit Schüler/innen für unsere Zukunft. Sie fordern radikale Maßnahmen für die Einhaltung des Pariser Klimaabkommens ein. In diesem Seminar werden wir uns aus der Perspektive der ökologischen Ökonomie mit ihrer Kritik auseinandersetzen. Im Fokus stehen dabei Ansätze einer Postwachstumsökonomie. 2019 Level: leicht Vertiefungsveranstaltung Ökonomie: Post-Growth Economics Gerrit von Jorck Technische Universität Berlin This course provides future change makers in public and private sectors with a comprehensive overview on the structures and actors that shape markets. 2019 Level: leicht The Governance of Markets in Challenging Times: From Classic Authors to New Approaches Lukas Graf Hertie School of Governance On July 2020 ZOE-Institute published a unique platform for transformative policymaking: Sustainable Prosperity. Building on insights from new economic thinking the platform provides knowledge about ideas, arguments and procedures that support effective promotion of political change. It aims to strengthen change makers in public policy institutions, who are working on an ambitious green and just transition. As such, it provides convincing arguments and policy ideas to overcome the reliance of economic policy on GDP growth Level: leicht Sustainable Prosperity   ZOE This is a new online course at bachelor level. It presents an introduction into macroeconomics with a specific focus on the euro area. The theoretical part provides a critical presentation of the two key macroeconomic models: the (neo)classical approach and the Keynesian approach. This allows a comparative analysis of important macroeconomic topics: unemployment inflation government debt and Modern Monetary Theory banks and financial crises. The policy-oriented part discusses the monetary policy of the ECB and the specific challenges for fiscal policy in the euro area. The course also presents other euro area specific topics: Optimum currency area, euro crises, Next Generation EU and Green New Deal. 2021 Level: mittel European Macroeconomics Peter Bofinger Exploring Economics Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2020 Level: mittel Impact of FDI on economic growth: The role of country income levels and institutional strength Tamar Baiashvili, Luca Gattini European Investment Bank Balance of payments stability is of paramount importance for developing countries, both to secure the value of their domestic currencies as well as reliable foreign currency inflows. But how is that stability ensured and how important is the growth of exports for stability? 2020 Level: leicht Thirlwalls Law Introduction Jezri Krinsky blobMetropolis What made the false assumption that saving the economy at all cost during a pandemic so popular? This paper discusses different pathways through the COVID-19 pandemic at national and international level, and their consequences on the health of citizens and their economies. 2021 Level: leicht How not to save the economy? The interplay of economics and health during the COVID-19 pandemic Vera Leuner, Navaneeth M S, Leandro Pereira Monteiro, Eduardo Lacerda Camargo Bisneto Exploring Economics This lecture briefly discusses historic understandings of the limits to infinite economic growth on a finite planet (from John Stuart Mill to Marx). Taking a ecological economics perspective it discusses the metabolism of the economy, the economy as a subsystem of the environment, biophysical limits to growth, and sustainable economic scales. 2021 Level: leicht Ecological Limits to Growth Dave Abson YouTube (MÖVE) Recovery from the Covid-19 crisis provides a chance to implement economic measures that are also beneficial from environmental and social perspectives. While ‘green’ recovery packages are crucial to support economies tracking a low-carbon transition in the short-term, green measures such as carbon pricing are also key to improving welfare in the long-term. This commentary specifies the need for carbon pricing, outlines its implications for our everyday lives, and explains how it works alongside value-based change in the context of climate action and societal well-being. 2021 Level: leicht Carbon Pricing: The Key to Open the Way Toward a Sustainable Recovery and Long-Term Wellbeing Stefano Vrizzi, Jessica Geraghty, Matilda Saarinen, Beatrice Noun, Olivia de Vesci, Philippine Levy Exploring Economics How should we discuss welfare when understanding the role of growth and the viability of Growth-led development? One option is to look at subjective happiness. This provides an anti-materialistic view which may superficially appear more compatible with significant reductions in consumption in order to remain within safe ecological limits. 2021 Level: leicht Degrowth, Happiness and and wellbeing Jezri Krinsky blobMetropolis This course will survey contemporary heterodox approaches to economic research, both from a microeconomic and a macroeconomic perspective. Topics will be treated from a general, critical, and mathematical standpoint. 2021 Level: mittel Heterodox Approaches to Economics Daniele Tavani Colorado State University Die Zukunft der Ökonomie wird digital sein. Daher ist es wichtig, schon heute die richtigen Weichen zu stellen und die digitale Infrastruktur mit einer Nachhaltigkeitstransformation zu verknüpfen. Ein Beitrag von Kora Kristof und Steffen Lange. 2020 Level: leicht Mit Wachstumsunabhängigkeit zur nachhaltigen Digitalisierung Kora Kristof und Steffen Lange Economist for Future


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