67 Ergebnisse

Level: leicht
Due to the economic crisis of 2008/2009, households faced drastic decreases in their incomes, the availability of jobs. Additionally, the structure of the labour market changed, while austerity measures and public spending cuts left households with less support and safeguards provided by the state. How have these developments affected the burden of unpaid labour and what influence did this have on gender relations?
Level: mittel
In this essay, the author takes a critical perspective on the pursuit of growth as the solution for providing for environmental sustainability and economic stability in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Drawing from the framework of dependency theory and presenting brief insights into European core-periphery relations the author then argues for the implementation of an alternative strategy to development that is built around the concept of self-reliance.
Level: mittel
How can we establish new institutions and practices in order to use fare-free public transport as a beacon for sustainable mobility and a low-carbon lifestyle? The author of this essay elaborates on how practice theory and institutional economics can help to answer this question.
Level: leicht
An essay of the writing workshop on contemporary issues in the field of Nigerian economics: The adverse effect of climate change is overwhelming, not just in Nigeria but globally. Global warming is the result of hostile human activities that have impacted the environment negatively. This is the principal variable the government should tackle through practical innovations such as the acceptable implementation of Adaptation Policies and also through the adequate implementation of environmental tax. These will enhance pro-environmental behaviour which is fit for socio-political and economic activities for sustainability.
Level: leicht
Momentan findet in der Klimapolitik eine Verzögerungstaktik unter dem Vorwand „sozialer“ Gestaltung der Klimapolitik statt. Noch unsozialer wäre es jedoch, eine noch uneffektivere Klimapolitik zu machen. Der Grund dafür liegt in einem Zusammenhang von Ungleichheit und Klimawandel, den der englische Wissenschaftler Ian Gough im Journal of Social Policy unter dem Begriff „Dreifache (Un-)gerechtigkeit“ erläutert.
Level: leicht
In this podcast, Professor Darrick Hamilton critically discusses how current neoliberal economic models uphold a systemically racially unjust structure of economies.
Level: leicht
Could working less make people and the planet better off? Find out in this dossier by exploring the landscape of working time reduction policies and their potential for reimagining, restructuring, and redistributing time as a political resource in the 21st century economy.
Level: leicht
By conducting a discourse analysis (SKAD) in the field of academic economics textbooks, this paper aims at reconstructing frames and identity options offered to undergraduate students relating to the questions ‘Why study economics?’ and ‘Who do I become by studying economics?’. The analysis showed three major frames and respective identity offerings, all of which are contextualized theoretically, with prominent reference to the Foucauldian reflection of the science of Political Economy. Surprisingly, none of them encourages the student to think critically, as could have been expected in a pedagogical context. Taken together, economics textbooks appear as a “total structure of actions brought to bear upon possible action” (Foucault), therefore, as a genuine example of Foucauldian power structures.
Level: leicht
The objective of the course is to explore the main strengths and weaknesses of orthodox and heterodox paradigms within development economics.
Level: leicht
Introduction Economics is by necessity a multi paradigmatic science Several theoretical structures exist side by side and each theory can never be more than a partial theory Rothschild 1999 Likening scientific work to the self coordinating invisible hand of the market Michael Polanyi cautioned strongly against centralized attempts to steer …
Level: leicht
How should we discuss welfare when understanding the role of growth and the viability of Growth-led development? One option is to look at subjective happiness. This provides an anti-materialistic view which may superficially appear more compatible with significant reductions in consumption in order to remain within safe ecological limits.
Level: leicht
Die Evolutionäre und Institutionelle Ökonomie ist ein ökonomisches Paradigma, in welchem sozialer und ökonomischer Wandel eine zentrale Bedeutung einnehmen. In dieser heterodoxen Rolle außerhalb des wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Mainstreams sehen einige die Evolutionsökonomie als eine Teildisziplin der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, die sich mit dynamischen Aspekten wirtschaftlichen Austausches befasst; für andere stellt sie eine Revolution wirtschaftstheoretischen Denkens dar. (vgl. Berendt/Glückler: 13 f.) Die Institutionelle Ökonomie zeigt Erklärungsansätze für wirtschaftliche Prozesse auf und betont, dass diese nicht ausschließlich durch „individuelles Rationalverhalten“ geprägt werden. Die Notwendigkeit von Institutionen wird betont, da ein individuelles, rationales Verhalten zu einer negativen Beeinflussung der Gemeinschaft führen kann und somit die Lösung über Institutionen erfolgen muss. (vgl. Nee, 2005: 49 ff)
Level: mittel
The postcolonial critique of Economics is one of the sharpest and most comprehensive indictments of the discipline highlighting the discipline s limited treatment of power and culture and the incompatibility of the discipline s theoretical frameworks and predictions with the contexts of most formerly colonised territories This interview of Prof …
Level: leicht
Ihre Erklärungs- und Deutungslogik hat die Ökonomik in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts selbstbewusst auf nahezu alle gesellschaftlichen Phänomene ausgedehnt. Auch auf Diskriminierung und Rassismus. Leider dreht sich auch bei diesem Thema die Mainstream-Ökonomik um sich selbst, argumentieren Steffen Haag und Elena Goschin.
Marxian Political Economy focuses on the exploitation of labour by capital. The economy is not conceived as consisting of neutral transactions for exchange and cooperation, but instead as having developed historically out of asymmetric distributions of power, ideology and social conflicts.
Institutional economics focuses on the role of social institutions in terms of laws or contracts, but also those of social norms and patterns of human behaviour that are connected to the social organisation of production, distribution and consumption in the economy.
Level: leicht
Bei der feministischen Ökonomie geht es darum, den unbezahlten Teil der Ökonomie sichtbar zu machen und die Geschlechterblindheit von ökonomischen Prozessen aufzudecken. Entstanden ist diese Theorierichtung in den 1960er Jahren, wobei die Wurzeln bis ins 19 Jahrhundert zurück reichen. Zu Beginn setzten sich die Feministen und Feministinnen vor allem für das Erreichen des Frauenwahlrechtes, für den Zugang zur Bildung und der Abschaffung der Vernunftehe ein. Die Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau war in der zweiten Welle des Feminismus zu finden. Bis heute gibt es zwischen Männern und Frauen Unterschiede, welche durch den Feminismus versucht werden aufzudecken und zu beseitigen. Zum Beispiel die Care-Arbeit, den Gender-Wage-Gap, keine Berücksichtigung in ökonomischen Modellen, etc.
Level: leicht
This workshop offers an introduction to Degrowth and Ecological Economics. It starts by surveying the socio-ecological crisis and its pseudo-solutions, and then moves to Ecological Macroeconomics as a relatively recent field of scholarship within Ecological Economics.
Level: leicht
What determines the status of women in different communities? What role is played by women’s labor (inside and outside of the home)? By cultural norms regarding sexuality and reproduction? By racial/ethnic identity? By religious traditions? After some brief theoretical grounding, this course will address these questions by examining the economic, political, social, and cultural histories of women in the various racial/ethnic groups that make up the US today.
Level: mittel
"Yuliya Yurchenko is a senior lecturer and researcher in political economy at University of Greenwich. She is currently in Ukraine on an extraordinary leave. And while she writes that she is, for the moment, in relative safety, that could change any moment. Being a Ukrainian, an activist and an academic, Yuliya traveled to Ukraine on Feb 19, 2022 as part of a fact-finding and solidarity mission with a number of MPs, trade unionists and journalists. The goal, she says, of this mission is to connect with civil society organizations, trade unions, activists and politicians, and “to express direct, cross-border solidarity from the UK working class to the Ukrainian working class.”
Level: mittel
The goal of the course is to deepen students’ understanding of the Latin American development experience by viewing it through a gender lens.
Level: mittel
One of the world’s leading economists of inequality, Branko Milanovic presents a bold new account of the dynamics that drive inequality on a global scale. Drawing on vast data sets and cutting-edge research, he explains the benign and malign forces that make inequality rise and fall within and among nations.
Level: leicht
Is capitalism the context where gender inequalities are reproduced, or is capitalism something more than a context? What are the differences among women and how can we place them theoretically and politically. Reproductive work, is it a women’s work? These questions are disscused in a three-session workshop.
Level: mittel
If a country’s Gross Domestic Product increases each year, but so does the percentage of its people deprived of basic education, health care, and other opportunities, is that country really making progress? If we rely on conventional economic indicators, can we ever grasp how the world’s billions of individuals are really managing?
Level: leicht
This syllabus provides an overview of the content of the Philosophy and Economics course at the University of Waterloo.
Level: leicht
Green Growth has been increasingly discussed as a solution to the socio-ecological crisis. But can economic growth be sustainable at all?
Level: mittel
Racism and discrimination have choked economic opportunity for African Americans at nearly every turn. In From Here to Equality, William Darity Jr. and A. Kirsten Mullen confront these injustices head-on and make the most comprehensive case to date for economic reparations for U.S. descendants of slavery.
Level: leicht
Nature and communities in the global south is being overwhelmed at a shocking rate. In many places this is due to ventures such as large-scale open-pit mining, oil extraction in tropical areas, and the spread of monocultures. These and other such forms of natural resource appropriation are usually known as extractivisms.
Level: leicht
To grasp sex in all its complexity, including its relationship to gender, class, race and power, Srinivasan argues that we need to move beyond the simplistic views of consent in the form of yes-no, to rather consider the more complex question of wanted-unwanted.
Level: leicht
The Price of Slavery analyzes Marx's critique of capitalist slavery and its implications for the Caribbean thought of Toussaint Louverture, Henry Christophe, C. L. R. James, Aimé Césaire, Jacques Stephen Alexis, and Suzanne Césaire. Nick Nesbitt assesses the limitations of the literature on capitalism and slavery since Eric Williams in light of Marx's key concept of the social forms of labor, wealth, and value.
Level: leicht
Human Rights Economics strives for an economic system that is just for people and respectful of the planet that promotes social and economic justice that integrates a plurality of views and traditions and that is human rights consistent in both its processes and outcomes It posits that economics is blind …
Level: leicht
Money is the fantasy that makes the world go round. Where did it come from and what is its future? From the Bank of England to Bitcoin and the Bristol Pound, LSE sociologist Nigel Dodd explores.


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