497 Ergebnisse

This book represents a new foundation for the study of microeconomics, viewed from a broad perspective that takes into account new developments at the intersections with psychology, political science, the natural sciences and philosophy.
Level: leicht
Microeconomics. A fresh start
"Ecological economics is an exciting interdisciplinary field of study that combines insights from the natural sciences, economics, philosophy and other fields to develop innovative approaches to environmental problems.
Level: mittel
Ecological Economics - A Introduction
Microeconomics: A Critical Companion offers students a clear and concise exposition of mainstream microeconomics from a heterodox perspective.
Level: leicht
Microeconomics - A Critical Companion
Austerity has been at the center of political controversy following the 2008 financial crisis, invoked by politicians and academics across the political spectrum as the answer to, or cause of, our post-crash economic malaise.
Level: leicht
Since their first emergence in the work of Paul David thirty years ago, the dual issues of Path Dependence and Lock-In have become critically important subjects in the fields of economics, sociology, and business strategy.
Level: mittel
Path Dependence and Lock-In
Focusing on Kenya’s path-breaking mobile money project M-Pesa, this book examines and critiques the narratives and institutions of digital financial inclusion as a development strategy for gender equality, arguing for a politics of redistribution to guide future digital financial inclusion projects.
Level: mittel
The Exclusionary Politics of Digital Financial Inclusion
Regression Analysis: A Constructive Critique identifies a wide variety of problems with regression analysis as it is commonly used and then provides a number of ways in which practice could be improved.
Level: mittel
Regression Analysis
Latin America and Europe can both learn from their respective experiences on crisis response and the distributive and democratic implications at national and regional level Democratic and distributive aspects of crisis response monetary financial economic policies and institutional reforms are key but have not been adequately addressed in the literature …
Level: mittel
Financial Crisis Management and Democracy
The book criticizes neoclassical climate economics in the tradition of William Nordhaus. It explains why this kind of thinking is misleading and why neoclassical climate economics asks the wrong questions.
Level: mittel
Climate Economics
How Covid Shook the World s Economy Deftly weaving finance politics business and the global human experience into one tight narrative a tour de force account of 2020 the year that changed everything from the acclaimed author of Crashed The shocks of 2020 have been great and small disrupting the …
Level: mittel
Within the heterodox field one of the most active topics is related to the theory of economic growth and distribution This is a textbook for advance undergraduate and graduate students Throughout its 18 chapters Classical Neoclassical and post Keynesian models are developed Each chapter contains study problems and suggested readings …
Level: schwer
Growth and Distribution
In this book, distinguished economist Edith Kuiper shows us that the history of economic thought is just that, a his-story, by telling the herstory of economic thought from the perspective of women economic writers and economists. Although some of these women were well known in their time, they were excluded from most of academic economics, and, over the past centuries, their work has been neglected, forgotten, and thus become invisible.
Level: leicht
A Herstory of Economics
In this searing and insightful critique, Adrienne Buller examines the fatal biases that have shaped the response of our governing institutions to climate and environmental breakdown, and asks: are the 'solutions' being proposed really solutions? Tracing the intricate connections between financial power, economic injustice and ecological crisis, she exposes the myopic economism and market-centric thinking presently undermining a future where all life can flourish.
Level: leicht
The Value of a Whale
Dani Rodrik reflects in this book on important questions about how economics works and what might be wrong with it. He points out flaws and weakness of the discipline, but also argues that certain criticisms which have brought forward against are without merit. His central point is that there is not just one economic model, but a variety of them and it is important to apply judgment when selecting the most suitable one for a particular situation.
Level: leicht
Economics Rules
Finance at the Threshold offers a unique perspective from an English economic and monetary historian. In it the author asks: Why did the banks stop lending to one another, and why now? Was it merely a matter of over-loose credit due to the relaxation of traditional prudence, or did global finance find itself at its limits?
Level: mittel
Finance at the Threshold
This book highlights the political economy of wealth and income inequality in Latin America. The author segments his analysis to separately evaluate the economic, social, and political costs of inequality building on country case studies. It draws well-contextualized lessons from the Latin American experience that is important to consider for other regional contexts, especially for social policies of nations within the 'Middle Income Trap'.
Level: leicht
The Costs of Inequality in Latin America
Diane Perrons and Sigrid Stagl combine feminist and critical environmental economics perspectives to develop a critique of the free market growth model and offer new ideas for a more sustainable gender equitable model of development in the interests of all.
Level: mittel
A Feminist Political Economy for an Inclusive and Sustainable Society
This interactive and practice-oriented course updated in 2021 covers the basics of Sustainable Finance including sustainable finance instruments, methodologies and frameworks for integrating sustainability into financial decisions, key global sustainable finance initiatives, and sustainable finance regulations.
Level: leicht
Introduction to Sustainable Finance
Transition from central planning to a market economy, involving large-scale institutional change and reforms at all levels, is often described as the greatest social science experiment in modern times.
Level: mittel
Handbook of the Economics and Political Economy of Transition
Gemäß der „vorsorgeorientierten Postwachstumsposition“ ist es ungewiss, wie sich die Wirtschaftsleistung entwickeln wird, wenn die Wirtschaftsweise in den wohlhabenden Ländern im Einklang mit globalen ökologischen Zielen grundlegend verändert wird. Andererseits spielen aufgrund der heutigen Verfasstheit der früh industrialisierten, wohlhabenden Länder die Wirtschaftsleistung und die damit generierten Einkommen eine wichtige Rolle. Daraus lässt sich das Ziel ableiten, diese gesellschaftlichen Institutionen nach Möglichkeit vorsorglich so zu transformieren, dass sie ihre Funktionen unabhängig(er) von der Wirtschaftsleistung erbringen können. Dies würde der Politik auch größere Spielräume bei Konflikten zwischen ökonomischen und ökologischen Zielen ermöglichen.
Level: leicht
Die vorsorgeorientierte Postwachstumsposition
Approaching the law of nature that determines all forms of economy. The bulk of economic theory addresses the economic process by setting out on a catalogue of aspects, seeking the laws in the aspects and hoping to get together a reliable view of the whole.
Level: mittel
Economic theory, methodology, and secure foundations
If there’s one method economists have neglected the most, it’s qualitative research. Whereas economists favour mathematical models and statistics, qualitative research seeks to understand the world through intensive investigation of particular circumstances, which usually entails interviewing people directly about their experiences. While this may sound simple to quantitative types the style, purpose, context, and interpretation of an interview can vary widely. Because of this variety, I have written a longer post than usual on this topic rather than doing it a disservice. Having said that, examples of qualitative research in economics are sadly scant enough that it doesn’t warrant multiple posts. In this post I will introduce qualitative research in general with nods to several applications including the study of firm behaviour, race, Austrian economics, and health economics. More than usual I will utilise block quotes, which I feel is in the spirit of the topic.
Level: leicht
Qualitative Methods in Economics: "You Can Observe a Lot Just by Watching"
Reflecting his own concerns about the contribution economics could make to the betterment of society, Eli Ginzberg published this study of Smith's humanitarian views on commerce, industrialism, and labor. Written for his doctoral degree at Columbia University, and originally published as The House of Adam Smith, the book is divided into two parts.
Level: mittel
Adam Smith and the Founding of Market Economics
Stiglitz answers the question why globalization and world trade has not delivered on its promise of increased well being as much as classical economists thought, by pointing to the power asymmetries: firstly, between industrialized nations and developing nations and secondly, between special corporate interest and social interests. In his analysis, developed countries and MNCs were able to extract the benefits, while shifting the costs (i.e. pollution) to states and communities with lesser power. Amongst many other historical examples the pharmaceutical and the mining industry are discussed to some length.
Level: leicht
Stiglitz on globalization, why globalization fails? The trade agreements
How did the industrialized nations of North America and Europe come to be seen as the appropriate models for post-World War II societies in Asia, Africa, and Latin America? How did the postwar discourse on development actually create the so-called Third World? And what will happen when development ideology collapses? To answer these questions, Arturo Escobar shows how development policies became mechanisms of control that were just as pervasive and effective as their colonial counterparts.
Level: mittel
Encountering Development
Die Kernthese der vorliegenden Arbeit ist, dass die globalen Umweltprobleme durch wirtschaftliche Entwicklung gelöst werden müssen und können, nicht durch mehr, nicht durch weniger oder gar kein Wachstum und auch nicht durch Schrumpfung. Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung ist der typische Reproduktionsmodus einer Kapitalverwertungswirtschaft.
Level: leicht
Ökokapital. Bedingungen der Möglichkeit eines neuen Regimes wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung.
Die Disziplin der Wirtschaftswissenschaften nutzt im Bereich der Verhaltensökonomik häufig experimentelle Spiele, um das menschliche Verhalten zu untersuchen, wie z.B. das Diktatorspiel. Mithilfe postkolonialer Analysemethoden untersucht dieser Essay am Beispiel eines bekannten Aufsatzes der Verhaltensökonomik von Henrich et al. 2001 zu indigenen Gemeinschaften, wie Wissen über menschliches Verhalten in wirtschaftlichen Kontexten konstruiert und kategorisiert wird.
Level: schwer
Postkoloniale Kritik der Verhaltensökonomik
Der Umbau zu einer nachhaltigen, CO2-armen und solidarischen Ökonomie erfordert besonders in der Transformationsphase massive Investitionen sowohl in Institutionen und Infrastrukturen, die ein sozial gerechtes Leben für alle ermöglichen (ökologische Landwirtschaft, dezentrale erneuerbare Energien, ökologisches Wohnen, kollektive Mobilität etc.) als auch in Projekte zur Anpassung an und Entschärfung von Klimawandel und ökologischen Zerstörungen sowie finanzielle Transfers vom globalen Norden in den globalen Süden, die aus der historisch angehäuften Klimaschuld folgen.
Level: leicht
Revolutionäre Realpolitik jenseits des Wachstums
Have you ever thought about the role of civil society and the evolution of economy in one breath? This one hour long interview of Daron Acemoğlu (MIT) and Martin Wolf (Financial Times) by Rethinking Economy NL gives you much inspiration for it.
Level: leicht
Socioeconomics of Disruptive Tech
Obwohl viele technische Lösungen für gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen wie den Klimawandel auf der Hand liegen, sind wir als globale Gesellschaft häufig nicht in der Lage, diese umzusetzen. Warum führt die kollektive Erfahrung eines kollabierenden Systems nicht zur kollektiven Handlung? Ein Beitrag von Katrin Käufer und Claus Otto Scharmer.
Level: leicht
Von der Ego- zur Eco-System-Ökonomie
Die Klimapolitik der Bundesregierung reicht bisher nicht aus, um die katastrophalen Folgen der Klimakrise abzuwenden. Mit Blick auf die Bundestagswahl im September formulieren viele deutsche Parteien nun ehrgeizigere Ziele. Doch die Zeit drängt.
Level: leicht
Die Bundestagswahl als Klimawahl?
Was ist Inflation? Warum ist sie relevant? Und gibt es eine einheitliche Theorie über ihre Wurzeln und Ursachen, oder ist sie ein umstrittenes Konzept? Genau darum geht es in diesem Text: Wir definieren, was Inflation eigentlich bedeutet, bevor wir uns mit einem interdisziplinären und pluralistischen Ansatz in die theoretische Debatte stürzen: Wie entsteht sie, welche Faktoren können sie beeinflussen, und was kann man dagegen tun?
Level: leicht


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