515 Ergebnisse

Level: leicht
In this essay the authors argue for a wider concept of care work that includes community building, civic engagement and environmental activism. On the basis of the case of Cargonomia, a grassroot initiative in Budapest, they show that such a wider concept of care work could allow for different narratives that promote sustainable lifestyles with a milder environmental and social impact on the planet and its communities.
Level: leicht
In der Volkswirtschaftslehre (VWL) hat sich seit Mitte der 1970er Jahre mit der Neoklassik ein dominierendes theoretisches Paradigma etabliert, welches das ökonomische Denken im Wesentlichen bis heute prägt. Dieser Zustand, der insbesondere seit der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2008 nicht nur in der akademischen Fachwelt durchaus kontrovers diskutiert wird, hat sowohl weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die innerdisziplinären Machtverhältnisse (z. B. Einseitigkeit in Forschung und Lehre, hierarchische Strukturierung, geringe Beachtung sozial- wissenschaftlicher Forschung und interdisziplinärer Ansätze) als auch auf gesellschafts- und wirtschaftspolitische Entwicklungen (z. B. Ökonomisierung sozialer und politischer Bereiche, einseitige Einflussnahme durch Expertengremien und Think Tanks).
Level: leicht
What are the implications of the politics of "behavioural change"? Alexander Feldmann took a closer look for you on nudging and framing and if this is a legitimate instrument being used by the state to make us behave better in terms of our carbon footprint.
Level: leicht
An essay of the writing workshop on contemporary issues in the field of Nigerian economics: The adverse effect of climate change is overwhelming, not just in Nigeria but globally. Global warming is the result of hostile human activities that have impacted the environment negatively. This is the principal variable the government should tackle through practical innovations such as the acceptable implementation of Adaptation Policies and also through the adequate implementation of environmental tax. These will enhance pro-environmental behaviour which is fit for socio-political and economic activities for sustainability.
Level: leicht
Ein ungebremster Klimawandel stellt eine existenzielle Bedrohung dar. Was bedeuten diese Erkenntnisse für die Ökonomik als Wissenschaft? Ich schlage eine neue Agenda für die Ökonomik des Klimawandels vor, die sich auf eine Kernfrage bezieht: Wie kann der nachhaltige Wandel erleichtert werden?
Level: leicht
Eine kritische Transformative Wissenschaft dagegen müsste eine Vielfalt unterschiedlicher Transformationsverständnisse und -ziele zulassen. Transformative Wissenschaft wäre dann eine Plattform, auf der kritische Stränge der Natur- und Ingenieurs- sowie der Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften sich begegnen und unterschiedliche Veränderungsvorstellungen diskutieren können. Dazu zählt auch ein kapitalismus- und herrschaftskritisches Transformationsverständnis.
Level: leicht
Markets are the focus in modern economics: when they work, when they don’t and what we can or can’t do about it. There are many ways to study markets and how we do so will inevitably affect our conclusions about them, including policy recommendations which can influence governments and other major organisations. Pluralism can be a vital corrective to enacting real policies based on only one perspective and a plethora of approaches provide alternatives to the canonical view. Although they have differing implications, these approaches share the idea that we should take a historical approach, analysing markets on a case-by-case basis; and they share a faith in the power of both individuals and collectives to overcome the problems encountered when organising economic activity.
Level: leicht
Environmental catastrophe looms large over politics: from the young person’s climate march to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, increasing amounts of political space are devoted to the issue. Central to this debate is the question of whether economic growth inevitably leads to environmental issues such as depleted finite resources and increased waste, disruption of natural cycles and ecosystems, and of course climate change. Growth is the focal point of the de-growth and zero-growth movements who charge that despite efficiency gains, increased GDP always results in increased use of energy and emissions. On the other side of the debate, advocates of continued growth (largely mainstream economists) believe that technological progress and policies can ‘decouple’ growth from emissions.
Level: leicht
How countries achieve long-term GDP growth is up there with the most important topics in economics. As Nobel Laureate Robert Lucas put it “the consequences for human welfare involved in questions like these are simply staggering: once one starts to think about them, it is hard to think about anything else.” Ricardo Hausmann et al take a refreshing approach to this question in their Atlas of Economic Complexity. They argue a country’s growth depends on the complexity of its economy: it must have a diverse economy which produces a wide variety of products, including ones that cannot be produced much elsewhere. The Atlas goes into detail on exactly what complexity means, how it fits the data, and what this implies for development. Below I will offer a summary of their arguments, including some cool data visualisations.
Level: leicht
Economic sociology is an entire subfield and one could write an series on it, so I’m going to stick to probably the most prominent economic sociologist and the founder of ‘new economic sociology’, Mark Granovetter.
Level: mittel
Obwohl der Begriff „der Markt“ (in der Einzahl) andauernd – sowohl in der Theorie als auch in Alltagsdiskurse – mit einer großen Selbstverständlichkeit verwendet wird, hat er eine Geschichte, die fast 100 Jahre zurückgeht. Diese Begrifflichkeit wurde erstmals in der Österreichischen Schule der Nationalökonomie, und zwar von Ludwig Mises und Friedrich Hayek, und von Ordoliberalen wie Walter Eucken oder Wilhelm Röpke entwickelt.
Level: leicht
This paper is a product of an online workshop held in Nigeria on the topic Unemployment: Policy Review and Recommendations. It explores the various unemployment policies introduced by the Nigerian Government and analysis how effective they are and suggests some practicable solutions to solving unemployment problems in the country. The workshop was organized by Rethinking Economics The Uploaders (RETU) as part of the project Solving the Major Economic Problem in Nigeria (SMEPN), an output of the Global Pluralist Economics Training (GPET). More details here: https://www.retheuploaders.org/programs/SMEPN
Level: leicht
Diese Vorlesung beschäftigt sich mit grundlegenden Elementen sozialphilosophischen Denkens mit besonderem Fokus auf Schnittmenge zwischen Sozialphilosophie und politischer Ökonomie. Im Zentrum steht die Vermittlung von Kenntnissen über die zentralen Fragestellungen, die historische Genese, sowie wesentliche, prägende Beiträge der Sozialphilosophie und Politischen Ökonomie.
Level: leicht
Das Seminar "Einführung in die Plurale Ökonomik" bietet einen systematischen Einstieg in die ökonomische Theoriegeschichte und gibt einen Überblick über verschiedene ökonomische Theorieschulen, wie z.B. Verhaltensökonomik, Institutionelle Ökonomie, Postkeynesianismus, Ökologische Ökonomie und kritische Entwicklungsökonomie.
Level: leicht
The outbreak of COVID-19 has substantially accelerated the digitalization of the economy. Yet, this unprecedented growth of digital technology brought novel challenges to the labour market. Rise in income inequalities and precarious working conditions or polarization of jobs. In this essay, we try to assess what tools to use to counter these trends.
Level: leicht
Ökologische und gesellschaftliche Faktoren finden auch innerhalb der Startup-Szene zunehmend Beachtung. Aber die Diskussion über die Verbindung von Gemeinnützigkeit und wirtschaftlicher Genügsamkeit steht noch am Anfang. Ein Beitrag von Daniel Bartel.
Level: mittel
Der Beitrag skizziert kritische polit-ökonomische Bildung als eine umfassende herrschaftskritische Praxis mit dem Ziel der Aufhebung der gegenwärtigen Form gesellschaftlicher Reproduktion.
Level: leicht
Caring activities are one central element of feminist economists' analysis – also since in particular unremunerated work is a blind spot in mainstream economics and most other economic paradigms. Those focus on the market sphere: activities are considered as productive and as real labour if they are remunerated and market-intermediated. Goods and services are considered as labour if they create a value which can be traded on the market. Feminist Economics remarks that this perspective creates certain dichotomies and consequent devaluations: unproductive – productive; private – public; unpaid – remunerated OR paid less – well paid; female – male; soft work – hard work; caring – rationality.
Level: leicht
Trickle Down Economics - an old topic, but still present in our lives. The idea consists of deregulation of the economy and of lower tax for the top in order to increase the "size of the pie" so everybody would have a bigger piece, even with a smaller share.
Level: leicht
In this talk, Eric Beinhocker outlines his ideas of how to ensure a just and sustainable future for Humanity: This includes his interesting Russian Doll approach to unpacking 20th-century economics and proposals of new theories to underpin a new economic system.
Level: leicht
Overview page for the collection of nobel laureateas on Exploring Economics
Level: leicht
In the pluralist showcase series by Rethinking Economics, Cahal Moran explores non-mainstream ideas in economics and how they are useful for explaining, understanding and predicting things in economics.
Level: mittel
An overview of the last century economic theories asking what makes a heterodox economist. This lecture focuses on the evolution of the various academic traditions in economics. Lavoie presents his own typology for categorising seminal work within the post-Keynesian tradition while leaving space to acknowledge that categories are not binary, but can be used to help understand the different traditions, and how they have developed over the last decades.
Level: leicht
In this lecture, Branko Milanovic gives an overview of the concept of inequality as conceptualized within the classical school of thought.
Level: leicht
Podcast series with six 12-minute parts introducing the the values and ideas behind our neoliberal economic system: where it came from, how it spread, and how we could do things differently.
Level: mittel
Exploring Economics, an open-access e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods.
Level: mittel
The Money View Symposium was hosted by YSI on 5-7 February, 2021. The Symposium showcased the work of scholars and practitioners that make use of the so-called Money View, ranging from economists to lawyers, politicians and social scientists at large. The symposium aims to illuminate the main tenets of the Money View and to demonstrate its juxtaposition to the mainstream.
Level: leicht
Have you ever thought about the role of civil society and the evolution of economy in one breath? This one hour long interview of Daron Acemoğlu (MIT) and Martin Wolf (Financial Times) by Rethinking Economy NL gives you much inspiration for it.
Level: leicht
The world is regularly shaken by crises some are bigger others are smaller in scope Local turmoil military conflicts commodity scarcity bank runs health threats the history of mankind can be written as a history of crises Three major global crises occurred in the last fifty years alone the oil …
Level: leicht
This course introduces students to political economy and the history of economic thought. We will cover the core ideas in various schools of economic thought, positioning them in the historical and institutional context in which they were developed. In particular, we will cover some economic ideas from the ancient world and the middle ages; the enlightenment; the emergence of and main ideas in classical political economy (Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Thomas Malthus, and others); Marx, Mill, and Keynes; European versus American economic thought through history; the rise of mathematical economics; economic theories around state-managed economies versus socialism; Austrian economics; behavioral economics; and the future of economics.
Level: mittel
Das Seminar wirft einen historischen Blick auf Fragen ökonomischer Entwicklung und ökonomischer Theorie und verbindet eine Einführung in die Wirtschaftsgeschichte mit einer vergleichenden Diskussion unterschiedlicher ökonomischer Denkrichtungen und Theorien.
Level: leicht
The usual background and distinctions between complexity and neoclassical economics are presented Neoclassical economics deals with perfectly rational representative agents this creates states of equilibrium On the other hand complexity economics relaxes these assumptions to deal with responsive agents in an uncertain dynamic environment this creates states of disequilibrium More …


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