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How was money actually invented? Where does it come from? In this first episode of a video lecture, Dirk Bezemer from the University of Groningen presents the origins of money and how it's related to debt. It's a basic historical review and you can get an idea of how money is created and how banks work. The following episodes aim at giving an overview of the last debt crisis. 2013 Level: leicht DEBT episode 1: Debt, a great invention Dirk Bezemer University of Groningen Geldpolitische Maßnahmen in Reaktion auf die Finanzkrise enthalten zum einen Gender-, Klassen- und ethnische Normen und haben zum anderen asymmetrische Auswirkungen auf verschiedene gesellschaftliche Gruppen. Sie benachteiligen, wie Brigitte Young zeigt, vor allem auch Frauen und deren ökonomische Situation. Der Vortrag veranschaulicht die Interaktion von Makro- und Mikroebene in der Finanzialisierung. 2015 Level: mittel Financialization, Central Bank Policies and Gender Biases Brigitte Young Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik Die Krisentheorie aus der Post Keynesianischen Tradition (Minskys Financial Instability Hypothesis) und aus der Österreichischen Schule (Hayeks Konjunkturtheorie) werden vorgestellt und zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt. Dabei wird unter anderem Bezug auf endogene Geldschöpfung, sich wandelnde Erwartung, die natürliche Zinsrate, verschiedene Produktionswege (kapital- oder arbeitsintensiv) sowie auf intendierten und realisierten Konsum genommen. Die Darstellung erfolgt verbal und graphisch. 2015 Level: schwer Krisentheorie aus post-keynesianischer und österreichischer Sicht Frank Felgendreher Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik What is money and how does it work? The short film reveals common misunderstandings of where money comes from, explains how money is created by banks and presents consequences of money as credit. The video is part of the campaign positive money, promoting the democratic control over money creation. 2013 Level: leicht What is money?   Positive Money Banking 101 is a series of 6 short videos that ask the following questions: How do banks work and how is money created? Is reveals common misunderstandings of money creation and the role of banks. Furthermore, the videos show how models taught in many introductory classes to economics (Econ 101) do not reflect those processes: Part 1) “Misconceptions around Banking” questions common comprehensions of how banks work (savings = investments). Part 2) “What's wrong with the money multiplier” states that the model of the money multiplies is inaccurate. Part 3) “How is money really made by banks” explains the process of money creation, loans and inter-bank settlement. Part 4) “How much money banks create?” asks what limits the money creation by banks and presents the difference between reserve ratio, liquidity ration, equity and refers to the inter-bank market. Part 5) Explores the question if banks create money or just credit and especially refers to credit risks. Part 6) Explains how money gets destroyed when loans are paid back. Note: The videos refer to the UK monetary and banking system, some explanations don't apply to other banking systems, e.g. the reserve ratio. 2012 Level: leicht How money gets destroyed - Banking 101 (Part 6 of 6)   Positive Money Banking 101 is a series of 6 short videos that ask the following questions: How do banks work and how is money created? Is reveals common misunderstandings of money creation and the role of banks. Furthermore, the videos show how models taught in many introductory classes to economics (Econ 101) do not reflect those processes: Part 1) “Misconceptions around Banking” questions common comprehensions of how banks work (savings = investments). Part 2) “What's wrong with the money multiplier” states that the model of the money multiplies is inaccurate. Part 3) “How is money really made by banks” explains the process of money creation, loans and inter-bank settlement. Part 4) “How much money banks create?” asks what limits the money creation by banks and presents the difference between reserve ratio, liquidity ration, equity and refers to the inter-bank market. Part 5) Explores the question if banks create money or just credit and especially refers to credit risks. Part 6) Explains how money gets destroyed when loans are paid back. Note: The videos refer to the UK monetary and banking system, some explanations don't apply to other banking systems, e.g. the reserve ratio. 2012 Level: leicht Misconceptions around Banking - Banking 101 (Part 1 of 6)   Positive Money Was ist Deflation, was sind deren Ursachen und wirtschaftliche Folgen? Das Video „Deflation einfach erklärt“ liefert erste Erklärungen. 2012 Level: leicht Deflation einfach erklärt   explainity Banking 101 is a series of 6 short videos that ask the following questions: How do banks work and how is money created? Is reveals common misunderstandings of money creation and the role of banks. Furthermore, the videos show how models taught in many introductory classes to economics (Econ 101) do not reflect those processes: Part 1) “Misconceptions around Banking” questions common comprehensions of how banks work (savings = investments). Part 2) “What's wrong with the money multiplier” states that the model of the money multiplies is inaccurate. Part 3) “How is money really made by banks” explains the process of money creation, loans and inter-bank settlement. Part 4) “How much money banks create?” asks what limits the money creation by banks and presents the difference between reserve ratio, liquidity ration, equity and refers to the inter-bank market. Part 5) Explores the question if banks create money or just credit and especially refers to credit risks. Part 6) Explains how money gets destroyed when loans are paid back. Note: The videos refer to the UK monetary and banking system, some explanations don't apply to other banking systems, e.g. the reserve ratio. 2012 Level: leicht What's wrong with the money multiplier? - Banking 101 (Part 2 of 6)   Positive Money The video presents different ways of how to measure the money supply and thereby explains the differences between M0, M1 and M2. 2012 Level: leicht Money supply: M0, M1, and M2 | The monetary system   Khan Academy Banking 101 is a series of 6 short videos that ask the following questions: How do banks work and how is money created? Is reveals common misunderstandings of money creation and the role of banks. Furthermore, the videos show how models taught in many introductory classes to economics (Econ 101) do not reflect those processes: Part 1) “Misconceptions around Banking” questions common comprehensions of how banks work (savings = investments). Part 2) “What's wrong with the money multiplier” states that the model of the money multiplies is inaccurate. Part 3) “How is money really made by banks” explains the process of money creation, loans and inter-bank settlement. Part 4) “How much money banks create?” asks what limits the money creation by banks and presents the difference between reserve ratio, liquidity ration, equity and refers to the inter-bank market. Part 5) Explores the question if banks create money or just credit and especially refers to credit risks. Part 6) Explains how money gets destroyed when loans are paid back. Note: The videos refer to the UK monetary and banking system, some explanations don't apply to other banking systems, e.g. the reserve ratio. 2012 Level: leicht How much money can banks create - Banking 101 (Part 4 of 6)   Positive Money The author identifies three principal economic phenomena, which are explained: long run productivity growth as the central driver of increasing economic activity, short-term and long-term debt cycles. The latter two are explained to some detailed with reference to money creation, central banking and long term crisis tendencies. With regards to the long run debt cycle, which leads into deleveraging and recession, some policy measures which can smoothen the crisis are discussed. 2013 Level: leicht How The Economic Machine Works Ray Dalio Bridgewater Associates Anne-Kathrin Krug gibt eine Einführung in die marxistische Analyse der kapitalistischen Produktion und erläutert dabei Begriffe wie Arbeit, Ware oder Wert. Anschließend erläutert sie Marx Krisenzyklustheorie. Dabei stellt sie den Fall der Profitrate als mögliche Erklärung von Krisen dar, zeigt aber auch, dass es gegenläufige Tendenzen gibt. Weiter Themen des Vortrages sind Unterkonsumption und Möglichkeiten von Krisen (Produktions-, Handelskrisen und Geldkrisen). 2015 Level: leicht Marxsche Krisentheorie Anne-Kathrin Krug Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik Ausgehend von Keynes Werk "Allgemeine Theorie der Beschäftigung, des Zinses und des Gelds" erläutert Dirk Ehnts die Grundzüge der Keynesianischen Wirtschaftstheorie und insbesondere die Unterschiede zu neoklassischen Annahmen und Modellen. Anschließend geht er auf den Post-Keynesianismus ein: Welcher Konsens und Dissens besteht unter Post-Keynesianern und welche sind die Sternstunden der Theorieschule? Kernthemen des Vortrags sind Geldkreislauf, Staatsverschuldung und Kredite. 2015 Level: leicht Post-Keynesianismus (Eine sehr kurze Einführung) Dirk Ehnts Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik Jospeh Huber diskutiert zunächst zwei unterschiedliche Kreislaufsysteme von Geld von Privatbanken und Zentralbankgeld. Dann erläutert er, wie Geldschöpfung auf der Ausweitung der Bilanzen von Banken, also Schulden, basiert und somit zu Vermögensinflation, Blasen, Finanzkrise, Schuldenkrisen und einer Umverteilung von Realgütern von Arbeit zu Kapital führt. Nach Huber würden diese Probleme verschwinden, wenn Geldschöpfung Zentralbanken vorbehalten wäre und über den Staat in den Geldkreislauf gebracht würde. In den letzten 45 Minuten der Vorlesung werden Fragen aus dem Publikum beantwortet. 2014 Level: mittel Vom Giralgeld zu Vollgeld Joseph Huber Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik Peter Spahn beginnt mit einer Übersicht verschiedener Geldtheorien. Er geht dabei auf die Merkantilisten und ihren Fokus auf Reserven und Gold ein, der jedoch nicht einem Fetischismus geschuldet war, sondern der Wichtigkeit von Edelmetallen als Bankreserve und dadurch als Kondition für die Schöpfung von Bankkredit galt. Danach werden die klassische Theorie und insbesondere die Quantitätsgleichung und aus dieser folgende theoretische Ableitungen vorgestellt. In der Neoklassik wird Geld als Mittel zur Minimierung von Transaktions- und Informationskosten angesehen bzw. als Alternative zum Auktionator bei Walras. Aus Postkeynesanischer Sicht und aus der soziologischen Perspektive wird auf die Effekte einer Geldwirtschaft eingegangen, sowie auf die Bedeutung von Vertrauen und die institutionelle Knappheit des Geldes. Zum Schluss wird die aktuelle Geldpolitik der EZB problematisiert. 2013 Level: mittel Die Geldtheorien verschiedener Schulen Peter Spahn Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik Die Vorlesung präsentiert zunächst grundlegende Konzepte der Evolutionären Ökonomik, wie den Fokus auf Wandel, das naturalistische, aber nicht reduktionistische Konzept von Menschen und sozialen Institutionen sowie die zentralen Elemente der historischen Zeit, Unsicherheit und Wissen. Anschließend wird das Konzept der Ko-evolution auf verschiedenen interdependenten Ebenen präsentiert. Es wird betont, dass es nicht reduktionistisch ist, da die kulturelle Ebene z.B. die biologische beeinflussen kann. Im Anschluss werden verhaltenswissenschaftliche und neurale Einsichten gegeben. Die Vorlesung schließt mit einer Diskussion ab, die die Bedeutung von Statussymbolen diskutiert (mit Bezug zu Smith und Veblen) und Empfehlungen an die Ökonomik als Wissenschaft gibt, um wieder an Bedeutung zu gewinnen. 2012 Level: leicht Evolutionsökonomik Carsten Herrmann-Pillath Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik The page "Positive Money" gathers text and short videos which explain how money is created by banks by giving loans. It furthermore presents the consequences of this process on housing prices, inequality and the environment and its role in the financial crisis. The dossier is provided by the campaign "Positive Money" which aims at a democratic control over money creation. Besides texts by the campaign, the page makes available links to journal and conference articles on the topic. The page focuses on the banking system of the UK. Level: leicht Positive Money   Positive Money This dossier gives an overview of the functions and the nature of money. The concept of Islamic finance is briefly explored, too. 2015 Level: leicht The Nature of Money Lena Rethel I-PEEL John K. Galbraith recounts episodes in the history of money such as the creation of the bank of Amsterdam, John Law's fraudulent Bank Royal, the inception of the Bank of England and of the Federal Reserve to illustrate concepts such as money creation by commercial banks, the bank rate, open market operations or the money supply in general. The emotions, myths and struggles surrounding money are addressed and explained in a clear and consistent manner. 1977 Level: leicht The Age of Uncertainty Episode 6 The Rise and Fall of Money John Kenneth Galbraith BBC, CBC, KCET and OECA In this radio program, the anthropologist David Graeber, explores the history of debt in (currently) 12 episodes. The program is based on his book Debt: The First 5000 Years. First, Graeber asks the questions of how debt and money are characterized, which meaning and roles they had in different historic episodes and how they were interrelated. In the most recent episodes, Graeber elaborates on how debt shaped society. He argues that debt had a different moral status in different times of history, one session analyses the current financial and economic crisis and the role of credit in this historical context. Level: leicht Promises, Promises: A history of debt David Graeber BBC Radio 4 What is money and how is it used? After answering these questions, Dirk Bezemer analyses how finance can be dysfunctional for the real economy. 2016 Level: leicht When is Finance Bloated and Dysfunctional? Dirk Bezemer Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik How has financialisation changed saving What are its implications on a macro economic level and from a welfare state perspective Craig Berry I PEEL 2017 Level: leicht Saving Craig Berry I-PEEL The lectures were given by Steve Keen at the Exploring Economics Summer Academy 2017 in the workshop on Post Keynesian Economics The first lectures start with the role of money in a monetary economy and explain the macroeconomic significance of admitting the reality that banks create money The lectures continue … 2017 Level: schwer Exploring Economics 2017 Lectures Steve Keen ProfSteveKeen Die Modern Monetary Theory (kurz: MMT, dt: moderne Geldtheorie) ist eine geldtheoretische und makroökonomische Denkschule, bei der es hauptsächlich um die Analyse des Geld- und Kreditsystems und insbesondere um die Frage der Kreditschöpfung geht. 2017 Level: leicht Modern Monetary Theory Nathalie Freitag Exploring Economics This lecture by Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hein is part of the Introductory Lectures on Heterodox Economics at the 20th FMM Conference in 2016. It gives a good overview about where Post-Keynesian Economics can be located and what it is all about. 2016 Level: mittel Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics Eckhard Hein IMK Based on Modern Money Theory (MMT), Stephanie Kelton compares the cryptocurrency to the fiat money system (or simply what we have today). 2017 Level: leicht Cryptocurrency and Fiat Money Stephanie Kelton YouTube This article investigates the set up of the CFA franc zones, its ties to French neocolonialism and its ability to further breed dependency in the former colonies. 2018 Level: leicht The CFA Franc Zones: Neocolonialism and Dependency Mariamawit Tadesse Economic Questions Andreas Siemoneit zu den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer sozialen Utopie. „Man kann Marktwirtschaft und Kapitalismus deutlich voneinander abgrenzen und Marktwirtschaft als eine noch nicht realisierte soziale Utopie betrachten…“ 2018 Level: leicht Kapitalistische Wachstumszwänge mit Marktwirtschaft überwinden – Zu den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer sozialen Utopie Andreas Siemoneit & Oliver Richters Ringvorlesung zur Postwachstumsökonomie und Werkstatt Zukunft Approaching the law of nature that determines all forms of economy. The bulk of economic theory addresses the economic process by setting out on a catalogue of aspects, seeking the laws in the aspects and hoping to get together a reliable view of the whole. 2019 Level: mittel Economic theory, methodology, and secure foundations Dr. Alec A. Schaerer Exploring Economics In this article, Perry Mehrling, a professor of economics at Barnard College, presents and discusses three theories of banking which are guiding bank regulation. These are credit creation theory, fractional reserve theory and debt intermediation theory. 2016 Level: mittel Central Bank theories of Banking and Money Perry Mehrling www.perrymehrling.com Prof. Robert Guttmann looks at the current transformation of the international world order through the lenses of global money and finance. 2019 Level: mittel Multipolar Capitalism Robert Guttmann Instituto de Economia da Unicamp Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is a school of monetary and macroeconomic thought that focuses on the analysis of the monetary and credit system, and in particular on the question of credit creation by the state. 2020 Level: leicht Modern Monetary Theory Nathalie Freitag Exploring Economics


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