Why it's time for 'Doughnut Economics'

Kate Raworth
TEDx, 2014
Level: leicht
Perspektive: Diverse
Thema: Reflexion der Ökonomik
Format: Vortrag / Vorlesung
Dauer: 00:16:52
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BHOflzxPjI

Kate Raworth gives a crash course in economics with a twist. Find out yourself what the diagram of households and firms does not show:

  1. The economy is embedded in the environment.
  2. Unpaid caring work is almost completely ignored by economics.
  3. A lot of value created is not monetarized or measured in GDP.
  4. For a lot of people, wages stagnate. Power is missing in the analysis.

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