Wir brauchen eine kritische Wirtschaftswissenschaft - mehr denn je! Mit Exploring Economics stärken wir alternative ökonomische Ansätze und setzen der Mainstream-VWL ein kritisches und plurales Verständnis von ökonomischer Bildung entgegen. Außerdem liefern wir Hintergrundanalysen zu akuellen ökonomischen Debatten, um einen kritischen Wirtschaftsdiskurs zu stärken.
Doch leider geht uns das Geld aus, um unsere Arbeit fortzusetzen.
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Wir sind ein eingetragener, gemeinnütziger Verein | Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V. | IBAN: DE91 4306 0967 6037 9737 00 | SWIFT-BIC: GENODEM1GLS | Impressum
Human Rights Economics strives for an economic system that is just for people and respectful of the planet, that promotes social and economic justice, that integrates a plurality of views and traditions and that is human rights-consistent in both its processes and outcomes. It posits that economics is blind with respect to the experiences of groups and individuals who are not represented at the policy-making table, and seeks to expose and prevent exploitation, dominance and abuses of power – including those that stem from national and international economic structures.
This article follows the structure that Exploring Economics adopts to present different perspectives of economics. It presents Human Rights Economics’ Core Elements, political goals, analytical framework and normative foundations and its relation to other fields of economics. It also sets out ways that Human Rights Economics can be applied in practice.