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Exploring Economics collects course descriptions, syllabi and slides so that lecturers can share ressources and innovate their teaching.
This syllabus was originally taught at University of Vienna of University of Economics and Business Summer Semester 2019.
Instructor: Alyssa Schneebaum
This course introduces students to the relevance of gender relations in economics as a discipline and in economic processes and outcomes.
The course covers three main components of gender in economics and the economy: (1) the gendered nature of the construction and reproduction of economic theory and thought; (2) the relevance and role of gender in economic decision-making; and (3) differences in economic outcomes based on gender. We will touch on the relevance of gender and gender relations in at least each of the following topics: economic theory; the history of economic thought; human capital accumulation; labor market discrimination; macroeconomic policy, including gender budgeting; household economics; basic econometrics; and economic crises. Along with mastering the content of the class, students will be encouraged to develop their general academic skills. On the first day of class, the instructor will review the most important aspects of academic writing. A central goal of the course is for students to develop their critical thinking and writing skills, and their ability to present their (written and verbal) academic work in a clear, convincing, and appropriate fashion. These goals will be highlighted throughout the course, and students will be graded in part on their improvement in this regard. The response papers are the best means for students to practice honing their academic thinking and writing skills. The class will meet once per week. Students are required to attend class. Class meetings will consist of lectures by the instructor, short readings, videos, class discussion, and group work. This course provides a thorough overview of the state of research and central issues in economic analyses of gender. The students will develop an understanding of the basic relationships between economics and gender relations, and the (re)production of these relationships. Students are encouraged to think independently about how gender works and matters in economic processes and outcomes.
Attendance and participation are an important part of the course. Participation points will be distributed immediately following class. Students are responsible for all course material, even if they have missed a class. Twice in the semester, students should briefly and informally share with the class something that they have come across that is relevant for the class. This can be a song, a newspaper article, a viral tweet, a political campaign, a video... honestly, whatever. The main idea is that you explain how this thing is connected to concepts and ideas we are discussing in the course and how you understand this thing differently now that you are taking the course.
Students can write three response papers to weekly readings throughout the semester. The reading for each class should be completed before the class meets. A response paper on a particular reading is due on the day that we discuss the reading in class (the day it is listed below). Response papers must be submitted in class. No late assignments will be accepted for any reason. If your essays run longer than one piece of paper (which they should not), please make the world a better place by stapling your pages together.Here is the grading system for response papers. They should:
Students will write individual essays in which they reflect on their own education in economics. The essay should explain a concept or model that the student has learned in another economics class, and then extend, edit, and/or respecify the concept or model to more adequately account for gender relations. There are no formal requirements regarding the length of this essay. Papers of differing lengths can be equally good! Remember to make each paragraph, each sentence, and each word contribute to your argument. The essay should include reference to academic literature.
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