Government - investor, risk-taker, innovator

Mariana Mazzucato
Ted Talks, 2013
Level: leicht
Perspektive: Evolutionsökonomik
Thema: (Post-)Wachstum, Institutionen, Regierungen & Politik, Mikroökonomie & Märkte
Format: Vortrag / Vorlesung
Dauer: 00:14:05

In this Ted Talk, Mariana Mazzucato argues against the juxtaposition of the state and entrepreneurial activities. By presenting examples of her research on the relation between innovation and (inclusive) growth, she shows how many innovations were led by states' initiatives. Mazzucato confronts the liberal narrative of the a state that merely provides the frame for the market.

Go to: Government - investor, risk-taker, innovator


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