How to promote alternative macroeconomic ideas: Are there limits to running with the (mainstream) pack?

Sebastian Dullien
IMK, 2016
Level: leicht
Perspektive: Postkeynesianismus
Thema: Reflexion der Ökonomik
Format: Vortrag / Vorlesung
Dauer: 00:23:58

The first keynote speech was given by Sebastian Dullien, current spokesperson of FMM and who is one of the most well-known German economists in applied European economics and a very active contributor to the pluralist debate. Sebastian discusses the strategy of “running with the pack” by using orthodox methods to disseminate pluralist economics and politics. Referring to diverse examples Sebastian addresses the pros and cons of “running with the pack” and proposes alternative approaches to achieve more pluralism in economics.

Go to: How to promote alternative macroeconomic ideas: Are there limits to running with the (mainstream) pack?


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