Understanding the transformation of Economics through the history of JEL codes

Beatrice Cherrier
Lecture series at the Ruhr-University Bochum, 2017
Level: leicht
Perspektive: Diverse
Thema: Sonstiges, Reflexion der Ökonomik
Format: Vortrag / Vorlesung
Dauer: 01:14:24
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgKFvfv1Kog

In this lecture, Beatrice Cherrier explains why it is worth to research the history of JEL codes. 

Beatrice Cherrier is a French historian of economics. In Bochum, she tracks the changing relationship between theory and application, and the rise and death of new economic topics in the XXth century through the successive revisions of the classification system economists use to publish, recruit and navigate their discipline.

From an outside perspective of a historian, she is able to show a picture of economics as a whole and it is interesting to see how the emphasis of the discipline of economics has changed over the time.

Go to: Understanding the transformation of Economics through the history of JEL codes


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